Sunday, October 2, 2016

Blind date part 11

After a few false starts mat and Abby decided to give there relationship a cance. Could two people so different make it work? Both knew that the early days would be difficult. They knew that the odds were againset them.
The next day Matt read the daily devotional from an independent Baptist publication. It talked about  how God's original institution is the family. That the family is a picture of Christ and the church. What the world needs is godly parents sold out to the Lord. They need godly husbands and feathers.
Without thinking He though of Abby. He imagined her as his wife and mother of his children. Abby just popped into his head. He remember the phrase in most marriage vows about forsaking all others.
Could he do that. Was he ready to embrace Abby no matter what. He felt compelled to do so. He felt like he was voun asked to.
He always felt that God created a spouse for the other person.he never did believe it was chance. He believe that it was a specific person.he could not prove it. That was why He had always been so guarded.there was only one time that he had wavered. Oh how he regretted that.
He considered his future.the more he did,the more he saw her. The more he was certain she was the made no sense. He was more and more convinced . He was at peace. He realized that if it was God's will. He had a plan. That blind date was no  accident. That was quite an epithiny. One he was not expecting.
He had longed viewed it as the former. Now He saw it from a different light. He was ready to embrace it and her. He decided to shift the question from will this work to how do we make this work? He decided to start at this will work and go from there.
Abby and Jill had gotten up. Abby saw that her phone went off. She went over and picked it up. She did not recognize the number. "Hello!"she said.
"Hi Abby?"the voice on the other end of the phone asked. "Yes this is Abby!"she told her. "This is Matt's sister Kathy. "She said. "Oh hi ? How are you? "Abby asked. "Good. Can you and your roommate be ready in 20 minutes?"Kathy asked. "I gues. "She said. "Good . we are taking you out to breakfast. " She said. "Ok!"Abby said . "see you in 20 minutes. "Kathy said. She had a hundred questiones. Before she could ask them the phone clicked.
"What was that about?"Jill asked. "Apearently you and I are going out to breakfast with Matt's sister. We got twenty minutes to get ready. "She said. "Ok!"Jill said.
The two were ready. The two went to the car. In the car was Kathy,alisha and there mom. "Hi ! Jill this is mats sister Kathy,alisha and there mom Anna. "She said. They exchanged greetings.
"Are you a ministerial student as well?"Kathy asked. "Yes. That's how we met!"Jill said. "So Kath do you drive like mat?"Abby asked."no I try to drive the speed limit. I don't speed but I don't drive one mile a day either. "Kathy said."that's good!" Abby said.
They sat down at the restaurant. Abby was a huge coffee drinker. Everyone who knew her knew that. "Do you drink coffee?"Anna asked."I do. "Abby said."that is a big understatement. She drink at least a pot a day! "Jill said. "That is a bit of an exaduation!"Abby said. "Not by much!"Jill said .
"I am quite a coffee drinker.right now I have stoped for obvious reason."Anna said. "Ali does not drink coffe?"Kathy said. "I don't get how anyone can drink it!"alisha said ."every family have an odd one!'kathy said. They all laughed.
"So I wanted to kinda welcome you to the family. "Kathy said. "Well Matt and I are still a New couple. I am not sure we are a couple yet. I like the sentiment but this might be a bit premature. "Abby said.
"I don't think so.I know my brother . I am prety sure your stuck with us!"kathy said. "I knew the two of them were ment for each other the first day she cane home after the date. " Jill said.
"So other then kathy,he never mentioned me?"Abby asked. "That's not that unusual. He is prety private. "Alisha said. "He made the Deans list at college we never knew it. "Anna said. "Why is he so private?"Abby asked. "He always has been. I am not sure why. " Anna said.
"He is a good student?"she asked."He was not always.he struggled with math and grammar. In college he has dealt pushed himself. It has paid off."his mom said.
"He is quite involved in the church?"Abby asked. "He is. My husband is mentoring him. He has done a lot of preaching.He teaches Sunday school. He visit with his farther and does door to door visit. He is involved in the leadership. He sit in on deacons meetings and takes over when his father Is away.we are quite proud of him" Anna said. "When he is determined to do something.he puts everything into it. "Kathy said.
"I could see that. "Abby said. "Are you a good student?'"alisha asked."yes She is. She usually has a 4.0 g.p.a. she is a workaholic. " Jill said ."I do push myself at Times."Abby said.
"Matt is a bit of a workaholic. He pushes himself. "Kathy said. "He is also very competitive. "Alisha said."I have played volley ball and ping pong with him!"Abby said. "You will have to watch him play soft ball. It is a sight to see.he really gets into it."Anna said. "I can only imagine!"kathy said. "Don't play scrable with him!"alisha said. "I will keep that in mind. "Abby said.
"I gues I shocked everyone When I came over. It was not my intent ."Abby said. "She tends to do that. "Jill said. "We knew that that was not your intent. I think it's good we met. "Anna said. "You will be stuck with us for quite some time!"alisha said. "And vice versa.Abby is a hand full!"Jill said. "Funny!" Abby said. "I have to say I was not sure How I would be received. "Abby said.
"In another situation we might have reacted differently. "Anna said . "I have felt very welcome. Thank you.I don't know you well yet but I am pleased to get to know you.if things work out I would be honoured  to be a part of your family. "Abby said. "I am glad to have met you!"Anna said. "I am hoping that we can become friends!"kathy said. "I would like that. "Abby told her.
After a while they left the restaurant.they went to the car. "I am really glad we got to do this. I am really looking forward to getting to know you more. You really make me feel welcomed.thank you."Abby said.
"I am looking forward to getting to know you more. I have a feeling that we will be seing more of you. " Anna said. "I have a feeling that's true "Abby said they all said. There goodbyes.
"What do you think mom?"kathy asked. "She is very down to earth.not what I expected. I am starting to see what he sees."Anna said. "She makes a good addition to the family."Kathy said. "Hopefully we did not scare her away!"alisha said. "I think we are ok."Anna said.
"Your future in laws? "Jill said. "I think so.I like them."Abby said. "I doo too. Those are th first fundy I have really talked to. " Jill said. "Those are the first I have talked to in dept. "She said.
Anna and her two oldest daughters came into the house. "Where did you go off to?"Matt asked. "We went out for cofee with Abby and her roommate."Kathy said. "Really? I had no idea you were going to !"He said. "We decided not to tell you . basically so you could bot warn her about us."alisha said. "So that's why! How did you go?"Matt asked. "Verry well. "There mom said. "That's good."he said.
He was surprised. He had no idea that they planed on doing that. He was glad that they did. It was starting to become more and more real. He was looking forward to seing her again.
End of part 11




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