Monday, September 26, 2016

After the date (the party )

Tim and Nicky finally went on a date.the date went very well. They had been friends for a few years. They had a ten year age gap as well as very different life experiences. Such a union seemed unheard of. Right now they were in the early phase.
They got done the first date. Tim had a good time. He felt darned. He liked to process things. He never liked to from from one thing to another. Of course not long after getting home his phone rang.
Without even checking the caller I'd,he knew who it was. It was his sister Melissa.
"Hey missy!"he said. "How did it go?"she asked. "Uh good!"he answered. "That seemed hesistent."She said. "Oh no it went good. "He said. "Not great though ?"she asked in a follow up question. "No it we by fine. I am pleased with how it went!. "He said.
"There is something though "she said. "There might be a concern !"he said. "Ok what is it?"she asked. "The night went rely good. As we were leaving she took my hand,I was not sure physical contact is warranted at this early a juncture. Then she hugged me before we said our good nights. "He said.
"So the night went very good. Except she hugged you and held your hand
Did you tell her that ?"she asked. "No I did not."he said. "Now you have established a precedence. If you move away or recoil the next time ,she will think that you are mad or something. If you really don't think it is appropriate you need to  express that to her and soon. "She said.
"You think I am making a mount on out of a mole hill?"he asked. "From what I have heard right now yes. I suspect you think it might be a smaller issue then your making it!"she said.
"Perhaps. It is not a deal breaker. It is something that took me a back. "He said. She laughed. "Your so uptight!"she remarked. "No I'm not. "He said. "You really are. You have been for as long as I can remember. "She said.
"Its just awkward right now. I have not been on a date in quite a while. It a weird that she is the daughter of someone who is currently In my Sunday school class and who I serve with on the bored of trustries. "He said.
'I don't think this is a big least it does not need to be. "He told him."no your probably right."he said."remember she is young. You know she is a godly person.con the too harsh on her. We all live by Grace."she said. "I know that ."he said. "Good!"she answered.
When Nicky came home her while family was waiting in the living room. They all wanted a full report. She could not blame them,they were a close family. It made sense that they would be curious.
  "How did it go?"her younger sister asked. "It went very good!"she said. She tried not to smile too much.she found it hard to do so. "We can tell!"her younger brother said everyone laughed.
They noticed that she was beaming from ear to ear. She was normally fairly reserve. She was not an introvert by any means but not an extrovert. Today was different.
Her parents were supportive of the relationship. They knew she had a crush on her for a while. They saw it go from a crush to something more.
That night her parents talked about it."so what do you think about Nick and Tim?"her mom asked. "I am trying not to !"he said jokingly. She laughed. "I think this is a good thing. "He said. "I do too. We might be planing a wedding soon!"she said. "I am not ready to think about That !"he said. She laughed.
The next day was Sunday. Tim taught a class on bible survey course.He enjoyed it very much.he had designed the course consulting other material.
In the time between the Sunday school and the morning service,Tim looked for her farther. Bob Hilliard sold insurance. He was also an avid outdoorsman. 
Tim could not believe he was doing this.he felt like a teen. It was odd. He and Bob had worked together on the trustries and other commities. Bob even was under him in some cases.
He went over to him . "hi Bob!"Tim said."hi Tim!"bob said.
"Bob I wanted to talk to you. I would like to continue seing your daughter. I am not ready to formerly court her. I would like your permison to continue to pursue her. I do not want to step on your toes. I value your opinion. I hope I can have your blessing to continue. "Tim said.
"I figured that this was coming! I have known you for several years now. You are an important part of the church. I see no reason to object to you and her continuing to see each other. You have my blessing to continue. "He said.
"Thank you I appreciate that. I am determined to do right by your daughter and you with the lords help."Tim told Bob. "I know that. "Bob said.
While Bob hated the thought of his little girl growing up,he was supportive of her and Tim. He felt that God was bringing the two of them together. While he would perfer she not start dating until she turned  sixty ,he knew that That was probably not likely no should it be. It was a good thought. At least he thought so.
Tim then looked for Julie. He found her. She skilled when she saw him. "Hi "she said. They Sat together during the service. He knew that this would raise some eyebrow. They during together might be a topic of conversation and speculation by people in the church.
Tim was a fairly private person. He was not an introvert by any means but he liked his space. He kept some things private. He like to have boundries. This was unusual for him. It was a bit uncomfortable. He did not relish the thought of being the topic of conversation. This was a smal church in a smal town. It was only natural that people would talk. He stil was uncomfortable with it.
After church he walked her to her car.
She just kept smiling. He liked her smile. They said there good buys .
In the afternoon,she heard that he asked her farther for permission to seem her. "What did you tell him"?she asked. "I told him no ? "Her farther said jokingly. "Did you really?"she asked."no I wanted to say it in jest but I figured I had better not!"Bob said."he would probably have a heart attack."she said ."I did say yes."he said."I'm glad!"she said. " I have to know do you see this going beyond what it is now?"he asked."I really do !"she said.
He knew the answer to that question.for the most part He was ok with that. He was ok with it as he could be.the relationship was stil was very much in it's infant stage. A lot could happen. It was hard to know what would happen next.
End of part three
In part one I called her Julie.part two I called her Nicky.this post I called her both. Perhaps her name is Nicole Julie or Julie Nicole. It was an oversight. I am not sure which name I will go with.

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