Tuesday, November 22, 2016

"Stay at home mom and the late night drive "part four

Tess was visited by an old friend. An old friend who seemed to have drugged her. Except that She was not her friend. She had never met her before . the drug left het highly suggestive. What was the reason?
" your telling me that April never existed? "Detective Morgan asked. "There was a women who passed herself off as April. The person never existed. " she told the detectives .
"Why would this women drug you?" detective Greer asked. "I don't know. Perhaps whoever ran over the Palestinian man is allied with the April women are connected. Perhaps not.it could be a coincidence. " tess said.
"We are stil working on locating April ! It could take some time. " detective Morgan said. "I figured as much. "Tess said.
The next day, Tess decided to do some informal  investigating . she really did not have any starring point except for one. The Palestinian Christian church.
The holly land community church was in the business district of the town. The church was once a strip mall. It was converted into a church.
She went to the front door.she saw a man she recognized as the pastor. "Frank" narvi was  a fairly tall man. He was very stately. He was born in the United state to. A Lebanese family who emigrated to the us before he was born. Frank owned a furniture store before he felt called to minister to his middle eastern brothers. Frank had been in the military as well.
"Pastor Frank."she said. "Tess is the association of independent fundamental Baptist churches taking a second look into my church?"he asked .
"No I am not representing the a.I.f.b today. I am hear as a private citizen. "Tess said. "How can I help you? " he asked. "I understand marwon corea to attended your church?" she asked."yes. He was a close friend of mine  as well as a key person in our congregation . his loss is felt by everyone " Frank said.
"Did he have any enemies?" she asked. "Marwon no! He was a kind and gente man. I can't. Beleve that someone who want to harm him. " Frank said.
"I understand that corea was a real estate broker?" she asked. "Yes it was a job for him but he did not love it. He was a thinker. He was not about money although he knew you have to work in order to eat. He was interested in solving problems. He wanted to start some kind of think tank to solve world problems.  He did not know how to start it. He had seemed to have abandoned it. " Frank said.
"Was he going to deal with the Israeli Palestinian crises?" she asked. "That was an issue he wanted to deal with of course. His heart was for Haiti."Frank said. "Haiti?"she asked. "Yes he made several visits there. He was involved in several missions trip there. He went right away after the 2010 earthquake. He had a heart for Haiti. " Frank said.
"When was his last trip to Haiti?"she asked. "He went last mounth. "He said. "Who did he go with?" she asked."hope for Haiti it is a non prophet group. It is made up of professionals ,doctors lawyers bussinesman etc. It is non religious. "He said.
Later that day.
"Hi hunnie! I have been baking. I got chocolate chip cookies. I made a pie it's blueberry. "Tess said. "No! Whenever you bake it's means you did something I would be less then excited about?" he remarked.
"I went to the holly land community church. "She said. " of course you did.what happened to I am going to have a low key day. I may not even leave the couch?"he asked.
"I have a potential lead. Corea ad real estate. It was not his thing. Apparently he wanted to solve issues around the world. He was concerned about Haiti. He was involved in a group of professionals who wanted to help Haiti.I am looking into it. "She said.
"Can't you just relax? Your not James bond or Jane bond. "He said. "I know. I can't just sit still. Me as just a house wife it would never work. Your mom warned you about me!"she said. "I know I remember. " he said.
There was a knock at the door. He went to the door. It was detective Morgan and another man.
"Its not her!"the other man said. "Excuse me!"brad asked. " a women calling herself tess graves was attending a bible conference in Connecticut. She was caught trying to steal some of the offering.she got away. She signed the guest book with this adres. "The Connecticut detective said.
"Your douple ganger claimed to be representing fundimentle world missions. She had the right credentials. "Morgan said.
"Let me gues April or whoever she is. "Tess said. "That would be my guess. " Morgan said. "This thing is just getting weirder and weirder. "Tess said.
End of part three.

Monday, November 21, 2016

The growing relationship (Tim and Julia Nicole)

Julie Nicole Just graduated from an independent fundamental Baptist college. She had come home. There had been a spark of romantic interest between him and a man in the church ten years older then her.
