Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blind date part 9

Mat and Abby were the unlikely of couples. Matt was very conservative . he was a traditionalist. Abby was not liberal exactly but not an independent fundamentalist. The two decided to part ways. Well mat did. The two went in very separate directions.
Both attempted to date other people. It went badly for both. They decided to not attempt that again for a while.they decided to wait.wait for what they were not sure of but they were waiting never the less .
Abby was quite busy. She had cases and studies. She also was helping at a local church. She preached ,was involved in commities,church yard sales and other activities in the church and in the community.
Matt was buisy himself. He had classes. He also helped out his dad with pastoral duties and preaching. He found out he was going to be a big brother again.
She still thought about him. He did not think about her as much.at the same time,he did think about her on occasion.
"Ok Abby it's time to relax!"her roommate said. "I will but I am on  a role!"Abby wull.  "You said that three hours ago and three hours before that. " Jill remarked.
"I know . I Wil stop. Now!"she said.she had been sitting crosed legged . she got up. "I am getting a little Hungary now that I think of it!"she said. She was heading for the kitchen.she started to collapse. Jill headed to her.
"I'm ok!"Abby said. "You need to get to the hospital!"Jill told her. "I'm fine!"Abby responded. "You have two chooses.option one I drive you to the e.r option two I call. 911!"Jill told her. "Ok drive me. I don't want ride in an ambulance . "she said.Jill helped Abby into the car. They drove to the hospital.
Jill got an orderly to get a wheel chair for Abby. Abby was taken to the e.r.she was checked out.then she was admitted.
Jill waited in a waiting room . she had abbys cell phone.she looked though her contact list and found Matt. She dialed it.
Matt was mowing the lawn. He heard his phone gone off.he saw that it was Abby. He was surprised to hear from her. He pushed the button to answer.
"Hi abb what's up!"he said."hi Matt it's Jill abbys roommate."she said.
He got really scared. Was she ok? Did something happen to her? "Is abb ok?"he asked. "She was studying and she started to feel wobbly.she is at the hospital. I am waiting to hear back from the doctor.I thought you should know !" Jill said.
"Thank you for telling me ! I will be right over. I will get hear as soon as I can!"he told her. He. Immediately went to his car and drove to the hospital. He got as fast as he could within the traphic law of course.
He was directed to the floor He was in. Floods of fears went though her mind. He went though a fliry of diagnoses known of them good. He was a preacher not a doctor. He told himself to calm down. It might not be the worst case syinerio.he had to be positive. He had to be strong.
He found Jill. "Matt I just heard from the doctor. She is going to be fine. Apearently our little miss workaholic over did it and became dihydrated. She is being given fluids.she should be released tomorrow. They are keeping her for observation. "Jill said.
"They are sure it is just dehydration?"Matt asked. "Yes they are. They are not worried.I intend to keep a closer her on her hydration which she will love. "Jill said.
The elevator door opened, a man in a trench coat and suit came in. Matt did not recognize him but Jill did. Jill knew him from the seminary. It was the reverend Michael clendon.
"Is Abb ok?"clendon asked. Matt got relay uneesey when he used one of the pet naimes he used. So did Jill.
"She is fine. She just got a little dehydrated. "Jill told her. Matt noticed that Jill did not talk to clendon in quite the same way.
"Who are you?"clendon asked."I'm Matt cambel I am a friend of Abby. You are?"he asked.
  "I am the reverend Michael clendon. I was in seminary with Abigail. "He said. Matt was not too impresed with Mike. He senced that Jill was not either.
"I had never heard about you. You must not be too important in her life."clendon remarked. Matt did not say anything in response. "Wait I know who you are. Your the fundy that broke abbygail's heart!" mike said.
Jill was not pleased with clendon. Perhaps mike felt threatened by Matt.Matt had never seen the man in his life. He had no feelings for or against.  "That is probably true!"Matt admitted.Jill did not think that was fair.
Jill was hoping that Michael would leave. There was no sign that he was about to leave. She did not think that the two would get into a fist fight but one never knew.
Jill was allowed to come in to see Abby. Abby was hooked up to an I.v.she was clad in a hospital gowan."Jill no lecture!"Abby said. "That's no fun but ok. I figure the doctor and nurses have given you plenty of lectures. "Jill said. "They have. "Abby said.
"Just be more careful please. You gave me quite a scare. Lets not do that again!"Jill pleaded with her. "I will be more carefull. I promise. I will drink more water and stay hydrated. " Abby said.
