Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Steps in both directions (Tim and Julia Nicole)

Julie had been reluctant to have dinner with Tim"s sister and her family. She was enjoying getting to know Melissa. She was excited that she was most likely going to be her sister in law. She was a nice person. She was really welcoming . she made her feel like part of the family. Over time. She forgot that she had been apprehensive.
The baby woke up. She asked if she could pick her up. Missy said that that was fine. Melissa got a call on her cell was her husband. Julie went into the living room.
She went over to Tim. "Look wha I have!" she said. "Hanah seams to Luke you?"he said. "The feeling is very mutual."Julie said. "I can tell. "He said.
"This Could us someday. "She said. "I think It will be Lord willing. Four maybe five years from now!"he said. "What? Four or five years?"she asked in a disbeving tone. "Too soon?"he asked . "I was thinking one year two?"she said.
"Really?that soon? We have not oficialy begun the courtship process. "He said. "I'm surprised. I figured you would be eiger  to start a family?"she said. "I am but I know it may be best to wait a bit. One can not rush too rapidly. "He said. "
"A courtship should not be too shorti agree but should not be long either. "She said. "I can agree with that. " he said.
Melissa came in. "How is Greg?"he asked . "doing good. He can't say where he is but he did say he is safe?"she said . "do you know where about he is in general?"Julie asked. "Last I knew his ship was in south America. "She said. "You must miss him?"Julie said. "I do.I should be able to see him this summer. " she said. "That's good. "Julie said.
"Hey hold on a minute!"Melissa said. "Oh no I know that tone!"Tim said. "What is it"?Julie asked. "She is getting out her camera. She has crashed instragram on more then one occasion. "Tim said.
She came back with her camera.she took a picture of Julie and the baby."ok I want a picture of you too."she said.they stood close to each other but Not too close. "Come on get closer!"she said . the two got closer. "Come on Tim! Put your arm around her. " melisa said. He timidly put his arm around her. She got close to him. They both smiled.
"Perfect!"she said. They smiled. She snapped the picture. "Awsome. I want a few more just to be sure!"she said. "Get used to it. This won't be the last. Wait til family pics. " he told her.
She was not sure he had ment to say it but he had included her in his family. She knew that he was allowing her more into his life and his heart. She knew that he wanted to let her in. She felt that he felt he had to slow down. She respected his wishes and him. It was hard. She wanted to drive right in. She knew that might not be best. She figured that it was somewhere in between both views.
Right now she just took in the moment. She wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. She had a feeling this would be one of those great memories. One that always be meaningful.
He started to relax. He had the heart of an accountant.everything he did
was compartmentalized and categorized. Everything he did was accounted for. He decided to stop. He decided to smel the roses. He realized how special she was and how special she was to him.
"Ok let's do a silly picture!"she said. He did rabbit ears and she hit him. They laughed. "I am taging both of you. "Melisa said. "Great thanks. This is going be on my phone!"she Said.
"You two are a really cute couple. "Melisa told them. "I think so!"Julie said. He blushed a little. He hated to be the center of attention. He was very private . she liked to force him out of his shell just a little bit.
After a while they decided to go. They figured melisa would want to put the boys to bed. "Thank you for inviting me!"Julie said. "My pleasure. We will do this again real soon. "Missy said. "Hopefully we can get together when your husband gets back. "Julie said. "That would be great"melisa said. Julie and missy hugged. Then they went to the porch. They went to the car.
"I had a really good time tonight.I really Like your sister. "She said. "I think she really likes you. " he told her. "So  ! Please tell me that we don't have to wait five years to be married. "She said. "Alright. One to two years is ok. Right now I think closer to two years but we will see. " he told her. "You gave me quite a heart attack. I might have done the same for you?"she remarked. "A little!" he said.
She smiled. "I figured. " she said.
She hugged him."good night !"he Said. "Good night !"she said. She got out of the car. He watched her walk up to the porch and then walk in. Then he road off.
She talked to her parents for a bit. She then checked her face book. It had got a bunch of likes and comments. Mostly from people from there church. She made the picture of them the photo on her phone's desk top. She stared at It for a bit. She smiled.
He got home and saw that half the sate had liked the picture. Julie's mom and grand morther liked the pic.he found that a bit uncomfortable. Then he saw a comment from his farther. "Who is this? Is there something you want to tell me?".
He laughed. He was really embarissed now. He did not want to comment on it. Luckily Melissa stepped into the fray. She said that this is his friend . she added that he will like her. "Thanks missy" he thought.
Tim and his farther always had a complex relationship. Tim's farther had been a bussunesman.  He brought a cleaning company he worked at. He n brought other cleaning companies and either company. Tim wanted to follow in his feathers footsteps.
He went to college with a major in business. During the Sumer he worked at one of  feathers company. Then he got saved. At first Christianity was An add on. Then it became more real. He became seriously about his faith.
Eventually he decided to start a smal accounting firm and later the  store. He vowed not to  make his business his God. He made his church his focus not his work. His farther believed that this would be a fad. It was not.
They lived in different states. They spoke somewhat frequently. He never mentioned Julie when he talked to him. This was a bit awkward for him.they were not terribly close now but not not close. It was complicated.
He decided to turn off face book. He did not want to deal with all of this right now. He decided to not think about that right now.
He laid low the rest of the night. He was not much of a fan of social media anyway. He used it to keep in touch with friends and family that lived out of sate. Both businesses had a face book page. He made sure it was well mantaned .it was not his thing. He said he saw social media as a necessary evil although more evil then necessary.
While he was avoiding face book, the comments exploded. He would not know about it until he checked it the next day.
End of post.
Next up
Julie and Tim experiences the up and downs of a relationship.

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