Monday, October 31, 2016

Blind date part13

Matt was going to preach that Sunday night. He decided to on God's love for us. He was really excited to preach on it. The writing was just as encouraging as preaching it.
They decided to do a study date. Basicaly They hung out in the living room of his parents house. They just studied. They bearly spoke.
She was writing a paper. He was working on his surmon. She wore a green t shirt ,denim skirt and was barefoot. He occasionally asked her a Greek or Hebrew word.she almost always knew it. She asked him his fundmentilist interpretation.
"Jill says we are the weirdest couple. "She said. "I am fine being weird. "He said. She laughed.
They had studied for three and a half hours without saying a word to each other. "Mom says dinner will be ready in fithteen minutes. Oh mom says that your staying for dinner Abby."his sister Gracie said. "Ok thank your mom for me. "She told her.
He tried to get fithteen more minutes of studying. Abby took a peace of paper and made a paper airplane.she tried to hide it.s He fleew The plane into him. "Realy abb! This is study time!"he said. "We have studied for three and a half hours. We can pause for an air plane break. " she said.
"In that case!" she tried to send an air plane in her direction.her second plane collided with her. The two plag fell. "Missed me!"she said.
After dinner they sat on the steps. "You should come to the evening service on friday. Come and hear me preach. "He said. "Me at a fundy church. Won't I melt"? She asked. "No your not going to melt. You sure you won't came. "He asked.
"I don't know. I will think about it. No promises. " he told her. "Ok. I would love for you to come!"he told her.
On Sunday he started the service.he was sad that she was not there. He decided to start the service. Then he saw the door oppen. It Was Abby.he tried not  to smile too much . it was hard for him not to.
"We are told that God is love. It is part of his nature. He is one hundred percent love. His love does not cancell out his other attributes. "
"He is a God of order. That was why he gave the children of Israel such an intricate law. Some have asked why did God just not forgive Adam ad eve? He could not because of his holiness. His holiness defended sin be punished. That does not mean that God did not love humanity or Adam and eve"
"The first sin did not take the Lord by surprise. He knew that his prized creation would break his heart. Why did he create us? A theme of scripture is God is faithful even as man is not. I believe that the cross was on The mind of God from the beginning."
"The cross was not plan B.the criss was always plan A. We see love even hear in genesis three. He could have destroyed mankind right then and there. Lamentations says that it is by God's mercy that we are not consumed. "
"God could have destroyed mankind when they got so evil. He did not have to spare Noah and his family. His grace ,his unmerited favor. Noah did not earn this favor. He found Grace I the eyes of the Lord.we see Noah did not end well. Noah got drunk and he grandson saw him and acted inapropriatly. God was faithful to Noah despite his failure. "
"We see that Abraham was a recipient of God's grace. Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Abraham is called The friend of God. They had a close relationship. ".
"A question that is asked frequently is how can a loving God send people to he'll?why was the Lord so violent in The old testament. Why did he order the total destruction of the nearby nations? As I said earlier God is one hundred percent love but it is not his only attribute. He is one hundred percent holly. He is one hundred percent just. "
"Sin has been described as missing the mark. It is like a bullseye.anything less then hiring the Mark is off. God is the mark. He is the slandered.anything that is off is contrary to his nature. Romans 3:23.sin is agents his nature. He cannot tolerate sin. The children of Israel were to be a special people. They were God's chosen people. He did not want them influenced by the sinful ways. This seams harsh.we are told in genesis 13 that God delayed Abraham fully setiling in because the sin of the amorites was not at the point of punishments . they were given time to repent but They did not."
"Though God allowed Israel to go into exile ,he set it for seventy years. After he slowed them to return.he could have been done with Israel. He had never rescinded his promise to Abraham. He has made it clear that he will not rescind that promise.  "
"As we conclude tonight I want to make it clear that God is a God of love. It is a perfect love. It is an unselfish love. He is a consistent love. It is unchanging. "
"It is a love that is consistent with God's character. He does not just excuse our sins. If he excused our sin without the cross,it would not be consistent with all of his attributes.the cross satisfied all y He demands of his character. "
After the service he shock hands and greated people. The church people hoped that he would serve the Lord. During the last few years he started to get really involved in the church. He became his dad's right hand man. The church appreciated him. They felt he was called to be a pastor.
He hoped Abby would stay after.he feared She might sleek away. He wanted to talk to her.
After most everyone had left,he saw her. He hugged her. "You came?"he said. "I was always coming. I just wanted to surprise you. "She said. "I was hoping that you would come." he said.
He kissed her. That had not kissed sense the time a few days earlier. 'Are you supposed to do that?"she asked "probably not. "He said. They laughed. "By The way that time you kissed me. " she said. "Ok!" he said.
Later that night they Sat at the swings on the porch. "Is that how you see the lord? The way you described him tonight?"she asked.
"Yes absolutely. He is perfectly balanced but complete. He is love and holiness and justice. He is all those things. "He said.
"I have not seem him that way. I understand that he is love holly mercy I gues that I saw his holiness as a need for social justice.a need to feed the Hungary. There is more to it. "She said.
"There is. Feeding The Hungary is important. It is part of it. You cannot. Dismis that God is holly and any sin is an a front to his nature. Sin is a violation of who he is. It has to be covered."he said. "I get it now. It makes sense. " she said.
End of part 13

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Generation gaps (Tim and Julia Nicole)