Neither one had been  ready to admit there interest. Now she was 21 . Tim decided to ask her out. She accepted.  It had not ways been easy.there was pit falls. It was difficult at times. There were differences. They had different life experiences.  They saw things differently.Tim was more serious. Julie was more bubbly.at times it created conflict.
Despite the obstacles , it was working. They were growing closer together. They were learning how to interact with each other.  It was transforming from a crush to something more. Both of them began to feel that way.
Julie had some time before work.she decided to visit him. He had two business. He sold insurance.he also ran a used book store and antique store. One was a business to provide . the other was kinda of a monetized hobby as he called it.
He was aEither  used bookstore . she had never visited him at his work. She decided to surprise him. She liked to read. She might buy something.
She went inside. A customer had just cashed out. The customer left the establishment.
He heard the bell ring.he did not know who it was. He looked up. He saw that it was her. "Hey Jules." he said."hi I had a little time before I have to work. I figured I would come say hi. "She said.
"I am Glad you did. " Tim said. "This is the book store?" she asked. "It is. I am prety proud of it.it's smal but I like it. "He said.
A customer came in.they had a list of books. He had all of them. The customer was happy.while He assisted the customers. After the customers left She brought a couple books to the front.
"Hey you can just have them. I won't charge you!"he said. "Oh no I am a paying customer. " she insisted."it is not about deal. They are a filthy cents a peace. " he said.
"That is why I am going to buy them. "She declared."your not backing down on this are you?"he asked. "No not a chance!"she said.
"We seam to be at a stand still!" he said.she chuckled."we seam to be. " she responded. " ok I know how to settle this !"he said.
He took her hand. They went to a wal. "A dart bored?"she said in a sceptical tone. He took out two darts. " closest to the bulls eye wins. You win you pay. I win it's on the house. " He said.
"Alright! " she said. He let her go first. She threw the dart. It almost hit the bullseye.he threw his,hers was closer.she ringed her hand and said yes.
"Your happy about paying ?" he said."it's a dollar.it won't break the bank I promise."she said. They went to the cash register. "Can I give you my girlfriend discount?" he asked. "No I will pay full price. " she said. "That price is very arbitrary Jules."he said. "I hope this is not how you run the business !"she said in. Kiding tone. "Do you want your recept ?" he asked. "Yes I do!" she said. "You do know you are extremely silly?" he asked. "Yes I am!" she said.
He put in a bag and gave it to her. "I should be going."She said. "Come back again hunnie. " he said. "Count on it!"she said.
He walked her to the door. He hugged Her. They hugged her for a few minutes.  Then she left. He laughed then went back to work.
The next day he was at the insurance office. "You have a visitor. It is a young lady. She says she is your girlfriend. " the receptionist said. "Send Her in. "He said.
  She came in with a cooler. "You do know we are not oficialy dating?" Tim asked. "I know. I did not know what else to call myself " she said. "You could say your a friend?" he said.
"Oh! I am just a friend now! " she said. "Well!" he said . "you do know I brought you lunch. Including desert. " she said. "I am very appreciative. "He told Her. "No problem. Happy to do it.will your boss let you take lunch now?"she asked. "I think He might "he said.
He told his Secretary that he was on lunch. He took out the food. "Its chicken salid . it's the way you like it."She said.
He smiled. They held hands as they prayed. They then eat. They had a good time just hanging out. After they cleaned up. "Thank you I appreciate it. "He told her. "Don't get to use to it. "She said. He laughed."ok! I won't. "He said .
He walked her to her car. He hugged her. "I love you !"she said. She was afraid to tell him that. She knew He was not ready for things like that. "I don't doubt that at all. I know that's true. I love you."he said. She smiled. She got into her car.
To be continued.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Stay at home mom and the late night drive part three

Tess was in her cell. Nothing made sense. The day had been prety normal. She and bead went to bef.she had no plans for a light night strowl.she was not known to sleep walk. Why was she in that car.
She heard some one coming.it was not the gourd but detective Morgan. "So soon!"Tess said.
