Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blind date chapter two

Matt Campbell went to a blind date with someone he thought would be like minded. He was very surprised she was not at all what He expected.it appeared to be a bust.
After the two dispersed,he did some driving .he wanted to clear his head.he was not eager to go home.he knew the family would want a full report . he did not want to talk about it.
He drove for a while.then he stoped at a park. He Sat and thought. He headed back home. He drove back to his house. He parked in the driveway.
His dad was the pastor. They did not technically live in the parsnege but the building was next door. The church was stated by his dad. They originally ranted a building but later purchased a building.  Mat was stil living at home while he was a student. He was heavily involved in the ministries of the church including helping his dad as he conducted pastoral duties.
He considered pastoring an existing church. He really wanted to do what his farther had done. He wanted to start a church in a least evangilized area or an area with no independent fundumentle king James Baptist church.
He parked the car and turned off the car.he took the key out of the ignition.he excited the vehicle and went inside. He decided to talk to the one person he felt that he could talk to .
He knocked on the door of his sister's room. Kathy opened the door. "You just got back?"she asked."not quite ! I did not come right home!"he said she suspected something was up. He seemed unsettled.
"How did it go?"Kathy asked. "It was complicated to say the least!"he told her.she was a bit confused. "What happened?"she asked. 
"She is a student at auburn theological!"he said."she is studying to be a minister is int she? " she asked. "She is !" he Said.
"Oh no. It must have been prety awkward?" she commented."it was a bit!"he said. "It sounds it. "She said.
Kathy knew mat in a way other people including others in the family did not. She knew that was more then what he was saying . she decided to goad him a bit. " the good news us that it is over.you can move on. This misadventure can become a distant memory!"she said.
"That is the problem. I really like her. "He said."oh?"Kathy remarked."she was funny. We went back and forth bantering .we were very playful.we debated but it was not  meen spirited.I feared it ending. We are wrong for another.it can't work but a part of me wishes that were not the case. I figure In time I will forget about her. I will meet a girl who is independent fundamental kjv Baptist.we will live by Grace until we are raptured or called home to glory!"he said.
"I am not convinced. I don't think you are either. "She said."I never should have  Said yes. earl is a good guy but not such a great judge of character." Mat said .
Mat had trouble sleeping that night. The more he tried not to think about her,the more he did. His mind started to sounder. He pictured them a couple. Then he back tracked. He tried to purge all thoughts like that. It was hard to. Finally he fell asleep!. Abby went to her car and drove of. She returned home .she saw her roommate."how did it go?'jill asked."we disagree on a wide range of issues. In some ways we could not be any different. "Abby said.
"So when is the wedding?" jill asked."not funny jil! He is not my type. I am sure I am not his type. "She said."then why are you beeming. You have not been this happy sense cspan had wall to wall coverage of bono 's testimony before congress. "Jill said.
"I am never going to see him again. I am sure he could not get out of there fast enough. Besides he is a fundy. Could you imagine me the wife of a fundy Baptist pastor. Barefoot pregnant with wife number eight giving piano lessons I'm good!"she said.
"I will remind you of this conversation at your bridal shower !"Jill told her. She gave a slight chuckle.
That night Abby thought about the date. She started to day dream about there life together. She was surprised that her mind was going there. It was going there. She tried to dismis it. She fell asleep as well.
Was the date a blip on the screen. Was this the beginning of something.time would tell.
End of part two.

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