Saturday, June 11, 2016

Blind date part five

During the date ,Matt was very happy.he was enjoying his time with her. As he went home his mood seemed to change. He began to think that this was not what he was supposed to do. They should not be together even though he really wanted her to.
He parked the car. He left the car and went up the stairs.he went inside the house.
He saw his sister. "You know you broke another record ? "She said. "I can't be with her can I?"he asked. "First question has to be,do you believe that she is redeemed?" she asked.
"That is the question I have been dancing around havint I? There are some things that definitely make me think that is a blood bought believer.there are other things that make me question that. The fact that I have doubts is not a good sign. " he told her.
"If she is redeemed, is she growing In her faith. Where is this going? Do you see you and her getting married . not to sound crass but will you too wake up and she go off to your church and you to yours. There are things that don't add up. I think you know that!"she told him.
"I tried to date at college. None of them worked out. Nothing clicked. I have dated someone I met at camp. Nothing ever worked out. I like her.something clicked. I don't know why. I wish it could be but it can't."he said.
"I'm sorry mat. I don't know why some times these things happen. Some times doing the difficult things is not defines us. Make us who we are. " she told him.
"I know. "He said. "Your doing the right thing. "She told him. "I do know that. " he told her.
He was convinced that this was the right decision. He also knew that it was a hard decision. Perhaps one of the hardest he would ever make.
He waited until Monday night to visit her. He was so scared but he knew he had to. He nervously went to the door. He knocked on the door.
She had no idea why he was coming.she had not been expecting him. She just wore a blue tank top and jeens and was bare foot.she realized that she was been around him Waring pants. "Hi!"she said
She could tell something was up. "I was not expecting you!"She said. "I figured that you we're not."he said."so what brings you hear. ?"She asked.
"I really like you. When I am with you I don't want to be any Where else. You stimulated me In a way no one does. "He said.
"I sense a but coming!"Abby said. "Ab I can't do this. You and I are too different. I grew up in a fundimentilist church. In a way it all I know. A few years back,I realized that I was just going though the motions. I went though soul searching. I wrestled with the issues. I am a fundimentilist by his own conviction. I believe in a literal translation of the bible. I don't believe I can be with you. I have to call this off!" he told her.
"Well I gues I am not too suprised. I respect you a great deal.I respect your decision. I am not happy about it but I understand. "Abby told her.
"Look I should be going! "He said. "Of course! Good night !"He said. She nodded.
He left the apartment. She waited for him to leave. She then went to her bed room. She cried a little bit. She really liked him.
Now this chapter was closed. Was this closed forever? It was hard to know. Time would tell.
End of part five.

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