Wednesday, July 30, 2014

star trek series

Star trek telshair
A telshiar unit probes the zyindi
"Pike "
The enterprise probe left over mines form the romulin war
"Target Spock"
A love. Interest for  Spock is a trap.
"Replacement "
Picard tries to find a sleper cell inside star fleet following nemesis
"Worm hole"
A plot to destroy the wormhole
"Marques "
A plot to divide and conquer by making the cardesian situation worse
star trek academy
David Rodgers must protect teranna from a rogue telshiar unit.
"Sleeping "
Plot the frontier find a romulin sleeper ship.the crew has a ship wide dance
"Particle z"
An x telshiar agent is recruited to help the Kepler find a bizare element.
"Q trial "
Zefren cocren put on trial by q
"Apartment q"
A q sitcom
"Enterprise q"
Q pretends to an officer on Enterprise nx 01.
Plot a rouge q pretends to be a Klingon and start a war between the two .
"Q temple "
When q enters the wormhole it causes trouble with the wormhole aliens
Star fleet academy
"Secret world "
Star fleet  cadets discover evidence of a secret base inside earth and a link to the preservers.
" tallos four "
Christine pike suffers form a bizare illness and must take her to her home planet.they come against raiders as well. "
"Borg connection"
 Cadets discovers a bizarre plot against earth
The cadet visit cardesia prime
The federation vessel intreped is attacked by cardesian
"Life or death"
Kirk is attacks by a cardesian
Tellos 4
"Mind trap"
The keeper tries to lure the enterprise into the fellow star group
The Klingons try to destroy telos 4

Star trek underworld
When vampires take over a federation starship a vampire leader tries to attack the federation pike enlist the help of vampire death dealer saline
"Star trek impossible "
Kirk must stop a plot by a rogue augment to change history.a crossover wit mission impossible
" Agenda "
An alien female takes over a Klingon fleet
"Non judgement day"
Captain Lt stone must get to a. Planet that is dealing with an unfulfilled phophicy
Captain fitzpatrick deals with a rougue Klingon ship
Captain garivic must deal with Dr Emory Erickson transporter tecknology.
Star trek new enterprise
The enterprise rescues a young women.
"Star trek surek"
The sure saves earth in the past
Surek and a crew go out in space.

Monday, July 28, 2014

star trek romance

Vulcan -human
After star trek nemesis
Star fleet cadets.
Plot.the story of a Vulcan and a human who fall in love at star fleet command.
Human - Klingon
Setting after star trek into darkness
A Klingon lone survivor is rescued by u.s.s Coventry. a young officer is smitten by her. There are many unanswered questions.
Klingon spy and a human
Set during the original series.
A. Spy pretends to be the wife of an admiral in order to infiltrate star fleet command .
Human - Klingon Vulcan hybred
A human falls in love with a vulcan Klingon and must adjust to the quirky family.
Cardesian bajoren
After nemesis
Two cadets a bojoen and cardesian deal with the ocupation and there feelings for each other after a speed date.
"Human vorta"
A star fleet oficer and a vorta fall in love during the war .
Set during the. Dominion war.
"Star fleet marques "
A star fleet officer is asked. To recuirt his x wife a marques now in prison to locate a secret marques base.
Set during the dominion war
Admiral aid
An admiral falls in love with his aid who is very young.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

star trek misc

Star trek preserver
The. Frontier discovers clues to the. Whereabouts of the preserver
" New outpost"
Portel discovers a another of. His kind
"Section 31'
Katie must stop her sister or kill her
"Star trek the good praetor "
Captian keler must transport a Pro consul miret to Romulus following nemesis
"Star trek gods and nihilist
Keller and coretez team up as an asana general clams to been to heaven and is a. Meshiah
 Admiral sulivan must take on the. Asana. Anne. The jiranndra.
 How Keller met terana
"Big hazard"
Ben story of how. He became bio hazerd Ben
Brad and Kathy see each other at mall
Star trek "fluid"
The. Universe is losing cohesion and is about to collapse.the only one who can save is a retired admiral who was badly damaged and living on Romulus.
Star trek asteroid
Admiral mason coping with grieef must save earth
Murcy one
A medical facility is depicted
Admiral must team up with an x
Star trek kirk children.
Star trek
A Klingon ship is taking over by a mine controlling female who wants to start a war .
Planetary servey
Intergalactic police
Planet crops science survey
Earth vrs vampires
A star fleet captain who roomulin wife was. Injured goes on who after serving on Romulus
Romulin acedemy
Romulin empire now a federation memeber a boy in a roomulib acedemy is depicted,
Star trek herizon
Keller meet camerila
Brad vanishes
"Thallon "
Brad and Andrew end up near thaloniann space.
Bio hazard Ben
"Star trek preserver "
Episode two "last last outpost ?"
The frontier discovers another t'kon base and discovers a female portel but portal suspects that all is not well. While they discover a threat to the area.

star trek klingon

One "enterprise "
Plot the story of. Klang uncoverd the suliban plot.
Plot kirk investigates the attack on sarek and dissocvers a plot by blue colar Klingon
"Time of borg"
Duras tries to ambush gowlron while he heads to aid star fleet in there battle with the Borg.
Captain knera defies klingon orders too save his human wife
"Order "
When clereks seize the Klingon empire Dave and Tirana are. Called in to aceas the situation.

