Sunday, September 25, 2016


In the last philosophy topics,we looked at influence. Mankind is constently under influence. What about another kind of influence? What other things out of our control?what about unseen forces?
For example you plan to spend the after noon cleaning your basement. Then you get a knock on the door. You are visited by friends. They stay all afternoon. You don't get any cleaning done.
Another example is the citty of Pompeii. They were not expecting the volcano at mount vesuvius to erupt. Monty python a spoof once said that no one expects the Spanish inquisition.
The movie "mosquito coast "illustrates the idea that man is not always in control of his destiny. Aly Fox an invented disulisoned with America and God moves to an African nation .he run into murcinaries ,his invention exploding and contaminating the area. Then he has a run in with misonaries and he was killed.
If man kind is influenced by unforeseen forces. Does anyone control these forces or are they random?
  The ancient Greek philosophers came up with the idea of atoms.the universe was made of were basically random.
The bible teaches that God controls every event of our lives. How much does he control. What about free will?
Is God sovereign.for a Christian the answer is yes. How far does that go.
The diest believed that God created the world then left. It is often called the watch theory. Basically God sent a clock.
Rabi Kushner believed that God is not involved in the big things. Basically he is involved in the big picture.
The bible teaches that God is teaches that God I'd involved in every detail of life. He sometimes allows man kind to make bad decisions.he knows what cod happen. He has a plan for everything. 
Every event is part of Gods over all plan for humanity. His purpose is always fulfied. God permits all things. Nothing goes without his knowledge or constent.
God does not always punish evil right away. Some times he wait. Some times he waits s to give evil man an opotuniy to repent. As in the case of nebukanazer he uses wicked man to accomplish his goals. In the end evil will be judged.
From Gods perspective,there is no such thing as unseen forces. From man's perspective there is. Man cannot predict every contingency. We cannot predict the unplanned visit or volcano eruption. Man is not the master of his own destiny. That realization brings us to consider that we are finite. Despite that we are created in Gods image. God desires that we can come to him In faith.

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