"I am hear to spring you. "Detcective Morgan said."legally or illegally?"she asked.he opened the. Bar doors. "Legaly. I like you but not enough to blow my pension on. No offense. "The detective said.
"None taken. Is this of your odd jokes or am I relay free to go?"Tess asked. "Your free to go!"Morgan answered."I thought I was facing multiple charges including vahiculer manslaughter and hit and run. "She commented.
"You did not run over the man. It was not your car. You tested negative for alcohol. Although you were drugged."Morgan said.
"What kind of drug?" she asked. "It was created by the Soviets during the cold war. It has made it to the streets as a drug." Morgan said.
"I was drugged?"she asked. "Yes. You were outminute"The detective said. "Your sure I did not run over that man?"she asked. "Certain of it. "The detective answered.
Tess was able to change back into the cloths she wore when she was arrested. She saw her husband.she ran over and gave him s great big hug.
"Look I understand you probably want to go home and hang out With your kids. I really need to ask you a few questions. Brad can stay with you."Morgan said.
"Ok. Ask away detective. " Tess told the directive. "Thank you. Alright. Can you tell me about the day before your excursion. "The directive said.
"Well it was a normal day. I woke up when brad did. I made him breakfast and laid out his cloths for him. He left for work. " she said.
"I made breakfast for the kids.I nursed the baby. I helped the kids get set up for there home school. Then I had an unexpected visitor. " she said.
There was a knock at the door. Tess opened the door. It was her friend April.
"What is her full name?"the detective asked."April crane Dallas.I went to college with her. As far I knew she was living in indiana. Hear she was. "Tess said.
"April ? Its has been forever.how are you ?"Tess asked. "Doing good. I am on my way to a ladies retreet at green haven Baptist church. I figured I would stop by "she said.
"I an glad your hear.come on in. I have coffee on. Do you stil like cream and sugar. " Tess asked
"You know it. "April said. "How is Donald and the kids?" tes asked.she seemed skidish about the questions. "Good! You had another baby?" April said. "Yes ."tes said.
April seemed to change.she was calm when she arrived.something had changed."we chatted. Caught up on old times then she hit the road."Tess said.
"What time did she leave?"Morgan asked. "10:30!" he said. "Your sure?"he said. "Yes I am sure. I checked the time out of curiosity. "Could she have slipped the drug in your coffee?"Morgan asked."Yes I gues she could but she is one of my closest friends. "She said.
"What is the first rule of detective work?"he asked. "Never assume anything. "She said. " right. My second rule is always check a donut store if You pass by it. Something could have happened. If it checks out you can buy something. Don't want to waste a trip."the detective said.
"Very different from my rule two"she said. "Ok. After your friend left!"Morgan asked. "I nursed the baby. Checked with my kids on there schooling. Made lunch . had lunch With my kids. They went back to sxhol work. I did some work in my office. In the afternoon we had two man from a religious group .they did not give me anything. I don't accept there literature. I did some more work. Got ready for super then brad came home. We had family time put the kids to bed. We went to bed. Next thing I knew I was in a cell. " she said.
"The only person that could have slipped you the drug was  April. I a prety sure it was not the religious door to door solicitor.I am ruling out your kids and brad."the directive said. "Thank you.I appreciate that. "Brad said.
"I can't believe that she would do that. She is not like that. We were best friends at college. It can't be her."she said.
"I understand where your coming from but I am convinced that she had to 've involved.you said she was on her way to a bible conference."Morgan said.
"We are going to try to speak to you.right not we are just want to talk to her. ""Morgan said .
"Do toy think the drugging is connected to the hit and run?"she asked. "I don't know it does not appear that way but rule one. "The detective said.
After a while,the graves were permitted to leave. "Tessa bear I did not want to say anything in front of Morgan but who is this April? You have never mentioned her before."brad said.
"B what are you talking about? " she asked. "Tessi I have never heard about April. "He said. "She was my roommate at college during my freshman year. She was at out at our wedding. "She said.
"Tessi your roommate in your freshman year was amy Gorman. I have never heard of April morgen. " he said. "I have memories of her. Wait a minute! What's going on ?"she asked.
