Thursday, June 16, 2016

Blind date past seven

On a fluke,Matt an independent Baptist ministerial student and son of a pastor went on a blind date. The date was with Abby. Abby was attending a seminary for those in mainline denominations.
Despite there differences,they tried to make a go of it. Mat decided that It would probably not work  out.they went there separate ways.
They both got involrved in there studies,work and being involved in church .this included preaching in there churches.
Mat found it difficult to even come up with an idea for a message . he agonized over it. Finaly he came up with a message. He thought that it is prety good. He hopes that the Lord would bless It despite his unworthyness.
  Abby had the same difficulty coming up with a message. She has the lectionary to bank on. She had a theme. She developed a message. Based on the periscope found in the lesson plan. The outline turned out well.
Matt did not not have the same peace he had in other occasions. He had prayed about this message. He trusted in the lords strength and ability. In truth that is how it always is.
"We see in our text that preachers are commanded to be faithfull to God's word at all time. The word is what must energize the preacher. It gives him strength and power.  "
"The job of a preacher is to communicate the word to those he ministers to. He shares what the Lord has  laid on his heart. He Is to preach to the whole council of God. Every word of God is pure,it's true. He is to do it when the bible is popular and when it is not!"
"We know today the word of God is out of season. It is marginalized or mocked or dismissed. It is attacked or explained away. Those who are true to the word of God must keep this in mind. All of  US are ultimately acountible to Him. It is especially true of preachers. "
"Preachers do not just have to deal with the outside world being out of season. They do not only have to deal with Christendom being out of season or even the church they serve,they must also deal with themselves. "
"What do we do when we are out of season. Preachers can be off there game. There could be multiple reasons why. Tiredness . Paul tell us in Galatians not to be weary in well doing. When Jesus was tempted he was tired we are told "
"Saten attacks us when we are physically tired. YOU can get tired.we all do. He takes advantage of our weekness. "
"There is also unconfesed sin. It gas been said,the bible will keep you from sin or sin will be keep you from this book. Preachers must be on guard against sin. We may ask God as David did for Him to search our heart and see if there be wicked ways in us. As it has been said we must keep short accounts with God"
"There can be distraction. Augustine said that sometimes it is not choosing the wrong thing but the not as good. Sometimes good things can hinder the besT things. "
"You may wonder where am I going with this. This week I was a bit out of season. I had trouble even getting the first sentence written. I wanted to stop. I wanted to run away. I then realized that God wants us to meditate on his world. Sometimes that requires us to wrestle with his word. Just as Jacob refused to let God go until he blesed him,we must not yield"
"What is  your role? You the members of this church? You need to be in prayer for those in leaderShip. My dad,myself the deacons and trustees. We desire your prays. They are needed. We are in this together. "
"We know that preachers get tired. They are tempted to sin.sometimes they surcomb to that temptation. Sometimes the good enough tries to get them to not strive for the very besT. I say thus not to scare you but to inform you. To say that those in leadership need your prays. These are difficult days. They may get harder. They work together. Lets work together!"mat said.
" our reading today is a Daimler story. The story of the epheopien eunic. This official who was The treasurer for queen of epheopia was traveling. "Abby said

"He was reeding what we refer to as the book of Isaiah from the Hebrew scriptures. We don't know how he got the scrol and why he was reeding it. He got confused "
"Philip shows up . Philip comes up Nd says hey do you u understand what your reeding. I have been in Landry mats or break room or libraries and have been tempted to ask someone what they reeding. I have had. It cod be anything from romance novels to vampire fiction to I don't know me in kamph. You never know. "
"I have never asked and I never would.I don't recommend it. Hear Philip asked him if He understands what he is reeding. He said he does not. So Philip goes on to explain the passage"
"How can we as Christians In 2016 interpret this passage? What lessons are hear for us today? God told Philip to steak out this official. This Ethiopian minister of finance if you will. God wants his people to be multi cultural. We should not be ethnocentric but embrace all cultures. "
"Philip was Jewish. Jewsish people if his days did not Like non Jews. Non Jewish people were called gentiles. They were outcast. Paul told the Ephesians believers that they we're at one cut cut I'd from the common wealth of Israel. Philip was to reach out to this foreigner. This foreger who may have been a castrated slave. We are to embrace everyone."
"We cannot exclude anyone.the United church of Christ welcomes everyone. Diversity makes us stronger. We want all ritch poor,young old and in between. We need to welcome people from all nations cultures. "
"Philip reaches out to him. Many Jewish people beloved that the Hebrew scriptures was only for them. Christ welcomes all. He is einger for his children to come to him. " she said.
Mat emotionally and physically exhausted after the message. Heft that God has used it. Msyby inspite of him. That was ok. He just wanted to proclaim the word. He trusted that God would bless his word.
He schock people hand aS They left afterward. The message appeared to be warmly received. After a while he saw someone he did not know was present.
It was retired pastor Douglas Wilber. With him was his grand daughter Heidi ."hello sir. I did not know you were hear. "Mat said.
"I wanted to surprise you. I knew if  you knew I was coming,it might make you nervous !"the older gentleman said. "Your right,it probably would. "He said. "Many of my messages came out of struggles.some times God uses times of sprituel drought to make us seam him. At the time they are unpleasant . I look back now now on these Times fondly. Christ showed him strong in those days. I believe. He will for you. I suspect he already has. " the elderly pastor said.
"He has. I thanked you for those words."Mat said. "The Lord has a plan for your life. I know that. "The older man said.
"Thank you sir!" the younger man said. He realized that he had not said helo to pastor Wilber. Heidi was also a student at the same Baptist college. She was sweet. He suspected she might have a crush on him .she was very shy. He found it difficult to talk to her.
"Hello Heidi!"mat said.she smiled."hello Matthew!"She said. "My messages usually are not quite as melincolly. "He assured her. "It seemed very genuine. I did not view it as melincoliy!"she said. "I am glad of that. " he said.
"We all experience dry Times. " she said. "True!"he said. "It was a good message!"she said. He thanked her. "Do you want to get together at some point this week? "He asked. She smiled. "I would love to !"she said.
He could see that pastor Wilber wS quite agreed to them getting together.
Abby did not think that this was her best message. She was mostly happy with it. She shock people's hand as they left. She saw recent graduate of the auburn theological. Reverend Michael clandon.
"Michael I did not know you were hear."she said. "I wanted to keep a low profile ! You did really well. "He said. "I hope so!" she said ."you have a bright future I think. "He said. "That is kind of you to say!" she said.
"Would you be open to going out for coffee this week?"he asked."I would love to!"she said.
Mat and Abby separated and were heading in opposite directions. Would this last forever. Would they be back together?
End of part seven.

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