Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The date (part two of the party)

Tim and Nicky had liked each other for a while. There were obstacles. They were. 12 years difference between them. She was 21,he was 33. There was other differences.he was a business owner and she was a recent bible college graduate. She grew up in an I.f.b church. He was converted in his twenties.
There were other differences as well. It seemed unlikely that they could make it as a couple. In Manny cases those differences do not decide as much as they could.
Tim could not believe that he had gone though with It. As the day of the date close closer,he got even more nervous.
She was nervous and excited at the same time. She was glad that the day had arrived. She spent quite some time getting ready for the date.
She put on a pink t shirt and Gray skirt and flip flops. She styled her hair.she waited for him to arive.
She got really nervous waiting for him.what if it did bot work out? Would there friendship servive.she started to think of every doomsday synerio she could think off. Then she calmed down. lookBecided not to get bent out of shape about it.
He was two minutes ahead of what he said. That sounds just like him.she laughed.she figured that was how he was. He tended to be task oriented and time conscious.
She came out and went to the car. He smiled at her when he saw her. She smiled back. She got in. "You lookB really nice tonight!"he said. "Thank you. You look handsome yourself!"she said.
They drove to the restaurant. They went inside and seated. "I can't believe we are hear!"he said."this restaurant is not hard to get into !"she said in a tounge in cheek fashion."I can't beleve. We are hear together. "He said.
"Wha made you decide to ask me out?"she asked. "I thought about it for a while. I was not sure you would say yes. You might not want to be seen with an old geezer."he said.
"I suspected you liked me. I was not sure. "She said. "I was really afraid that you would say no!"he remarked."really?I have liked you for a while!"she said. "I thought so but sometimes men misterpret simple greetings as something more. The your so veign you probably think Nicky likes you!"he said. She laughed.
"I thought you liked me but I feared you might think I was immature !"she said."I have observed you over the years sense your family came to the church. I saw you grow in maturity and in your relationship with the Lord."he said."that means a lot. I think it is hard for people to see passed the teen Nicole of so long ago!"she said."I think more people have noticed that you are aware!"he said.
"You are bot that old. Besides when your 82 I will be 70. "She said. "When you put it that way. "He said. They both laughed.
"Man I Love that smile!"he thought to himself. "So when did you first like me?"she asked. "The first time I ever even considered it was when you came home from college the first time. When we stayed at church until the church custodian threw US out so he could clean!"he said. "I forgot about that. I totally lost tract of time that day "she said. "So did I? It was so not like me!"he said.
"I like had a crush on you sense high school!"she said."really! We never talked except an occasional high and hand shake until pastor curtas stoped the one in the bound of love routine!"he said.
"You made an impression. Of course I was a teen in a town that even lake wo be gone forgot about!"she said."I wanted to ask you out over the summer of your freshman into sophomore year. You stated dating trevor!"he said.
"He is a good guy. He is on a Sumer missions trip. We both felt it was not God's will. "She said.
"I expected you to date someone else.I did not want me to be a rebound date. "He said. "After Trevor ,I decided to take a step back. I did not want to date everyone in sight. I was a bit guy crazy. I decided to back off. "She said.
"I backed off for a time. I decided to wait. I had no idea when the right time was!"he said. "Now is perfect! To tell you the truth I was begging to founder if you had lost interest. "She said."not at all. I am am accountant at heart. I like to cross my ts and dot my eyes."here told her.
"I figured that about you!"she said.
"I gues maybe I went overboard. I almost talk myself out of that I did not want. I was scared of rejection."he said. "Becuase your so old?"she asked jokingly. "That is definitely part of it. What if you don't like my  table manners or my endless resitation of Obscure facts."he said.
"Well! Your table manners are fine. I don't see the obscure facts being a deal breaker yet!"she said. "Oh ok! I think I am very scared that if this did not work,it would end our friendship." he said.
"I had that fear as well. "She told him."I decided that I felt like I was at liberty to ask you out. "He said. "I knew you were interested but I was wondering when you were going to ask me out. I admit I got a little restless. I considered asking you out myself although I am not sure it is proper. " she commented. They both laughed.
"So was inviting me to the graduation party a way of tipping my hand?"he asked. "A little bit. "She said. "I see. I was afraid you might say no!"he said."I was not going to say no!"she said. "I see!"he said.
"So I have to know,is this just a casual date? Is marriage a possibility?"she asked. "No I would he perused this if I did not think mariege was a viable option. I definitely think marriage is a possibility.I am at a place in my life where I don't want to cassuly date. Is marriage between US a possibility for you?"he asked.
"Yes it is. While I am younger ,I did bot date in high school,mostly because I was homeschool, I regret dating the way I did in college. I believe if I date now it should be to someone I could marry!"she said.
"Excelent I hoped so. "He said. "If you want to lay off the recitation of obscure facts that would be ok"she said jokingly.
"For the record I did not bring up lake woobegone!"he said. "Oh ok!"she said. He paid the Bill then they left. She took his hand. He was not too keen on hand holding but Decided to go with it.
They went to the car. "I had a good time today. I am glad we got to do this!"she said. "Me too! "He said.
They engaged in smal talk until they arrived at her parents house. "We will have to make aragement to get together again soon . provided your bot sick of me !"he said. "No not yet! I will let you know!"she said."ok fair enough!"he said. She hugged him.he did not feel that physical contact was warranted at this juncture but let it go.
He watched her go in. Then he drove home. He had a good night.he felt mentally exhausted.he felt a bit overwhelmed.he was pleased with how the night went.he needed time to catch his breath.
End of part two.

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