He took her to a hospital with a friend was a doctor. The friend was an expert on military uses for nocotics. She was given several test."
"Well your cat scan came out fine. Everything is fine.there are stil traces of the drug nicknamed control in your system. The drug makes you highly suggestive. The lady in questione was probably well trained in coercion activity. My guess she is x military. Did she seam to be American?"Dr.Warner asked.
"Yea she had a mid western accent.she sounded like a native speaker. "Tess said."This is not as unheard of as you might think. I know of many cases where people were given life stories and believed them.it's scary ."Warner said.
"So how did April do it?"brad asked."the drug opens up a person to suggestion. I am guessing that the women you call April was trained in this. She gave you a lot of detail.she painted a picture. Your brain responded to the sugestion by fooling itself. Her picture had taken hold. You now believe it. "The Dr said.
They walked out of the hospital hand in hand. "Your real right? I really married you and have kids?"she said."no Tessi I am totally a figment of your imagination. "He said. "I wish your snoring was. "She said "I don't snore. "He said.
"That's something I would like to forgot. "She said. "Its sounds prety odd. I know this must be hard. I can't imagine trying to sort out what's real and what's not. I'm hear for you."he said. "You always have been. At least that how I remember it. "She said. "Oh Tess you can make me smile even in the hardest of situation . "he said.
They went home.she changed and they Sat on the couch.she held her baby.she watched the other kids play. She watched tv.
"We have learned that the victim if a hit and run two days ago has been identified as 45 year old Palestinian naturalized American citizen marwarn coreya . he moved to the United states in 1997. He was from a Palestinian Christian community. He attended a church made up of mostly middle eastern Christians. " the reporter Jessica Armstrong said.
"Wait I did a background check on that church. It came out of no where. The church seemed to keen more towards salvation by works not Grace alone.a kind of independent orthodox church. The church supported a palistinien sate and was a bit anti Semitic.it had no ties to terrorism. The group is not a cult it's just not mainstream Christianity. "She said.
"Oh no please don't tell me your going to end up in the Palestinian authority."he said.
"Your mom warned you about me. "Tess said. "She did" he said. "You should have listened to her. "Tess said. "Nah! What's the fun in that?"he said. He had his arm around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder.
Then the phone rang. She answered. It. It was detective Morgan. April never went to the church. They had no idea who she was. No one matching her description was there. They had no way to find her. The case appeared to be going cold.
End of part three

Monday, October 31, 2016

Blind date part13

Matt was going to preach that Sunday night. He decided to on God's love for us. He was really excited to preach on it. The writing was just as encouraging as preaching it.
They decided to do a study date. Basicaly They hung out in the living room of his parents house. They just studied. They bearly spoke.
She was writing a paper. He was working on his surmon. She wore a green t shirt ,denim skirt and was barefoot. He occasionally asked her a Greek or Hebrew word.she almost always knew it. She asked him his fundmentilist interpretation.
"Jill says we are the weirdest couple. "She said. "I am fine being weird. "He said. She laughed.
They had studied for three and a half hours without saying a word to each other. "Mom says dinner will be ready in fithteen minutes. Oh mom says that your staying for dinner Abby."his sister Gracie said. "Ok thank your mom for me. "She told her.
He tried to get fithteen more minutes of studying. Abby took a peace of paper and made a paper airplane.she tried to hide it.s He fleew The plane into him. "Realy abb! This is study time!"he said. "We have studied for three and a half hours. We can pause for an air plane break. " she said.
"In that case!" she tried to send an air plane in her direction.her second plane collided with her. The two plag fell. "Missed me!"she said.
After dinner they sat on the steps. "You should come to the evening service on friday. Come and hear me preach. "He said. "Me at a fundy church. Won't I melt"? She asked. "No your not going to melt. You sure you won't came. "He asked.
"I don't know. I will think about it. No promises. " he told her. "Ok. I would love for you to come!"he told her.
On Sunday he started the service.he was sad that she was not there. He decided to start the service. Then he saw the door oppen. It Was Abby.he tried not  to smile too much . it was hard for him not to.
