Saturday, October 1, 2016

Case of the next door neighbor part four.

Brad was very old fasshoned. In Manny ways he and tessi were night and day different. When they met,he had no idea she had been in the military. She was very girlie in civilian life. He had no idea and was quite surprised when he found out.
They hung out at church functions.then they started to see eachorther out of church. Then he found out that she was in the military.he was shocked. He had some doubts after he found out. The differences were Manny. They broke up a few times before they finally decided to stay together in the long term.
He made It home as soon as he could. He ran to the house. Tessi tried to be calm and cool and colectedm usually she was stoic. She showed no fear. Not today.
She ran to his embrace.he held on to her. After a few seconds of both trying to regain there composure they were somewhat back to normal. He held on to her.
"This is at this point just a precaution. I want to get your wife and family to her mothers. We are going to search the house. We are also going to check your office. We don't want to take any chances. "Detective Morgan said.
"Then you don't think that there is an imminent threat to tessi ?"brad asked."I have no idea .I am assuming that there is until I have evidence to the contary. "Morgan answered.
Brad found it hard. He took it all in. He tried to be tough.he found it hard not to look at every aspect of life though the prism of accounting.he tried to crunch the numbers in his head. He tried to calculate the odds. The numbers did not add up.
Brad,tessi and her kids were escorted to there mini van. The mini van was escorted to her mom's house. The transport went off without a hitch.
As soon as the minivan was out if range ,detective Morgan authorized the police department and other allied agency to get to work.
They brought in bomb sniffing dogs.they also brought in technology experts to check for servelience devices.
At her mom's house both tried to present there best face. Tessi and her mom were very close. Her mom tried to discourage her from going into the army. That was an exercise in futility.she was glad when she was discharged. She was glad when she got married and had kids. She loved her grandkids.
"Are you guys alright?"her mom asked."the police are being over caacious. "Tess tried to assure her mom. "I worry about you! She has always been strong willed. " her mom said. "I can believe that!"he said.she poked him with a mild jab.
She fed her baby then got to work on her lab top. "What are you doing love?"brad asked. "Reserch ! I can't just sit around and do nothing know me I have a bad case of can't sit still syndrome !"she said."yea I know !"he said.
"I don't get it b ! This makes no sense. I have a photographic memory . I have no memory of ever seing morgan. Yet he has been tailing me for mouths. I have no idea why. "She said.
"Alright this case seemed pretyclear cut . a petty theef and criminal is seems like a simple case of a robery gone bad. It all made sense. It seemed cut and dry. The simplest explanation is not true. It seams that he was stalking you.why? Like you said he seams to have no connection to you." he said.
"It is odd. I am on his face book page. He likes crime dramas. He also is a huge fan of the show friends. He seams to love beyoncie and Kenny Rodgers !"tessi said. "That's an odd combination." he said.
"He writes poetry. Its romantic it is kinda sweet . "she said. "Really tessi ? This man is a home invader and a stalker. How can you admire his work?"he asked. "I cant maintain a detachment b ! " she said. "Me not so much!"he said .
Detective Morgan came in. He did not look happy. "You like a farther about to tell his little girl that her puppy died. " she said.
"Your right I am afraid. " Morgan said. "What's the bad news,"tessi asked. Brad never understood why tess handled serious situations in a jovial manor. At times it drove him nuts. She never understood how he considered everything to be a crises. To him a paper cut was def con one. . "alright we found What can only be described as improvised explosive device or I.e.ds . the devices were never fully activated. It may be an idle threat. We also found servalience devices. We suspect That they were placed a mounts ago. " Morgan said.
"Woa! Your theory was that Morgan was stalking tessi but went into the wrong house.This blows up that theory does it not?" brad asked.  "It does put that theory in doubt. "Grer said.
"If he knew where we live. Why was he in the neighbors house?"tessi asked. "We don't know yet. We are working on it. " Morgan said.
"Look we found ied in your husband's car. We want to check your car. We also want to check your laptop for mal whare. "Greer said.
Tessi was reluctant to turn over her lap top. She had several oppen cases.she decided not to fight it. Sure enough the car was loaded with explosives. The lap top was infected with mallware.
She was being spied on. Someone was preparing to attack her if he or they had to. Was this a case of a stalker with a scorched earth mantilility or something else?
"The good news is that this house is clear. Your office is clear Mr. Carpenter. While the evidence still indicates that the threat was confined with Mr. Morgan whoever we are continuing protective custody while the investigation goes forward. "Greer said.
  Tess waited for the officers to leave. She talked to her husband " you have a thought of several Tessa bear I can tell!"He said.
"The servalience devices were implanted a month ago. I began the vetting of the South Sudan relief fund.what if this is related to that."she said. 
"You think the s.s.r.f is spying on you?"brad asked."this investigation has rattled some feathers. Even the mild mannered earnie is a bit perturbed. " she said.
"Is the spy ware and the ieds unrelated? A coincidence?"He asked."Maybe but I have no idea.nothing about this make sense. "She said.
"Ok . wait a minute our neighbors moved  in a month ago. " he commented. "Your not suggesting they are spies of some kind are you b?"he asked. "Possibly.  "He said.
End of part four.

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