Saturday, November 5, 2016

Stay at home mom and the late night drive part three

Tess was in her cell. Nothing made sense. The day had been prety normal. She and bead went to bef.she had no plans for a light night strowl.she was not known to sleep walk. Why was she in that car.
She heard some one was not the gourd but detective Morgan. "So soon!"Tess said.
"I am hear to spring you. "Detcective Morgan said."legally or illegally?"she asked.he opened the. Bar doors. "Legaly. I like you but not enough to blow my pension on. No offense. "The detective said.
"None taken. Is this of your odd jokes or am I relay free to go?"Tess asked. "Your free to go!"Morgan answered."I thought I was facing multiple charges including vahiculer manslaughter and hit and run. "She commented.
"You did not run over the man. It was not your car. You tested negative for alcohol. Although you were drugged."Morgan said.
"What kind of drug?" she asked. "It was created by the Soviets during the cold war. It has made it to the streets as a drug." Morgan said.
"I was drugged?"she asked. "Yes. You were outminute"The detective said. "Your sure I did not run over that man?"she asked. "Certain of it. "The detective answered.
Tess was able to change back into the cloths she wore when she was arrested. She saw her husband.she ran over and gave him s great big hug.
"Look I understand you probably want to go home and hang out With your kids. I really need to ask you a few questions. Brad can stay with you."Morgan said.
"Ok. Ask away detective. " Tess told the directive. "Thank you. Alright. Can you tell me about the day before your excursion. "The directive said.
"Well it was a normal day. I woke up when brad did. I made him breakfast and laid out his cloths for him. He left for work. " she said.
"I made breakfast for the kids.I nursed the baby. I helped the kids get set up for there home school. Then I had an unexpected visitor. " she said.
There was a knock at the door. Tess opened the door. It was her friend April.
"What is her full name?"the detective asked."April crane Dallas.I went to college with her. As far I knew she was living in indiana. Hear she was. "Tess said.
"April ? Its has been are you ?"Tess asked. "Doing good. I am on my way to a ladies retreet at green haven Baptist church. I figured I would stop by "she said.
"I an glad your hear.come on in. I have coffee on. Do you stil like cream and sugar. " Tess asked
"You know it. "April said. "How is Donald and the kids?" tes asked.she seemed skidish about the questions. "Good! You had another baby?" April said. "Yes ."tes said.
April seemed to change.she was calm when she arrived.something had changed."we chatted. Caught up on old times then she hit the road."Tess said.
"What time did she leave?"Morgan asked. "10:30!" he said. "Your sure?"he said. "Yes I am sure. I checked the time out of curiosity. "Could she have slipped the drug in your coffee?"Morgan asked."Yes I gues she could but she is one of my closest friends. "She said.
"What is the first rule of detective work?"he asked. "Never assume anything. "She said. " right. My second rule is always check a donut store if You pass by it. Something could have happened. If it checks out you can buy something. Don't want to waste a trip."the detective said.
"Very different from my rule two"she said. "Ok. After your friend left!"Morgan asked. "I nursed the baby. Checked with my kids on there schooling. Made lunch . had lunch With my kids. They went back to sxhol work. I did some work in my office. In the afternoon we had two man from a religious group .they did not give me anything. I don't accept there literature. I did some more work. Got ready for super then brad came home. We had family time put the kids to bed. We went to bed. Next thing I knew I was in a cell. " she said.
"The only person that could have slipped you the drug was  April. I a prety sure it was not the religious door to door solicitor.I am ruling out your kids and brad."the directive said. "Thank you.I appreciate that. "Brad said.
"I can't believe that she would do that. She is not like that. We were best friends at college. It can't be her."she said.
"I understand where your coming from but I am convinced that she had to 've said she was on her way to a bible conference."Morgan said.
"We are going to try to speak to you.right not we are just want to talk to her. ""Morgan said .
"Do toy think the drugging is connected to the hit and run?"she asked. "I don't know it does not appear that way but rule one. "The detective said.
After a while,the graves were permitted to leave. "Tessa bear I did not want to say anything in front of Morgan but who is this April? You have never mentioned her before."brad said.
"B what are you talking about? " she asked. "Tessi I have never heard about April. "He said. "She was my roommate at college during my freshman year. She was at out at our wedding. "She said.
"Tessi your roommate in your freshman year was amy Gorman. I have never heard of April morgen. " he said. "I have memories of her. Wait a minute! What's going on ?"she asked.
He took her to a hospital with a friend was a doctor. The friend was an expert on military uses for nocotics. She was given several test."
"Well your cat scan came out fine. Everything is fine.there are stil traces of the drug nicknamed control in your system. The drug makes you highly suggestive. The lady in questione was probably well trained in coercion activity. My guess she is x military. Did she seam to be American?"Dr.Warner asked.
"Yea she had a mid western accent.she sounded like a native speaker. "Tess said."This is not as unheard of as you might think. I know of many cases where people were given life stories and believed's scary ."Warner said.
"So how did April do it?"brad asked."the drug opens up a person to suggestion. I am guessing that the women you call April was trained in this. She gave you a lot of detail.she painted a picture. Your brain responded to the sugestion by fooling itself. Her picture had taken hold. You now believe it. "The Dr said.
They walked out of the hospital hand in hand. "Your real right? I really married you and have kids?"she said."no Tessi I am totally a figment of your imagination. "He said. "I wish your snoring was. "She said "I don't snore. "He said.
"That's something I would like to forgot. "She said. "Its sounds prety odd. I know this must be hard. I can't imagine trying to sort out what's real and what's not. I'm hear for you."he said. "You always have been. At least that how I remember it. "She said. "Oh Tess you can make me smile even in the hardest of situation . "he said.
They went home.she changed and they Sat on the couch.she held her baby.she watched the other kids play. She watched tv.
"We have learned that the victim if a hit and run two days ago has been identified as 45 year old Palestinian naturalized American citizen marwarn coreya . he moved to the United states in 1997. He was from a Palestinian Christian community. He attended a church made up of mostly middle eastern Christians. " the reporter Jessica Armstrong said.
"Wait I did a background check on that church. It came out of no where. The church seemed to keen more towards salvation by works not Grace alone.a kind of independent orthodox church. The church supported a palistinien sate and was a bit anti had no ties to terrorism. The group is not a cult it's just not mainstream Christianity. "She said.
"Oh no please don't tell me your going to end up in the Palestinian authority."he said.
"Your mom warned you about me. "Tess said. "She did" he said. "You should have listened to her. "Tess said. "Nah! What's the fun in that?"he said. He had his arm around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder.
Then the phone rang. She answered. It. It was detective Morgan. April never went to the church. They had no idea who she was. No one matching her description was there. They had no way to find her. The case appeared to be going cold.
End of part three

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