"We are told that God is love. It is part of his nature. He is one hundred percent love. His love does not cancell out his other attributes. "
"He is a God of order. That was why he gave the children of Israel such an intricate law. Some have asked why did God just not forgive Adam ad eve? He could not because of his holiness. His holiness defended sin be punished. That does not mean that God did not love humanity or Adam and eve"
"The first sin did not take the Lord by surprise. He knew that his prized creation would break his heart. Why did he create us? A theme of scripture is God is faithful even as man is not. I believe that the cross was on The mind of God from the beginning."
"The cross was not plan B.the criss was always plan A. We see love even hear in genesis three. He could have destroyed mankind right then and there. Lamentations says that it is by God's mercy that we are not consumed. "
"God could have destroyed mankind when they got so evil. He did not have to spare Noah and his family. His grace ,his unmerited favor. Noah did not earn this favor. He found Grace I the eyes of the Lord.we see Noah did not end well. Noah got drunk and he grandson saw him and acted inapropriatly. God was faithful to Noah despite his failure. "
"We see that Abraham was a recipient of God's grace. Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Abraham is called The friend of God. They had a close relationship. ".
"A question that is asked frequently is how can a loving God send people to he'll?why was the Lord so violent in The old testament. Why did he order the total destruction of the nearby nations? As I said earlier God is one hundred percent love but it is not his only attribute. He is one hundred percent holly. He is one hundred percent just. "
"Sin has been described as missing the mark. It is like a bullseye.anything less then hiring the Mark is off. God is the mark. He is the slandered.anything that is off is contrary to his nature. Romans 3:23.sin is agents his nature. He cannot tolerate sin. The children of Israel were to be a special people. They were God's chosen people. He did not want them influenced by the sinful ways. This seams harsh.we are told in genesis 13 that God delayed Abraham fully setiling in because the sin of the amorites was not at the point of punishments . they were given time to repent but They did not."
"Though God allowed Israel to go into exile ,he set it for seventy years. After he slowed them to return.he could have been done with Israel. He had never rescinded his promise to Abraham. He has made it clear that he will not rescind that promise.  "
"As we conclude tonight I want to make it clear that God is a God of love. It is a perfect love. It is an unselfish love. He is a consistent love. It is unchanging. "
"It is a love that is consistent with God's character. He does not just excuse our sins. If he excused our sin without the cross,it would not be consistent with all of his attributes.the cross satisfied all y He demands of his character. "
After the service he shock hands and greated people. The church people hoped that he would serve the Lord. During the last few years he started to get really involved in the church. He became his dad's right hand man. The church appreciated him. They felt he was called to be a pastor.
He hoped Abby would stay after.he feared She might sleek away. He wanted to talk to her.
After most everyone had left,he saw her. He hugged her. "You came?"he said. "I was always coming. I just wanted to surprise you. "She said. "I was hoping that you would come." he said.
He kissed her. That had not kissed sense the time a few days earlier. 'Are you supposed to do that?"she asked "probably not. "He said. They laughed. "By The way that time you kissed me. " she said. "Ok!" he said.
Later that night they Sat at the swings on the porch. "Is that how you see the lord? The way you described him tonight?"she asked.
"Yes absolutely. He is perfectly balanced but complete. He is love and holiness and justice. He is all those things. "He said.
"I have not seem him that way. I understand that he is love holly mercy I gues that I saw his holiness as a need for social justice.a need to feed the Hungary. There is more to it. "She said.
"There is. Feeding The Hungary is important. It is part of it. You cannot. Dismis that God is holly and any sin is an a front to his nature. Sin is a violation of who he is. It has to be covered."he said. "I get it now. It makes sense. " she said.
End of part 13

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Generation gaps (Tim and Julia Nicole)

Tim had been kept prety Buisy with both his businesses the rest of the week. He talked to Julie on the phone and texts but did not see her. He wanted to lay low for a bit. The post with the pics of her and him attracted attention form there church and there extended families. He did not like this attention. He laid low.
