Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Stay at home mom

Stay at home mom
The case of the next door neighbor.
Teresa graves. nickname tesie is a stay at home mom. She has four kids.her oldest is eight ,her youngest a year old and she has one on the way. While some would say her life is boring. She does not have to find excitement,excitement finds her.
  She always held her Tuesday play date. She had baked cookies. Her best friend Clare and her close friend rylie brought other baked goods.they had everything set up.
Then the guest started to arrive. The first was becca. Becka was New in town. She had just moved next door. Tesie had tried to befriend her.
"Hi I'm glad you came !"Tesie said. Becka had a young two year old and one on the way."thanks! "She said. She was very shy and reserve. "This is Becka and her daughter moya. This is Clare and rylie.Clare is extremely silly!"tess said.
"It s not totally true mostly but not totally "She said. Everyone laughed except for the New comer she was very serious. Then several other ladies came in.
All of the ladies had young children. There husbands were at work. They were old members of an independent Baptist church. While there was no edict against women working in I.f.b but many did not.
Becka seemed uncomfortable. Out of place. They tried to include Her whenever they could. She talked a little bit.
"Where did you live before you moved hear?" Clare asked."I grew up in Indiana. We move hear from Iowa?"she said."what brought you hear?"ry asked."my husband's businessm. He works for edwel cooperation." she said. "I see !"one if the other mom said.
She seemed uncomfortable opening up . she tried to answer there questioned. Tessie tries to calm the other ladies down. Most of them were open books but that did not mean that everyone else had to. She respected other people's privacy. She wanted everyone to feel comfortable.
The get togethers were very informal.there were a time for the children who were not yet in school while the moms talked . it Was a time where moms could interact.
After a while things started to die down. They began to clean up. Then the ladies bagan to gather up there kids and begin to leave.
"Thank you for inviting me!"Becka said."I hope you will come again. Mayby you and your husband could come for supper!"tess said."I Will mention it to him  "she said. Then she left..
After a while everything died down. Tessi was alone.her kids were all home schooled. She checked on there progress. Then she went down in the basement. She went inside.
She had an office.she used her cell phone to open the door. The door opened. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. It was pastor Ron Darren.
"So ! You said it was urgent?"the pastor asked."the Sudan relief fund spears to be ligit . 97 percent of raised funds is going to the people of Sudan and south Sudan. Three books check out!"she said
"I hear a but coming on!"he said." everywhere the s.r.f is there has bean increased violence. Where they go guns and other  minunition seams to be show up. I am gusing they don't use any funds from the think charity to ship the weapons. I  they are moonlighting. "She told him.
"Its unthinkable. A charity used as a front to sell guns to terrorist or rebels."he said. "Right now I can't prove any of it. I think it is a distinct possibility. I am going to do some more diging. "She said.
"I appreciate that. "The pastor said. " do you know anything about becca Grant and her family?"she asked."they seam like a nice couple. Very quiet,reserve. Mr. Grant is not quite as reserve. She seams even more so."he said.
"I got that same impresson !"she said."we will keep on being kind. Hopufully we can build a bridge with them!"the pastor said. She hopped he was right.
That night tesi and her husband were in bed.her husband had fallen asleep.tess had not. Her mind was racing.from family and church to her detective work and becca. Then they heard a noise. It sounded like a gunshot. It was coming from the home of Ron and becca Grant.
To be continued. 

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