Friday, May 27, 2016

Blind date part three

Mat against his better judgement, agreed to be set up on a blind date. The date was not at all what he expected. She was studying to be a minister at a college geerd to mainline denomination. She was nice but she was all wrong for him.
He planed on moving on. The date would be a distant memory.
His family were curious how the date went .he was fairly criptic about it. The family did not press him about it.
Abby was surprised how much she enjoyed the date. In many ways he and her were poler opposites. She found her conversations with him to be very stimulating.
She regretted the fact that she would probably never seen him again. She figured that she would get over it.she would move on. Things happen. That how it was.
He tried to forget about her. The more he tried not to think about her the more he did. It was driving him crazy. A week had gone by. Not a moment went By where she was not in his thoughts.
One day he decided to call her. He was shocked that He was even considering this. Finaly he decided to throw caution to the wind and call her.
He took out his phone and dialed the number. As he called, he got really nervous. It rung a few times then she picked form
Abby thought about him.she considered calling him but decided not to. She was reeding when her cell phone rang. She was shocked when she saw who it was.
She answered it. "Hello!"She said."Abby?"Matt said. "Mat? Hi I never expected to hear from you! "She said ."would you like to go out for ice cream .my treat?"he asked.
"I would. "She said. "Can you be ready in twenty minutes?"he asked. "Yea! Sure!"She said. "I Wil pick you up?"he asked . "I am on pear street. "She said. "Great !see you then!"she said.
Abby could not believe that she had Saud yes. He quickly changed. She wore a gray t shirt and pink skirt. Se decided not to ware pants Sense fundes would not keen on that.
She could not believe this was happening. She was nervous and excited at the same time. She decided that this was a good thing.
He did not know what to tell his parents.  He told them that he was going out for ice cream. He did not go into more details. Kathy guessed.
He got into the car and drove off. He found her house. She saw his csr and came out. He got in. He smiled when he saw her.
"Its reverend Abby!"he said. "Please tell me your not going to become your pet name for me!"she said ."there is a good chance it will. "He said ."I figured!"she said.
"Your are the first female minister form a mainline denomination ever in my car!"He said."your car did not exploded. "She said. "No ! It has not!"he said.
At the ice cream place, she got a choloate sundae with choloate source.he  got an upside down banana split.
"I am a bit of a chocoholic !"she said."I see that!"he said. "So you never found a date at your college?"she asked. "I have been on a few dates but I did not really connect with any of them. What about you?" he asked.
"There was four guys at the college. One is 54 years old,the other is 52,another is a science fiction fan who made his own models of every star trek and star wars ship and made some of his own. The other guy was really my church the youngest man is filthy years old!"she said.
"I see. I figure you volunter for peace corps and United way?"he asked. "Yes. I was in Zambia last summer. You spent the Sumer at a fundementilist camp for kids."she said.
"Yes I did. " he said " you preached."she asked."yes my dad has me fill in a lot. I teach Sunday school."she said." you read a lot?"she asked."I do. I don't read a lot of contempary writers. I like David cloud. "He said.
"Of course you do. "She C
. "I like some fiction. Milton's paradise lost was prety good. I hate the Lucifer  qote. Don't like dantae emtherno
."he said. "It's classic !"she said. "Its fine as long as you don't form you form your theology on it witch most do. "He said.
"It has been overdone. I will agree. You like c.s Lewis ?"she asked. "As a fiction writer yes . non fiction so so. What writers do you like?"he asked.
"Non fiction some of Bruce madsker,Ben Worthington the third. Rob bell on occasion,Tony compolo,Brian McLaren. Fiction Jane Austen,I like modern and vampires"she said.
"Oh my. I need to expand your literary knowledge. "He said. "So no tv. You listen to the radio?"she asked. "Mostly sports. I listen to hyims on CD!"he said. "I knew you were a sport guy. I listen to top 40 0r jaz."she said.

"We have very little in comon!"he said. "We do. In some ways we are polar opposites. "She said. "I know that. "He said.
"So do you want kids?"she asked. "Yes definitely! You?"he asked."yes I do. I would like to have three or four. At least one boy,one girl. I imagine your one of those quiverfull families?"she asked. "No. I am not against big families I do not quite fit the ideology of the quiverfull movement. "He said."I see! Well that is good to know. "She said.
He found her easy to talk to. He enjoyed being around her. Like the last date they spent several hovers just talking.
" so I am not quite someone you bring home to your parents. Well at least not your parents!"she said. "I think they will like you. "He said. She smiled.she was happy that he was oppen to having her over to his parent's house.
"Well it is getting late. We shoud probably head back!" he said. "Yea we probably should!"she said. They went to the car.
"So where do we go from hear,"he asked. "Where do you want to go from hear?"she asked. "I am not sure. We have our differences but I really like you. "He said. She smiled. He really liked her smile. "I really like you!"she said. "Lets take it slow but if your agreed I would like you to see you again!"he said. "I am very agreed with that. "She said.

They said there goodbyes. He watched her go. It was so odd. He had not remembered having this Much fun in a long time. He was more confused then he was before. Was this the beginning of something?
She was happy about the date. The day had been prety mundane. The date changed everything. She was so excited. She could not wait to see him again.
End of part three.

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