Julia missed seeing him. She guessed that he needed to catch His breath. She understood but missed him. He was very quiet and private.she's was fine with that. She did not understand it. She was very bubbly and social.she did not understand his need for privacy.she suspected he did not understand her need for community. 
It was friday night. He decided to end his self imposed exile and give her a call. "Hey stranger!"she said. "I m sorry Jules. I have been Buisy. "He told her.
"I figured. "She said. "Do you want to get together tomorrow.I Was thinking a picnic in Pelletier park."he suggested. "Sounds great!"she said.
"Is around one good?"he asked. "Sure. Do you like chicken said" she asked. "I do. "He said. "My one is more chicken then said."she told him. "Oh good. I love chicken salid but I defenently perfer if the chicken is dominant."he remarked."I defeinently thought that that was the case.  "She told him.
She really looked forward to seing him. She missed him. She hoped he missed her. She was not always able to read him.
"Do you want me to pick you up at your place?"he asked. "That's works. "She said. "I will see you then. "He told her. "Sounds good."she said.
She Was excited to see him. She wanted to spend time with him. She got the feeling that dinner with his sister was a bit over helming for him. He had been distant ever sense that night. For her that night brought her closer to him. She hoped that the picnic might cure the awkwardness.
She made sure she was ready for Tim . She wore a Gray shirt denim skirt and sandles . she hoped it would go well. She wanted to be close to him. She knew that they had a good life ahead but they just had to get over these hurdles.
She was ready for Tim. She ran on Tim time as she called it. She heard the car pull up. She smiled and went outside. She went to the pasinger's side.
"Hi there!"he said. "Hi "she said. She got in. "I missed you. It's good to see you you!"Julie said. "I have been prety Buisy the last few days. "He said "I understand. I am glad we can have today." she told him. "Me too. "He said.
They went to the park. He put the blanket down. They put the cooler down. They prayed and started to eat."this is great. "He said. "I got it the way you like it?"she asked. "Absolutly."he said. "Awesome"she replied.
"So are you and melisa the only ones in your family that are Christian?"She asked ."one other our youngest sister is saved. I was the first to be saved. I led missy to the Lord a year later. Olivia was a hold out. She was very unlikely to be saved. "He said.
"I have nit fully heard your full conversion story. "She said. "My farther was a business man. He was not anti religious just not religious. I was similar. I did not think about it. I live what else matters I thought. My roommate at college was a believer.he was not In your face but he made it clear who he was. We used to talk about things of God a lot. I began to questione. I started going to a smal church near campus. At first it was an add on for me. I thought I could add faith to my life. "
"As I learned more about God. Who he is. I realized that He will not share his diety with any one else. He must have The preeminence. The sinner question was difficult for me. I believed I was not perfect but I was not that bad. When I realized that God is holly and I am not. I was saved on a Sunday night on a very cold February night. "He said.
"Was it a very difficult discipleship?"she asked. "Yes it was.the people at hope Baptist church were very gracious." he said. 
"How did missy get saved?"she asked. "I changed dramatucally. I did not shout it from the roof top but my family could tell. Melisa and I had been very close. We talked frequently so it was not too surprising. For a while I was worried that Mayby her conversion was more to please me. She started attending gospel Baptist church. The people in the church invested in her. It really did take. My other sister was harder. She was very worldly. She was quite a deal younger. I was already long out if the house before she was at the age to really think about those things. We both noticed a change in her. She asked questioned. She finally got saved. We got her in a church that was started by a g.b.c member and she is married to a pastor now. "He said.
"How did your family react to this?"she asked. "We had been close .my mom and dad divorced when I was a freshman in college. My dad and I have always been close. My mom and I have not been as close. At first my dad was fine with it. He was taken aback when I became more and more serious about my Faith. When melisa got saved, he was not thrilled. He had a kind of libertarian view on religion. He was not keen on evangelizing. When missy accepted Christ he Was not thrilled but not surprised. When Olivia was saved, that was not cool .that caused a rift between us. We are not as close now"he said.
