Monday, October 10, 2016

Blind date part 12

Abby and Matt decided to go on a date. It was there first date sence they decided to resume there relationship.  They were both nervous. They were both excited at the same time.
Abby spent quite a bit of time getting ready for the date. She was wating for him.she watched for him from the window. She saw the car drive in to the parking lot. She said good bye to her roommate Jill. Jill wished her luck.then she left the home and stepped on to the porch.
He drove from his house to her apartment. He saw her step on to the porch. She wore a pink sweater ,gray skirt and sandles. When he saw her,he smiled. She had that affect on  him. Even when they were not dating,she still made him smile.
She went into the car. He hugged her. She held on to him.  They held on to each other. "Hi ab! "He said."hi!"she said.
They went to the first restaurant they went to . the infamous blind date. They were seated.they looked over the menu then they ordered .
"I heard you had breakfast with mom and my oldest sister's?"he asked"I did. I really like your family.they have relay welcomed me. I had a good time with them."she said. "I'm glad. They had a good time with you. I had no idea that they were planing on doing that " he said."nor did I? Until twenty minutes before they showed up."she said. "I am not surprised."he said .
The waiter brought there drinks. Mat ordered a Pepsi. She had wine. They kept talking.she took a sip of the alcohole. Then she realized that she had ordered alcohol.
Matt was an independent fundamental Baptist. I.f.b were generally against alholic consumption. Usualy they had a passionate dislike for alcoholic beverage. She had not realized that she had ordered it. 
"You ok ab ?"He asked. "Look I did not think about it. I don't drink that much. I usually have one glass and I'm done. "She said.
"Ok. "He said. "Your not upset about it?"she asked. "Well I gues I would perfer you did not. I know that you are hardly an alcoholic. I know it is not something you do all the time. I don't see it being a big deal. " he said .
"Its not?"she asked. "No it's not. I would say when We were married I would perfer you drink at home and on special occasions.I hope you would not go to bars."he said. "Yea I don't do bars."Abby said.
"Mr. Cambel did I hear you correctly? Did you say when not if we get married?"she asked.he had a great big smile on his face. "Yes I believe I did."Matt replied. "Abby Campbell that has a nice ring to it! She said. "Not reverend doctor Abby Gray cambell?"he asked. "That too. "She said. They laughed.
"You don't worry that we are just too mismatched?"she asked. "No I don't. I love you and we are going to make this work."he said. She was surprised to hear him say that."I love you too. I wanted someone to day that to me. I gues I come over as strong,dominerng I am not quite as confident as I come off. "She said. "I know. "He said.
"You don't worry about our differences. We come at things form very different angles?"she asked. "I have never even afraid of differences. I have core views. I come at things from the lense of independent fundimetle Baptist because i believe that that is best. I think things though I don't mind being chalenged. I know sometimes you have to wrestle with things. " he said.
"I don't always see things from the ucc lense. I am a literalist.I do believe in mericles. I am more of a liberal in other things. I am an advocate of social justice I gues. I  believe that women can be minister's. I wrestle with things as well."she said.
"Do you wory about our differences?"he asked. "I think I can accept your opinions easier the. You can. I fear that we just won't be able to work from them. "She said.
"I have strong views.I believe them to be correct. Having said that I know that I am not infallible.I know I don't have everything right. I am far more easy going then I appear. I want you and I to be on the same side. " he said.
"What if I complete my studies.what if I am ordained as a minister in the u.c.c ? Do you think that I will see the era of my ways and end my studies?"she asked.
"I knew we would have to have that talk some times. I was hoping that we would have more time before that talk."he said.
" I don't mean to put you on the spot."She said. "No it's ok. I guess I would perfer that you not persue the ministry but I don't antipate that that will happen. I would never make you chose between the two. I am not a dictator "he said.
"It may be on Sunday you go preach at your church and me at myine."she said. "I know that. I understood that when we decided to resume our relationship."he said.
