Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Star wars the universe

A long time ago
In a galxsy far away.
Penal facility tandro five
Imperiel patrol
"We have incoming!" a science officer said. "Scan the vessel!"admiral zander ordered. "Vessel is supply vessel. It is the supply ship crinder. "The science officer reported. "The crinder is an approved vessel!" the  records officer said.
"Today is a day set aide for supplies!"another officer said. The admiral could not put his finger on it but something did not feel right. Everything checked out.
"Release the shield. Give them clearance to enter. Keep a close eye on him. Anything out of the ordinary! I want it reported. "The admiral ordered.
The science officer released the shiield. "You are cleared crinder!" the comm officer said.
The crinder
"We have been cleared to enter !"one of the crewmembers reported. "The shield is down. " another tech announced. "Take us in. Nice and slow!" the commander said. The supply ship entered the field. As soo. As they were inside the shields, the shield was reactivated.
"We are inside the shield !" the person in charge of the computer said. "Lets follow poetical to The letter!No deviation. Well for now!"the man in charge said. The crew laughed.
The supply ship headed for the prison base. The ship went to the airlock. "Begin docking procedures."the commander ordered.a moring came
Out. "We are connected !" the pilot said. "Great!" the commander said.
"Ok let's do this!" the commander suggested.
The officers began to transport the supplies from the ship to the cargo area. The cargo deck supervisor went over to the work crew.  "Where is. Your paper work?"the deck officer asked.
"I already filled it with the ministery of correction division of procurement. I thought that was sufficient!" the commander said.
"Imperial order 572 mandates all cargo ship at prison base to submit paperwork before off loading cargo. "The deck officer said.
"I will be sure to follow poetical next time!" the ships commander declared.  "This is highly irregular!" the deck officer proclaimed. "I am not taking the cargo back !" the commander said.
"Can I inspect it?" the deck officer asked. "Be my guest!" the commander said. The Jr cargo personnel went over to the boxes.
The personnel went over to the boxes.they started to oppen them. Sudenly they started to feel odd. They started to faint. They began to freeze. The box contained a carbonate like glass. They were instantly frozen. The commander ordered the team to move out except for two that remained on the ship. They knew They had to act quickly. 
End of the prologue.

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