Monday, May 23, 2016

Blind date

Earl was a young man. He was a bit esentric. He was well liked. He was known for his love of Jesus. He was a kind man. He knew two man who were close friends of his. They were from two different circles to which he was involved with. He decided that these two friends would be perfect for each other.
Both were a bit reluctant. After several prodding they both agree. They a range to meat at a restaurant near by. They arranged to meat each other at the restaurant. They agreed to be there around four thirty.
Ben was a junior in college. He was attending a bible college he was training to be a pastor. He worked a job part time at a hotel. That was how he knew earl. Earl worked there as well.
Abby was a bible school student as well. She went to a different bible college then he did. She worked at a cofee shop he frequented.
He was really nervous.he was surprised that he was doing this.he considered backing out but decided that at this point it was too late. At least that was he thought. He decided that it was one night. That was not a lot of pressure.
Abby was surprised that she went along with it. Earl really wanted her to do this. She kinda did this to humor him. She hoped that she would be presently surprised. She hoped that it would turn out ok.
Mat had no idea what to ware. He decided to not ware a dress shirt and tie.he did think about it but decided against it. He put on a red polo shirt and khaki pants.
He arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before she arrived. They had made reservations. They seated him.  After a couple minutes He saw a young lady heading towards him.she was walking with a waiter.she was led to the table where he was. He got up. He extended his hand and she shock it.
"Helo I'm mat!" he said. "Hi I'm Abby!"she said. She had Brown hair. She wore a white sweater and blue blouse and black skirt and flip flops.she was taken a back by his atire. She Sat down.
"I understand that you are in seminary?"she asked."oh no! I am in bible college. Stil In the under graduate program. "  he said.
"Oh ok. I did not realize that!" she said."I am a junior."he said."are you going for m div?"She aBsked."I am not planning to. A lot of churches I would be looking to pastor do not require it. I am a good student but I have had to push myself. I do not want to think about masters level courses."he said.
She was very taken aback.she was not expecting this. He was not quite what she expected.
"I understand that you area bible school student?"he asked. "I graduated from college.I am in seminary!"she declared. "Your studying to be a minister?" he asked."yes. I am!"she answered.
He got really nervous. What had earl gotten him into. He thought oh two studying the bible. That might make a good match. He was not sure how to handle this.a part of him wanted to get up and go right now.
It started to make sense to her . he was probably a independent fundimentle Baptist. She figured that he was probably k.j.v.that explains his dress.
"What school do you attend?"she asked "gospel Baptist college!"he said."oh! Your one of those! "She said."what school do you attend?"he asked. 
"Aubern theological !"she said."oh!"he said."we are not what either of us expected are we?" she asked."no we are not!"he said .
"Earl ment well!"she said."he did."he said. Things got quiet for a few seconds. Both began to suspect that the date was for all intense and purposes for over.
"So do you believe that the bible is literal. Is it the word of God or does it nearly contain the word of God?"he said. "It is the word of God. I am a literalist. " she said. He wanted to say except on the role of women but did not.
"The flood literal?"he asked. "I believe it was. " she said ."creation ?"he asked.she smiled."um I believed God created created the universe. I am not sure if it fiet creation or though some evolutionary process. " she said.
"Your killing me abb!"he said."so I assume your k.j.v only?"she asked."no but I only use the king James. The textus rwceptis is more reliable then Alexandrian texts. "She said. "Your in the minority on this. "She said."I realize that. The text found after 1611 have muddied the waters not made them clear. God promised to preserve his word. I doubt that was only after 1945. "He told her.
"God has preserved his word. There has been the word of God from the first century until now. The discovery off new manuscripts does not negate that. "She told him.
"I disagre. I think it is very important. Acuracy is the don't want to get it wrong. "He said.
"So I assume no k love or u2 witch I'd very sad!"she said."your a u 2 fan ?"he said."yes I am. I have taken a lot of heat for it"she said. "I am sure ! "He said
"I assune no tv?"she asked."no I had one as a kid. We got rid of it. "He said
."you like camping ?"she asked."I do ! You?"he asked."yes I do. You snow mobile?"she asked."I do!"he said.
They were there at the restaurant for a few hours. They were told that it was closing soon. "I will cover the Bill!"mat said."you don't have to. "She said. "I want you!"he said.
As they left the restaurant,they both got quiet. They knew that would probably never see each orther again.neither knew how to end tonight. Neither knew what to say.
"Well It was nice to meet you."she said."same hear.  "He said. "Take care of yourself!"she said. "You too!"he said.
They started to go there separate ways probably forever. He felt a sense of sadness. He started to goto his car but he stoped. "Abb! Can I have your phone number?"he asked.she took out a pen and paper and wrote it down. She got hears.then they left.
He drove for a bit.then he went home.he knew everyone would want to know how it went.he really did not want to talk about it right now right now he needed time to sort it all out.
End of part one.

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