"Did you really get all that that entails?"she asked."perhaps not totally. "He said. "I just needed to know what you thinking on this. I am sorry if I was too harsh."she said. "No your fine. " he said.
"Will you always be patient with me?"she asked. "I will definitely try. I want to be. I am very easy going as I said even though I do not appear to be. I want to earn your trust. "Mat said.
"I do trust you. "She said. "I want to do right by you. I will do everything to do just that. "He told her.
"Ok. I just needed to hear it. I did not intend to be obstinate tonight!"she said."your not. This is won't be easy. I wish I could tell you it would we. It Will take work and frustration at times. "He said.
"I know that. "She said. "I wish I could say I will ever fail you Or disappoint you but sadly I know I will. "He said."I will dispoint you at times. "She said. "Hard is nesasirily bad. "He said. "The riskier the road the greater the prophet."she said. "Who said that?"he asked. "The firengi on star trek. ."she said.  The two laughed.
"My point is that the harder something is,the outcome is that much better. "She said. "I see what you mean.
"I wish I could say I will not disipoint you. I would be a fool to think I won't."he said. "If gues we have to just work at things. Not give up.I don't like disipointing you either."she said.
"We do have to work at this. I don't know that we fully understand what that means. "He said.
He paid the Bill. Then the two left. They held hands as they walked to the car. "Not quite an easy night?"she asked. "No it was not but that's ok. We are together. "He said. She smiled."yes we are. "She said. The two looked at each other.
They got into the car. "So are you in a rush or can we talk on the steps for a bit?"she asked. "I would like that. " He said.
They walked to her porch steps. "Ok I have two questioned for do you want to marry me? Second do you think we will get married?"she asked.
"I have given this a lot of thought. Realy I have thought of little else. Yes I do want to marry you. As to the seconds questione, I gave this a lot of thought as well. I can't imagine being with any one else. I do think we will. What is your answer to those questions?"he asked.
She smiled. "I definitely want to marry you. I liked you sense that first date. That answer has grown stronger. As to the second,I had my doubts . we are so different.  In talking to you my fears have been alleviated. I do think we Will get married."she said.
"I am excited for it. I can imagine us waking up . probably being woken up by a kid asking us about the hyposatic union. "He said. "The next day we will get to debate the kinosis. "She said. They laughed.
"I like the thought of us building a life together. We will have a good life. "He said. "I know we will. Your different tonight. More relaxed. "She said. "As I said I have time to think about things sense we resumed our relationship. I have decided that I am In all the way. I gues I feel at liberty to let my guard down a bit. I gues I don't have to be so uptight now. "He said.
"I can tell. Your not afraid of me any more?"she teased him. "No I am still afraid of you !"he said. "Because I am so intimidating!" she said.
"Your working on your masters I have to work to keep my A,b average. "He said. She put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder."your not as afraid of me ? That's good. I don't want you. Be too afraid of me. Mayby a little . "she said. "Ok I  will keep that in mind . " he said .
"I am a little afraid of you. "She admired. "Me?"he asked. I assumed you were  strict, uptight serious ,somber ,sour  "She said. "I am no fun. "He said. They laughed. "I  that my types of fundies in general  and of you May not be accurate. " she said.
After a while they dexided it was getting late. " Its getting late I should probably be getting back."he said. "Ok . it is getting late. I had a good night tonight " she said "I did too. " he said. " I love you more then I could possibly express ." she said. "I think I have a good idea. " he said.
All of a sudden they kissed. A real kiss. "Did you just kiss me?" she asked."I think you kissed me ?"he said. "I am prety sure you kissed me" she said. " no I don't think so. I did not think we were at kissing phase." he said. "I did not think that either. " she said. They Laughed.
She went inside. "Did you two kiss?"Jill asked . "yes We did. " she answered. "I don't think I have seen  you happier. " she said. She laughed.
He went home. "You were gone a long time?"Kathy commented."yes. We had a good night. " he said " I figured. " she said. "I  am going to marry her some day. " he said."yea I know. "She said.
End of part 12.

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