Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blind date part four

Matt could not believe how fast life Had gone. Two weeks ago he knew nothing about Abby. Having met her,his life seemed to have changed. They were so different. Could they make it work? Another question was should he try.
He had been on two dates with her.he really enjoyed his time with her. He had been happy. When he got up he  found he was so confused. He had no idea what to do.
He knocked on Kathy's door. "You know you have been out for three houers?"Kathy asked him in jest."I had not planned it that way Kath. "He told her.
"I have not see you like this?"she said. "I really like it. I know the heart is deceitful among all things and despritly wicked. I am so torn right now. I am not sure what to do. I fear that we may be unequally yoked. Perhaps I should just walk away. I just don't know!" he told her.
"Strive to be close with the Lord. Stay in his word. Don't stay away from him. " she told him.
Abby was very happy when she got home. She was all smiles when she walked in. "It went well I take itmate asked. "It went very well! I can't believe it! "Abby told her. "Do you think that there is a future for you two?" she asked. "I hope so. I want there to be. I really do!"she said.
"You don't mind that he is a king James fundy ?"she asked. "He is very reasonable person. He is strict but he does not fit the stereotype. He is not angry.he is cheerfull about it. It I'd who he is not what he believes. I appreciate that."she told her.
He took his sisters advice. He spent a lot of Time in the bible and in prayer. During the week ,he did not talk to Abby. He was buisy with work and his duties in the church.
He felt he should be apart for a bit.he did not want to close the door with her. He was not ready to go though that door. He decided it was ok to wait. There was no need to hury. He decided to wait .
Abby had been very happy when she went to bed that night. She decided to wait for mat to call her. She felt that it was important to put the ball back into his court. It was hard. She decided to be patcient.  She decided not to call him but to wait.
Friday night .
"So you going to go out with Abby tomorrow?" Kathy asked."I am thinking about it. I have not talk to her yet. She might have plans. "He said.

He dialed her number. He was nervous as he dialed." hay matie! I wondered if you were going to call!"she said. "Are you available tomorrow? Wreather is  supposed to be good?" I was thinking about a picnick?" he asked .
"That would be great! I would love to!"she said. "1:30? Ok?"She asked."sounds good! I Will see you then!"he said ."sounds great!"She said .
Like he did the last time,he picked her up. She wanted to ware pants but decided to ware a skirt.she wore a Gray sweater and Gray skirt.her hair was In a pony tail.she wore flip flops.
His car was plane. He only had one bumper sticker.it said I love beagles.he had sports radio on. He turned on a CD of hyims but turned it down.
" so I figured you would have a bunch of bumper stickers?"she asked. "Your car has quite a few. U.cc ,United day and a few orthers. Bumper stickers is not really my thing. "He said.
"I missed you!"she said."I missed you. I was kept prety buisy. "He said "I understand. I am trying to juggle work and school and church. I am glad we can get together today."she said. "So am I!"he said.
The car parked near a park. The Two of them set up the blanket. They got everything set up. They Sat down. "So how many brothers and sisters do you have? I realised I had not asked!"she said."I have three sisters and two brothers! "He said.
"Oh wow! You sure your not quiverfull!"she said in a jokingly manner. "I knew you we're going to say something like that!"he said. "Are you the oldest?" she asked. "I am The oldest. How Manny siblings do you have?"he asked. "Two sisters and a brother. I am the second oldest."she said.
"Your not too far off from being quiverfull !"he said. "I think four is the cut off!"she said. "oh ok!"he said.they both laughed.
"Are you close to your family,"she asked."yes . my parents and I are very close. My sister Kathy who is two years younger then I is the one is I am closest with. I am 20 and my youngest brother is two. "He said.
"That Is quite an age range!"she said "it is. What is the age range of your siblings?"he asked "I am 21.my brother is 25. My sister is 16 and my youngest sister is 14." she said.
"So ! Has your dad always been a pastor?"she asked."yes! He started a church a year before I was born. We stayed there until I was six. He started another church. Then he started the one we are at now. This one is my favorite."he said.
"Your dad likes to start churches?"she asked."yes. All of his churches were plants. He tries to start a church in an area with little independent Baptist churches and start one. He tries to get the church established and in a good financial situation and turns it over to strong dec On bored then moves on and does it again."she said.
"Is that you want to do"?she asked."I do. I love the idea. The churches we have been at are made of first and generation Christians."he said.
"My denomination works differently.we are assigned to the churches we pastor. " she said.
"So! How did you come to be interested in becoming a minister?"he asked. "I attended church before I was born. My mother is a fith generation congrugationalest. That what she says. My dad was from a Baptist background but my mom won the debate of where to go to church.  Being one of the few teens there I was very involved in the church. When I was 14 I decided I wanted to be a minister. "She said.
"Have you preached?"he asked."yes many times. I assume you have preached?"She asked."yes I have. "He said.
"So you don't believe women should be pastors?"she asked."well it not that I don't believe in women pastor,the bible teaches that leadership is to be male. Any time qualifications are given such as in first Timothy ,both bishops and deacons are to be male. "He said.
"Is that a command or an example? Is is that man must only be bishop and deacons or did they just happen to be male? It was a different time!"she said."God does not change.his plan with feeling with mankind has always included male leadership. Women have always played a vital role in God's plan. Not leadership. "He said.
"You believe this is an important issue?"she asked. "As a fundimentilest,we believe In the fundimentles of the faith. We believe in taking the bible literally. God said it,that settles it."he said.
"I see! "She said . "so Will you come hear me preach some time?"he asked."so is that your tactic?flirt and convert?"she asked."oh no! My flirting is genuine."he said. "I know! I will come sometime.Will you come when I preach?" she asked."yes I will be in the back. "He said. "Ok!"she said.
"Your different then I preceve fundimentest.your not critical. You are happy. Your not condescending or mean. " she said.
"Christianity does not exist to oppress. It exist to free. The bible makes me happy. Fundimentism is freeing at least it Is supposed to be."
He said.
They realized that they had a lot of differences. They Had a lot to work though. They ended up spending most of the day together as was there custome. They then packed up. They headed for the car.
She took his hand.he seemed a bit reluctant. He was unsure about physical contact. He decided to go for it. He took her hand. They walked to the car.
They drove to her house.they said there good byes. Mat was left more and more confused. Abby really liked him. She found him to be kind. She hoped that they could make it work but could they.
End of part four

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