"Oh you have visitors ! They are waiting in the lobby."Jill told her. "Who are they? "She asked. "The reverend Michael clendon. "Jill Told her. "He is hear? How did he find out?"Abby asked. "I have no idea. "Jill assured her. "Who is the other visitor ?"she asked. " it's Matt !" Jill answered her.
"Mats hear?'she asked. She was almost agitated."he is in the lobby.he and mike have an uneasy truce. Matt is verry easy going and laid back. He is not giving in to Mike's goading. "Jill said .
"How did he find out?"Abby asked."I called him. I figured he would want to know. He got hear prety quickly.I think he actually went the speed limit."Jill commented. "Yea he kinda has the opposite of a led foot. I think my 90 year old great grandmother drives faster then he does. " Abby said.
"They both want to see you. "Jill said. "Get Matt in hear. I don't want to think about mike right now. " she said.Jill smiled. "That is what I thought you say. I will be right back!"Jill said.
Matt was reading a boating magazine. " so you are a king James hyim singing Christian that wants women barefoot pregnant and silent in the church. " mike said.
"I do use the king James.I sing hyims. Technicaly you are correct but I don't ageee with the way you have constructed that statement. "Matt answered.
"The bible contains the word of God no doubt. Is every word inspired by God? I would say not necessarily. There are things that got added. Things that have become part of the Canon but may not be devinly inspired.some things reflect the culture of the day. Paul Grace alone apart from works was probably not according to the Lord . "he said.
The door opened, Jill came out. "Matt Abby is asking for you!"Jill said. "Is she asking to see me?"Michael asked."she has not yet!"Jill replied. 
Matt opened the door and went inside. "If your going to lecture me please don't I got an earful from Jill and the staf. "Abby said.
"I'm not going to lecture you."he said.he went over and gave her a great big hug. She did not let him go right away.
"I over did it Matty I tend to do that "she told her. "Well I am glad your ok.I hope you will be carefull. "He said."I will I promise . "she said. "Good! I won't lecture you any more . reverend Abby. "He said.
"Hear we go with the reverend Abby thing. How have you been?"she asked."good buisy but good.it's seems I am going to be a big brother again. "He said."congrats. What is this ?child number twenty?"she asked."funny no number eight." he said. "Ok my bad!"Abby said .
"So mike who is he?"Matt asked. "He was completing his docterite when i started. He is now ordained. He has a crush on me. "She said.
"I assume it is one sided"?he asked."very much so . well I did go on one date just to see if a relationship was doable but it is not. "She said."you went on a date ?"he asked."it was just for coffee. I was one on the rebound from you. "She said. "Oh! I went on one date myself.She was sweet but it went no where. "He said.
"I am glad you stoped by. It is good to see you. "She told him. "Its good to see you. Take it easy please."he said. "I will."she said.
He left the room.mat walked away.he went to his car and went home. He had some time before lunch. He went to his room. He did some thinking.
A week later Matt was working on a surmon that he would preach on Sunday. His phone went off.the caller I.d said that it was reverend Abby. He hoped That this is not a medical emergency. He hit the answer button.
"Hello!" Matt said. "My car broke down. I have no idea why. "Abby said."where are you?" he said. "I am in granger. "She said ."ok I am on my way. " he said.
He immediately jump in his car.he found her.he parked next to her. "I know I'm hopeless. " she said. "Its fine! I'm happy to help. "Matt said.
He was able to get started. He thought it was fixed. "Look I will follow you home. " he said. "Ok thanks. Will you always come to my rescue?"she asked. "Yea I will."he said.
"Good. I will try to not have it be too inconvenient of a time. "She said. "Oh ok! " he said."thank you for coming. I'm not usually like this. " she said ."I know that. "He said.
"So did mike finally see you ?"he asked."he was not going away. I decided to finally let him in. I could not get rid of them .Jill finally ran interference for me. " she said.
He followed her home. They made it home. "Thank you. "She said."no problem. " He said.
That night Abby took a break from work and focused on thinking. "Why don't you talk to him ?" Jill asked. "It won't do any good. There are just too many issues. Too many differences. We just can't work this out. "Abby told her.
"Are you sure? Go talk to him. See if you can work this out. "Jill said. "Alright I will go see him tomorrow. "She said.
She had no idea If this was a good idea or not but she going to see him the next day.

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