Monday, November 21, 2016

The growing relationship (Tim and Julia Nicole)

Julie Nicole Just graduated from an independent fundamental Baptist college. She had come home. There had been a spark of romantic interest between him and a man in the church ten years older then her.
Neither one had been  ready to admit there interest. Now she was 21 . Tim decided to ask her out. She accepted.  It had not ways been easy.there was pit falls. It was difficult at times. There were differences. They had different life experiences.  They saw things differently.Tim was more serious. Julie was more times it created conflict.
Despite the obstacles , it was working. They were growing closer together. They were learning how to interact with each other.  It was transforming from a crush to something more. Both of them began to feel that way.
Julie had some time before work.she decided to visit him. He had two business. He sold insurance.he also ran a used book store and antique store. One was a business to provide . the other was kinda of a monetized hobby as he called it.
He was aEither  used bookstore . she had never visited him at his work. She decided to surprise him. She liked to read. She might buy something.
She went inside. A customer had just cashed out. The customer left the establishment.
He heard the bell ring.he did not know who it was. He looked up. He saw that it was her. "Hey Jules." he said."hi I had a little time before I have to work. I figured I would come say hi. "She said.
"I am Glad you did. " Tim said. "This is the book store?" she asked. "It is. I am prety proud of's smal but I like it. "He said.
A customer came in.they had a list of books. He had all of them. The customer was happy.while He assisted the customers. After the customers left She brought a couple books to the front.
"Hey you can just have them. I won't charge you!"he said. "Oh no I am a paying customer. " she insisted."it is not about deal. They are a filthy cents a peace. " he said.
"That is why I am going to buy them. "She declared."your not backing down on this are you?"he asked. "No not a chance!"she said.
"We seam to be at a stand still!" he said.she chuckled."we seam to be. " she responded. " ok I know how to settle this !"he said.
He took her hand. They went to a wal. "A dart bored?"she said in a sceptical tone. He took out two darts. " closest to the bulls eye wins. You win you pay. I win it's on the house. " He said.
"Alright! " she said. He let her go first. She threw the dart. It almost hit the bullseye.he threw his,hers was closer.she ringed her hand and said yes.
"Your happy about paying ?" he said."it's a won't break the bank I promise."she said. They went to the cash register. "Can I give you my girlfriend discount?" he asked. "No I will pay full price. " she said. "That price is very arbitrary Jules."he said. "I hope this is not how you run the business !"she said in. Kiding tone. "Do you want your recept ?" he asked. "Yes I do!" she said. "You do know you are extremely silly?" he asked. "Yes I am!" she said.
He put in a bag and gave it to her. "I should be going."She said. "Come back again hunnie. " he said. "Count on it!"she said.
He walked her to the door. He hugged Her. They hugged her for a few minutes.  Then she left. He laughed then went back to work.
The next day he was at the insurance office. "You have a visitor. It is a young lady. She says she is your girlfriend. " the receptionist said. "Send Her in. "He said.
  She came in with a cooler. "You do know we are not oficialy dating?" Tim asked. "I know. I did not know what else to call myself " she said. "You could say your a friend?" he said.
"Oh! I am just a friend now! " she said. "Well!" he said . "you do know I brought you lunch. Including desert. " she said. "I am very appreciative. "He told Her. "No problem. Happy to do it.will your boss let you take lunch now?"she asked. "I think He might "he said.
He told his Secretary that he was on lunch. He took out the food. "Its chicken salid . it's the way you like it."She said.
He smiled. They held hands as they prayed. They then eat. They had a good time just hanging out. After they cleaned up. "Thank you I appreciate it. "He told her. "Don't get to use to it. "She said. He laughed."ok! I won't. "He said .
He walked her to her car. He hugged her. "I love you !"she said. She was afraid to tell him that. She knew He was not ready for things like that. "I don't doubt that at all. I know that's true. I love you."he said. She smiled. She got into her car.
To be continued.

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