star trek alternate universe

Star trek  enterprise "accidentally"
 A man and wife jouney into an alternate universe but do not know it.
"Hundred years later"
A century after earth was destroyed by thee zindi, the insectoids find the human remnant while the planet is unstable.
"Jack of all trades"
What if jack crusher commanded the enterprise d
Star trek deep space 9
Star trek voyager
Janeway questions her decision not to destroy the caretakers array.
Star trek orion war
What if the. Orion became a power though out the galaxsy.
"Sate hood"
What if thee marques was able. To become independent .a frien. Of dax purposes it

"Post Apocalypse"
 The federation tries to rebuild after the Borg decimate the galxsy.
"Captain decker"
Decker takes over the enterprise
"New frontier"
In an alternate time line where shaalby became captain of the USS Excalibur.the thalonian empire died not fall.after. thalon is. Destroyed  chaos ensues.
"Love in odd places"
Shalby court marshalled ends up in prison with callhoon a. Master terorrist.
Star trek Klingon star fleet
A n alternative history of a Klingon star fleet where Klingon became peace full
Star fleet without humans
No first contact bad. Guys
"New earth"
As humans leave ceti alpha 6 khan nonian sign has his own plans,
"Klingon conection"
The Klingons plot to attack humanity.
"Asana war"
Jack must stop a roligious political empire

star trek time travel

Star trek enterprise
 Plot in the twenty first century a groups of friends are targeted .
"Batman "
The joker seizes control of the enterprise.
" Domsday"
 A scientist attempts to restart the doomsday leads to a chain of events that disrupts the time line.
A story based in the sanctuary district
 Voyager is sent into the past where they are hunted.the voyager must find a way back without altering. The time line.

Friday, July 18, 2014

star trek borg

Episode one "account "
A scientific reporter investigates the drone attacks and find a discovery.

" invasion"
Plot in a alternative universe, the. Borg attacks kirk time line.

"Drone ship"
Sisco and Shelby test out an experimental vessel to fight the norg.

"Drone ship 2"
Plot Shelby and sisco discover the drone ship.

"Lost planet"
USS rightgious investigates one of the first planets assimilated by the Borg.

women of star trek

One "maneater"
The intrepid is attacked by a ship that fires weapons that target male d.n.a

Two"origins "
Plot.the story of the Athena first mission under mia bolt.
"Into gamma"
Cash takes the frontier into the gamma quadrant in order to find the preservers.

 The story of Delta quadrant federation.

In the st 09 universe adventures of Janice lester.
"S 202"
A combat unit during the dominion war
 "Animate "
A animae style story with captian and first officer
"Shopping "
A group of student at a mall with strange results.
"Kepler "
Plot. The USS Kepler a science vessel explores various scientific discoveries
"Mercy one"
A hospital base is depicted
"Last last out post "
Portal discovers a t'kon outpost in the. Game qudrent and a female gaurdien.
"Throne "
The frontier is attacked by hibicien.
"Drones "
The crew discovers a planet of automitones
The world of trible training
"Romulin "
A romulun crew defects in order to stop a masicure

Thursday, July 17, 2014

star trek Athena episode guide

star trek Athena

An origin story for mia bolt and the crew of the Athena.the federation and Klingon empire are nearing war.mia an expert in deep  space is recruited to join star fleet.

"Intergalactic police"
Plot USS Taiwan is detained by a quasi legal group that bekeeves its job is to enforce interstellar law. The Athena is sent on a rescue mission.

"Forest "
Plot Megan shall is standard on a remote planet with a young girl,.they are hunted .

Episode one "mission of mercy"
 Plot the Athena goes into Klingon space to aid a colony infected by a bizarre plague .

"Episode two "echo one"
The Athena is forced to make repairs on a non aligned station.

" inversion"
In the mirror universe mia bolt seizes control of the imperial scout ship Athena sparking a man hunt form her. A power struggle ensues among several key commanders.

"Holy war"
Plot a famous con artist claims to have found an artifact important to several species. Mia enlist the help of harry mud to help.

The Athena is ambushed after responding to a distress of the would hijackers is a male version of herself.

"Slave " non trek
Plot mia a slave esapes from her master and goes after a powerful substance .

The Athena joins a fleet headed by bob Wesley to country an attack on a remote colony. The two clash.

The Athena must escort an athlete to the universe games but someone does not want her to make it there .

 The Athena must stop drug traffickers form using a remote area if federation space to transport drugs.

"Vampire "
The Athena are attacked by vampires .
A ship that atacks ship and turns crew into automatons. thee Athena must stop it and stay alive.
"Pax romana"
First Tyler is attacked then others. Mia must uncover who is behind it. It has ties to earth past before first contact.
Mia squares of with a cunning female commander.
"Old and new wounds "
The arena is assigned to the world where tracy grew up to evaluate there petition to join the federation.then Tracy shows go and the crew suspect she is up to something.
The Athena must take on a female prisoner and. Escort her to a. Prison planet but the crew begins to have doubts.
Mia wakes. Us in a mental hospital in modern earth and told her mission was a delusion
"Rihansu "
Plot. While on leave,Lucy is captured by the Romulans and taken to Romulus. Mia and the Cassandra attempts a rescue mission while trying to get information on why they wanted her.
"Cross hairs"
Plot when an alterien transport is shot down by rogue Klingons tensions rise. The cadandra try to get the truth.
Plot the crew of a vessel that vanished shows up including Niles pregnant wife but what happened to them.
"Lightning "
The crew are attacked by humanoid lightning creatures
"Too many mias"
When a an asteroid crashes into a super Nova the soaace time comtium is disrupted and mia form different universes appear all over the quadrant.