"I talked to your dad a little bit on face book. "She said . "did you add him as a friend ?"he asked. "He added me. O accepted.is that ok?"she asked."yea. I have to warn you you are marrying into a family of nuts..we are really wacky. " he said.
She smiled. Did he mean to say marrying . was it a mispeeak. She wanted to ask but decided not to. She decided to take it as something he intended to say. It made her happy. Even if it was a mispeak,he still thought of her as a permanent part of his life.
"I stil can't believe your not married yet. "She said. "I dated a lot before my conversion. When I was saved,I backed off. Dating was not on my radar after I got saved. Churches I intended had mostly married and older people, I would not date unsaved.I just did not peruse any one."he said.
"Well do not take this the wrong way but I am really glad that you were single all these years. " she exclaimed.
He chuckled. "I am glad of that too. You were worth waiting for. "He said. Her heart melted. She was not expecting him to say that. "Do you really mean that? You could have been married for 15 years or so. "She said.
"I do mean it Jules. Sense my conversion I did not hardly notice that I was single.  It did not come into my thinking. I did not care.  I absolutely mean it. You are so special to me. You were worth waiting for. "He said.
"Thank you. I am glad you did wait. "She said. " I am too. I am glad you are in my life. "He told her. "I am glad to be I'm your life. " She said.
This Was a good day she thought to herself. She felt like they had made a break though. They cleaned things up. They got ready to leave. They loaded the car up.
She took his hand. He made a weird face. "What?" she asked. "Oh nothing. " he said. "What is it?"she asked . "I am stil getting use to physical contact. I am not use to all this. " he said.
"Your not ok with physical contact?"she said in a surprised tone. "Our relationship is new. We are stil in a pree courting phase. I am just not sure it is appropriate "he said. "You never said anything.I just assumed it was ok. " she said.
"It's not a big deal. I Was not going to say anything."he said. "Ok. I care very much about purity and obstaning from the appearance of evil. " she said. "I know that. "He said.
The ride home was very tense. Both were quet. Neither one said anything. He drive her to her house. He had no idea what to say. "I gues this is an example of me being uptight. "He commented. "A little bit"she said.
They Said there goodbyes. He went home feeling tense.he had a knot in his stomach. He did not want to do anything.
He called melisa. "I think I did something stupid. " he told her. "What did you do?"she asked. He explained the situation to her. "Oh no. You did not do that. " she said.
"What do I do? " he asked. "Stop being an idiot."she said. "You think I am uptight?"he asked. "Yes I do. "She said. "Is This irreparable?"he asked."no but you to have fast. She loves you. Everyone knows it. You could mess this up forever right now."she said. 
The next day was church. He taught an adult Sunday school. He came a little late well for him. He went to his classroom. He avoided seing her til after class. After he talked to people and dottled.
He decided to go to the auditorium. "There you are!"She said. "Hi ! He Said.they walked to the pews and Sat down.
After the service he walked her to her car. She walked at s distance. He took her hand and smiled.she smiled back. " about yesterday you have not caught me at my best. I don't know why. I have no idea what I am doing. I ment what I Said yesterday. You were worth the wait and then some." he said. She smiled. " I am glad your in my life. I would not want it any other way. "She said.
End of chapter

Saturday, October 29, 2016

S.a.h.m and the late drive part two

Brad was worried.his beloved tessi was gone.it was not like her. She was bold but she would not just leave and the dead if night without telling him.if she had been kidnapped wouldn't he have known about it. He was a heavy sleeper but not that heavy. 
He called her cell phone. He got no answer. He kept trying. Nothing. He kept trying and someone answered.
"Who is this?"a gruf voice on the other end asked. "This is brad graves. I am trying to get a hold of my wife Tessa. Who is this?"he asked.
"This is sergeant Randy Philips with the northport police. Your wife is under arrest. She is being investigated for d.u.I, possibly hit and run and perhaps more."the sergeant said.
"Oh my!" he said. "She is being held at the county jail. "Phlips said. "I see. I assume she won't be released until a bail hearing. "He said. "She will probably appear before a judge tomorrow to fulfil the legal requirement but maybe not a formal arrangement. " the sergeant said.
