Thursday, September 29, 2016

Blind date part ten

Abby decided to talk to Matt.she waited until the afternoon. She tried to get tons of worsk done so that the evening was free. She drove hesitantly.she did not see his car in the drive way. She considered coming back later. She decided to go in.
She parked in there drive way. She got out of the car. She knocked on the door. The door opened,it was his sister Kathy.
"Hi is mat home?"Abby asked. "No not yet. Mom has a family rule you have to be home before five. He should be home soon. " Kathy said.
"Maybe I should come back later. I don't want to disturb your family time. " she said. "Non sense come on must be Abby.I'm Kathy his favorite sister. "She said. Abby laughed.
"Its good to meet you. "Abby said. "Come on. I will introduce you to the family."Kathy said. Abby was nervous. She wanted to talk to mat in private not meet his whole family. She was afraid they would hate her. She was very independent not exactly independent fubdimentle Baptist.
Kathy escorted Abby to the front room. " hi everyone this is Abby a friend of mat!"Kathy said. Abby was really embarrassed. "Hello I'm Bob Campbell this is my wife Anna."he said. "Matt told me your news congratulations"she said. "Thank you we are both really excited. "Anna said.
"How do you know Matt ?"Bob asked. "A matural friend of ours tried to set us up on a blind date. "She said. "I remember that he went on a blind date.he was pretty cryptic about it.we have presed him on. That was with you !"Bob said.
"Yes. We we're not what either of us expected. "Abby said. "How so?"Anna asked. "Well I am a student at a less orthodox bible college."she said. "How less ?"Bob asked. "I am going to a seminary that usually trains minister for United church of chrust!"Abby answered.
"Oh!"Bob said . "are you training to be a minister?"Anna asked. "Yes  am."She said. My goose is coooked she thought.
"Do you believe in the mericles in the bible ?"he asked. "Yes I do. I believe in a literal reserection of Christ. I believe that the children of Israel did cross the red sea not the reed sea!"she answered.
"Do you that Jesus is the only way or are there other ways of salvation " mats brother Tim asked. "I believe that there is only one way to salvation."Abby said.
"The u.c.c is rather wishy washey on the subject. "Bob said ."yes They are. They like to hem and haw on the subject. "Abby admitted.
"How would you handle such a topic?"Bob asked. "I don't know. I do feel strongly about it. "She said.
"Why did you join the u.c.c? There are denominations that are more orthodox yet ordain women ? Like the United Baptist?" he asked.
"My mother was an atheist .my farther had been a minister but left it before I was born. He stoped going. U to found his bible and read it. I went to the nearest was u.c.c.the minister befriended me and I got scholarships so I went with them. "She said.
"So let me get this straight. You are a ministerial student who went on a few dates with my son.he broke it off now you want to resume it?"Bob asked. "Pretty Mitch! Look I have a great deal of respect for you.if you want me to leave I will. I don't want to step on your toes."Abby said.
"No that won't be necessary. I want to get to know you. "Bob said ."I am not totally sure why I am hear.I really wanted to talk to him. To see if something could be worked out."Abby said.
Matt drove home. He saw what he thought was baby's car in the driveway. He saw her bumper sticker."our church accepts everyone."  he knew it was her. Why was she hear? He thought to himself. He parked then went inside.
He saw Abby. There eyes met. He caught himself smiling.she always had that affect on him. "Ab? What are you doing hear?"mat asked. "I was hoping to talk to you!"she said. Alisha another daughter came in. "Am I setting another place for Abby?"Alisha asked. "Oh I can't stay. "Abby said ."we would love it."Anna said. "I don't want to impose !"Abby said. "Its not at all."Bob said.she looked at Matt. "You should stay!"Matt said.
She wondered was he inviting her to dinner or into his life ? "Ok I will stay!"she said. "Set an extra place at the table al!"her farther said.
Everyone went to the kitchen table."you can sit hear next to Matt and Kathy. "Bob said. They Sat down.Apearently they all joined hands during prayer. She was a bit uncomfortable with it. He extended his hand so she took it.
As everyone was getting food . she thought this feel right. She wondered was This something that could be later or something that could have been but never was. Would this be a great memory or would it haunt her.
"It will May take a little while for me to remember all your names."Abby said. "We have hard time remembering them at times. " Kathy said. "You did not give them all j or h names."Abby said. "We were not not planing but not planning to have this many !"Anna said.
"Do you have any siblings?" Tim asked. "I do. I have an older brother and two younger sisters. "She said.
After dinner everyone brought dishes to the dish washer. Abby helped alisha clear the table. 
Matt kinda took a step back. He kinda guesed why she was hear. He had no idea why he would do. His farther went over to him. "It took a lot of courage for her to come today. I can't believe I'm saying this but don't be so quick to walk away. " he said. "Ok I will keep that in mind."he said.
Things started to die down. Matt went over to Abby. "Do you want to go to the porch?"he asked."ok!"she said. The two went to the porch. They Sat down on the steps.
"So I came. To talk to you. Matt I know we have a lot of differences. I really like you. I don't want to loose you. Look if you really don't think this Will work or you just don't want to be with me I will walk out and you will never hear from me again. " she told him.
He thought it over. "No I'm not going to do that. That is not what I want. " he said. "Look I don't have any answers. I wish I did. I am not sure why I am hear. I can't just walk away.not without at least coming to you first. "She said.
"I want to take it slow. I do want us to explore a relationship. "He said. "I'm ok with going slow. I just want you in my life. I understand we have hurdles."she said. "I am willing to give it a chance . I'm in if you are. " he said. "I'm in !"she said. She started to hug him. She realized that this might not be appropriate so she recoiled.he hugged  her. They held on to each other for a while.
"I really like your family. " Abby told him. " I think you made quite an impression. "Mat said."oh great. "She said. "I think they like you. I hope they did not give you too much trouble?"he asked. "They we're fine!"she said.
After a while she decided she should probably go. "I should get going. "She said. "Ok I'm glad you stop by. "Matt said. "I am too!" she said .
He walked her to her car. " I will talk to you later!"he said ."you got it!"she said. He started to walk away then he stoped and hugged her. Then she got into the car and left.he watched her leave.
He went inside. He went to see his dad. "We are going to give it a try. "Matt said. "I knew That. Look mat it's not going to be easy. Who she is today may not be who she always is. Both your mom and I did not have it together when we started dating. Mariege is two sinners coming together. You two have hurdles. You wil have to get together and hash some of this out. Mayby that is the point ,together. Perhaps it time to think of each other as being on the same team. "He said.
Abby went home. "You have been gone a while! "Jill said. "I ended up having dinner with Matt's family. Then we talked a lot ."she said.
"are you too a couple again?"Jill asked "I think so. I did not bring my Matt to English dictionary but I believe so. "She said. "You two are either are the cutest couple or the weirdest or a little both of both. " Jill said.
That night matt' mom and dad talked. "So have we met our new daughter in law?"Anna asked ."I'm prety sure we have. "He said. "I figured. "She said.
End of part ten.

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