Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tim and Julia Nicole (the party)

In a small church,everyone knew every one else. Nothing was not noticed. Tim figured that. He and Julia Nicole 's new relationship would be noticed. He was glad that he had gotten the permison of her farther. It was easier now. He knew that people would notice. It was bound to happen. It was natural.
It would stil take time to a just. He did not like being the center of attention.he never did. He considered waiting for het to arrive . he decided not to. 
He sat down in the auditorium. He started to  look up. "How long have you been standing there?" he asked." couple of seconds! "She said. He smiled. She Sat down. She took his hand. He was not sure he was comfortable with hand holding especially at church. He decided to go with it.
"I heard you talked to my dad?"she said. "I have talked to your dad on many occasions. "He said. She poked him. "Yes we did. I got his permission to see you. I am not ready to become an official couple." he said.
"Why not? "She asked. "We should take it slow."he said. "Afraid you will get sick of me?"she asked. "Of course not. There Is need to rush this."he said. "Your right. "She said.
An older lady came over to her. "So do you two have something you want to tell me?"Mrs Osborn said. They both smiled. "We are informal for now but we will see."he said. "I am happy  for You two. I think you make a nice couple."She said.
They thanked her. She moved on. "Are you ashamed to be around me?"she asked."no of course not. It is just that you and I becoming a couple or potential couple is bound to be a topic of conversation. We might be a source of controversy especially given our age difference!"he said. "Because your so old?"she asked laughing. "No!"he said .
Mrs . Grainger saw them sitting together. Mrs.Grainger was a widow.she was a strong presence in the church. They had been missionaries to Argentina before his health forced them to return to the states.
She went over to them. "I have been praying for you two to get together to get together for a while now.I believe that the Lord will do great things with you two. "Mrs. Granger said . "thank you.we certainly want the Lord to use us and our relationship. "Julia Nicole said. "I know he will!"Mrs.Grainger said .
Julia Nicole laughed. "We are a smal church in a smal town. You are going to have to get use to The attention. It will die down . other news will take over. "She said . " ok!"he said.
After the service,many stayed around and talked for a bit. Tim and Julie talked to people. He walked her to her car. "Your a little uptight?"she commented. "Perhaps a little. "He said.
They said there good byes. He went to his car and drove home. The day seamed to be mixed. It probably could have gone better.
Julie was not sure how to process the day. Some of it went very well. Other parts was not as good. Perhaps that was how it was.
During the week,Tim was busy with his two business. He had an accounting firm and an antique store.that kept him buisy. Julie was kept buisy with her work.
Tim went home from work. His phone went off. He saw that it was sister. "Hi miss!" he said . "Tim I was hoping to have you and Julie over for dinner this week. " she said. "What day are you looking at?"he asked. "Wendsday if It is good for Julie but I am flexible."she said. "I will get in touch with Jules and get back to you."he said. "Oh ok! Sure!"she said.
He hung up with his sister. He immediately called julie. Julie was at home when her cell phone went off. She picked it up. "Hey Tim!"she said."hey Jules.missy wants to have us over for dinner. "He said.
"Oh! Yea that would be good!"julie said.julie was not expecting that. She did not know melisa well. She knew her from church. They had engaged in chit chat hear and there. They were cordial but not close.  She was not sure she was ready to hang out with her potentiall future sister in law quite yet.
"Are you available Wednesday night?"Tim asked. "Yea. Wendsday is good. "She said. She was nervous about it but did not say that. "Awsome. I will call missy back and tell her. "He said. "Ok cool!"she responded.
She was nervous about it she did not know why. Melisa seemed like a nice lady. She got the impreson that Tim and her were close. She probably needed to be on good terms with her. She wanted to be in good relations with his family .
She was surprised given that Tim seemed to wanted to slow down a bit.this seemed to accelerating things. She surmised that this was probably Melissa's idea. He was going along with it.
"So I will get back to you with any final details. "He said."ok sure!"she answered. Then they hung up.
She was really not sure about all this.perhaps it was because they had not had a particular good week.she decided she did want to go. She did hope that they would have a better week.
Wednesday arrived. She work until three thirty. She went home. She changed. She decided to go mostly casual. She hoped that she and Melissa would get along. Melisa had three kids. A six year old boy,a two-year old boy and a three mouth old baby girl. Melissa's husband was overseas in the army. She was ready to go.
As usual ,Tim was early. She anticipated that. She was ready. She went out. She went into the car. He hugged her. He was stil not sure about physical contact. He still did not get the courage to tell her that he was not comfortable with physical display of affections.
The drive form her house to Melissa's was a couple of minutes. Before they knew it they were there. He parked. They went inside.
"Hi Julia!"melisa said. "Hi!"julie said."I a really glad you can come. I know we don't know each other well but I hope to change all that."Melissa saId."I would like that too." julie said.
"So I am wondering who liked who first."missy asked at meal time. "I think I liked him first. "Julie said. "I suspected . I once asked him once but he hemmed and hawed. When you two decided to go out I figured it was only a matter of time. "She said.
"How did you meat your husband?"Julie asked. "When I was at college I went to a church near a military base. We met at church.I had no idea he was in the service. "She  said.
"I put him though the ringer. "He said "he was not that bad. They liked each other instantly. "Melissa said. "My parents like him. We have there approval. "Julie said .
"Our family is due for another wedding. "Melisa said . "so far only missy and my other brother are the only ones maried"he said. "No presue though. Just saying it would be nice to have another weeding."Melisa said.
After the meal,Tim was playing with the boys. Julie helped Melisa with clearing the table."so anything I should know about Tim?"she asked."well he spends an hour organizing his sock drawer and is still unhappy."She said. "I am not surprised."julie said. "If you borow a book from him return it exactly where you found it. He organizes book by dewy decimal syistom.I am not joking!"Melisa said. "I will keep that in mind."julie said.
"Do you think you will two will get maried?"she asked."I really hope so. I want to. "Julie said. "You would make a fine addition to The family. I would be pleased to have you as a sister in law."She said. "Thanks you that means a lot. "Julie said.
End of part 4

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