None of this made any sense. Why did he not hear her leave. What was she doing out at this time of night. He could not believe she would just leave like that.
She had told him she would tone things down after the south Sudan incident. She promised to always keep him in the loop no matter what.she always did that. After a few years of marriage, why would she break it now?
He checked on the kids. They were all in bed. The baby was asleep. He could not sleep. He could not leave the kids.he did ,he did not want to load the kids into the car at this time of night. He did not want to worry his mother in law although he would tell her in the morning.
Even if he went to the lock up tonight there was nothing he could do. They might not see her tonight. He wanted to be with her.
Despite the recent excitement ,there life was mostly quiet and uneventful. They had a peaceful life. He had always been happy. Not perfect but happy. They were both sinners for sure. They we're in love. Now there happy life was threatened.he did not know how or why.
Officer downy arrived at Bradshaw street. He went behind the yellow tape. He went over to officer bell. "The was dead when we arrived. He Was killed by impact of the car. Apearent age is 50s. He had no identification. No wallet. He Seam to be a transient. " bell said.
"His only personal effect was a pamphlet in his pocket.it was titled "Jesus loves the Palestinians too " officer Cohn said.
"Your kidding right?" downy asked. Then officer Cohn showed him the paper. "If course your not. "Downy said. "The man seemed to be killed by a car but we won't know for sure unt the m.e's report. " officer bell said.
"This is not a well traveled road as this time if night. If there were witnesses it will be difficult finding them. " officer Cohn said.
"I have a suspect. I arrested a young lady for erratic driving.I suspected d.u.I but she passed the breathalyzer. She seemed to have no alholole in her. They took a drug sample just in case. " downy  said.
You think she was under the influence of something?"Cohn asked."she would have to be.she was out if it I was sure she was drunk. If not alcohol I'm thinking drug maybe. Weird the lady is super religious. You never can tell with people.we all have our breaking points!"downy said.
Tess was taken to the county jail .she was processed. She was finger printed.she had her mug schot taken.she was changed into a prison issue Orange two peace jumpsuit and given sandles.
She was taken to a holding cell.she fell asleep almost the minute she was left alone. She slept though the night.she woke up the next morning.
She woke up disoriented.  She had no idea where She was. Then she saw the bars door. She Was in prison.she had no idea how or why.
"Tess I never thought we wod meet like this!"detective Morgan said."what's going on?" she asked."you were driving erratically. The officer assumed you were drunk. You tested negative for alcohols. They did a urine test. A homeless man was killed. Hit and run. "Detective Greer said.
"I don't remember getting into the car. Brad and I had a quiet night. We went to bed. Next thing I know I wake up hear. "She declared.
"Is it possible you have a medical condition? You ever have seizures black outs?"Morgan asked.
" I had a check up two week ago. Everything was fine. I have never had any seizures or black out. " she said."I have never slept walk. "She said. "There is going to be s hearing but you probably won't be formerly arranged. You may be hear for a while. "Morgan said. 
She appeared in court. The judge ordered her held. Another hearing was scheduled in two days. She cod be arranged before then.
"Detective Morgan the tox screen is back. We found a drug in her system at the time of the arest "a doctor said."what kind of drug?"Greer asked.
"It was a drug designed by the Soviet union as a kind of truth syrum. It also leaves the person venerable to suggestion.  It has found it's way to the us. It has become a New ecstasy!"the doctor said.
"She was drugged .she might have been under the influence of this drug during the hit and run. " Greer said. "We can't prove her car was involved in the incident. We just assume it was. "Greer said.
"Is this a plot to discredet her? She exposed the south Sudan plot. There is plenty of evidence even if her credibility was impeached. "Morgan said.
"Her husband said she is working on smal cases. A patent infringement and a few others. "Greer said.
"The crime scene unit has determined that the car Was not involved in the hit and run." the captain said.
"The only thing she is guilty of is erratic driving witch is smal time. Somone did that to her. " Morgan said. "She needs to be released. "Greer said. "I will talk to the d.a. " the captain said. "Who drugged her and why?"Morgan asked.
End of part two