Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blind date part six

Just after Matt left,abby's phone went off. She wondered if maybe it was may. She checked the caller I'd. It was pastor Madelyn.She was her mentor.
"Hi pastor !"she said."look I  hate to do this to you on short notice but my aunt is In the hosital. She is not doing well and she lives in Chicago. Can you conduct the service and preach on Sunday? I assume you have the lectionary and you can look at my notes?"she said.
"Yes if course. No problem!"Abby said."are you ok? You seam off?"the older lady said. "No I'm fine. "She said.
"Well I really appreciate this. This is a huge help!"she said."no problem. I do enjoy preaching. "Abby said. "I appreciate this !"she said. "No problem. You have been a big help to me. I am happy to help!" she said. "Great! "She said.
Mat went right home after being at abby's .weird he thought he had never been inside hee apartment before. On the ride home he had sports radio on.he switched it to a hmmm CD. It was a short drive back to the parsnege.
He went back inside. "Where did you go?" his dad asked. "Oh I had something I had to take care off!"mat said. "I had something I wanted to ask you. "His dad said. "Ok!"he said."mom and I want to take the weekend off . go away on an impromptu get away. I was hoping you could take the services. I know it is on short notice. "He said.
"No I would love to. Not a problem !"he said. "Great! Mom hoped you would !" his dad said .his mom came in. "Are we a go?"his wife asked. "We are a go!"his dad answered. "Any reason for this get away?"mat asked. He did not really get an answer.
Matt realised that this was harder then he thought. He felt out of shorts.this was the worst time to prepare a surmon. He Sat with a blank peace of paper at his desk.
"How is it coming?"his sister Kathy asked. "I have the note paper !"he said."that US a start !"she said. "I might have to go to surmon suggestions .com !"he said ."I really hope your kidding!"she said. "So am I!"he said.
"What is the problem?"she asked. "I am more persuaded then I have ever been . I have made the faith my own. Yet recent events could call that into doubt!"he said.
"There is always push back. I am note sure this was a falling away just stumble. One you corrected. "She said. "When it said "be instant in season out of season I never expected me to be out of season. " he said.
"I think we all struggle with that. There are road signs warning. It I s besT to stop and head them. Search my God and know my thoughts I pray!"she said .
"See if There may be any wicked way in me ok!"he said. "You will figure it out or surnon will!"she said."funny!"he said. "I thought so!"she said.
"So why is mom and dad being so cryptic. Just going on a weekend off is not like them. "He said.
"Msyby they just need to get away."Kathy said. She had a theory but didn't want to express it. "The last time they did this was when she found out she was having Philip. "He said.
"I remember! You don't think .."he said. "You never know!"she said. "I should get back to this. " he said. She left.
Abby looked over the lectionary. The theme that week was on the ephopian eunic. "Ok I can do this!"she thought. She decided to go on diversity,inclusiveness. Don't leave anyone out. Look for optunity to share God's Grace. She let the ideas flow and wrote them down.
"How it coming ?"her roomate Jill asked. "Very good. It is the ephopian eunuc.I imagine if mat were preaching it,he would talk about how he was reading Isaiah. How he used Isaiah and preached the gospel. He would go on about how Jesus is clearly revealed in the old testament. " Abby said.
"Instead your going to preach about how we are to be inusive and accept everyone. Diversity is beutufull and so on!"Jill said. "I think that diversity and acceptance is clearly seen in this passage!"she answered.

"Do you deny that Christ is portrayed in the old testament?"Jill asked."no but I don't need to emphasize it. "She said. "Because it is very. Congregational of you!"Jill said. "Some might object to that emphises.some do disagre that Christ is depicted In isaiah. I disagree. Unity is a command also "she said.
"Philip shows him Christ from Isaiah. Everyone knows your a literalist. Just explain that this from your perspective!"she said.
"I want the gospel message to be edifying .helpful for every day life. Acepting others is a a worhwild goal. " she told her. "Yes it is !"Jill said.
Both got there Simon's written. Now it was time for them to deliver them. Were they ready.
They were going to separate ways. Was it forever? Would they end up together?
End of part six.

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