Tim had been kept prety Buisy with both his businesses the rest of the week. He talked to Julie on the phone and texts but did not see her. He wanted to lay low for a bit. The post with the pics of her and him attracted attention form there church and there extended families. He did not like this attention. He laid low.
Julia missed seeing him. She guessed that he needed to catch His breath. She understood but missed him. He was very quiet and private.she's was fine with that. She did not understand it. She was very bubbly and social.she did not understand his need for privacy.she suspected he did not understand her need for community. 
It was friday night. He decided to end his self imposed exile and give her a call. "Hey stranger!"she said. "I m sorry Jules. I have been Buisy. "He told her.
"I figured. "She said. "Do you want to get together tomorrow.I Was thinking a picnic in Pelletier park."he suggested. "Sounds great!"she said.
"Is around one good?"he asked. "Sure. Do you like chicken said" she asked. "I do. "He said. "My one is more chicken then said."she told him. "Oh good. I love chicken salid but I defenently perfer if the chicken is dominant."he remarked."I defeinently thought that that was the case.  "She told him.
She really looked forward to seing him. She missed him. She hoped he missed her. She was not always able to read him.
"Do you want me to pick you up at your place?"he asked. "That's works. "She said. "I will see you then. "He told her. "Sounds good."she said.
She Was excited to see him. She wanted to spend time with him. She got the feeling that dinner with his sister was a bit over helming for him. He had been distant ever sense that night. For her that night brought her closer to him. She hoped that the picnic might cure the awkwardness.
She made sure she was ready for Tim . She wore a Gray shirt denim skirt and sandles . she hoped it would go well. She wanted to be close to him. She knew that they had a good life ahead but they just had to get over these hurdles.
She was ready for Tim. She ran on Tim time as she called it. She heard the car pull up. She smiled and went outside. She went to the pasinger's side.
"Hi there!"he said. "Hi "she said. She got in. "I missed you. It's good to see you you!"Julie said. "I have been prety Buisy the last few days. "He said "I understand. I am glad we can have today." she told him. "Me too. "He said.
They went to the park. He put the blanket down. They put the cooler down. They prayed and started to eat."this is great. "He said. "I got it the way you like it?"she asked. "Absolutly."he said. "Awesome"she replied.
"So are you and melisa the only ones in your family that are Christian?"She asked ."one other our youngest sister is saved. I was the first to be saved. I led missy to the Lord a year later. Olivia was a hold out. She was very unlikely to be saved. "He said.
"I have nit fully heard your full conversion story. "She said. "My farther was a business man. He was not anti religious just not religious. I was similar. I did not think about it. I live what else matters I thought. My roommate at college was a believer.he was not In your face but he made it clear who he was. We used to talk about things of God a lot. I began to questione. I started going to a smal church near campus. At first it was an add on for me. I thought I could add faith to my life. "
"As I learned more about God. Who he is. I realized that He will not share his diety with any one else. He must have The preeminence. The sinner question was difficult for me. I believed I was not perfect but I was not that bad. When I realized that God is holly and I am not. I was saved on a Sunday night on a very cold February night. "He said.
"Was it a very difficult discipleship?"she asked. "Yes it was.the people at hope Baptist church were very gracious." he said. 
"How did missy get saved?"she asked. "I changed dramatucally. I did not shout it from the roof top but my family could tell. Melisa and I had been very close. We talked frequently so it was not too surprising. For a while I was worried that Mayby her conversion was more to please me. She started attending gospel Baptist church. The people in the church invested in her. It really did take. My other sister was harder. She was very worldly. She was quite a deal younger. I was already long out if the house before she was at the age to really think about those things. We both noticed a change in her. She asked questioned. She finally got saved. We got her in a church that was started by a g.b.c member and she is married to a pastor now. "He said.
"How did your family react to this?"she asked. "We had been close .my mom and dad divorced when I was a freshman in college. My dad and I have always been close. My mom and I have not been as close. At first my dad was fine with it. He was taken aback when I became more and more serious about my Faith. When melisa got saved, he was not thrilled. He had a kind of libertarian view on religion. He was not keen on evangelizing. When missy accepted Christ he Was not thrilled but not surprised. When Olivia was saved, that was not cool .that caused a rift between us. We are not as close now"he said.
"I talked to your dad a little bit on face book. "She said . "did you add him as a friend ?"he asked. "He added me. O that ok?"she asked."yea. I have to warn you you are marrying into a family of nuts..we are really wacky. " he said.
She smiled. Did he mean to say marrying . was it a mispeeak. She wanted to ask but decided not to. She decided to take it as something he intended to say. It made her happy. Even if it was a mispeak,he still thought of her as a permanent part of his life.
"I stil can't believe your not married yet. "She said. "I dated a lot before my conversion. When I was saved,I backed off. Dating was not on my radar after I got saved. Churches I intended had mostly married and older people, I would not date unsaved.I just did not peruse any one."he said.
"Well do not take this the wrong way but I am really glad that you were single all these years. " she exclaimed.
He chuckled. "I am glad of that too. You were worth waiting for. "He said. Her heart melted. She was not expecting him to say that. "Do you really mean that? You could have been married for 15 years or so. "She said.
"I do mean it Jules. Sense my conversion I did not hardly notice that I was single.  It did not come into my thinking. I did not care.  I absolutely mean it. You are so special to me. You were worth waiting for. "He said.
"Thank you. I am glad you did wait. "She said. " I am too. I am glad you are in my life. "He told her. "I am glad to be I'm your life. " She said.
This Was a good day she thought to herself. She felt like they had made a break though. They cleaned things up. They got ready to leave. They loaded the car up.
She took his hand. He made a weird face. "What?" she asked. "Oh nothing. " he said. "What is it?"she asked . "I am stil getting use to physical contact. I am not use to all this. " he said.
"Your not ok with physical contact?"she said in a surprised tone. "Our relationship is new. We are stil in a pree courting phase. I am just not sure it is appropriate "he said. "You never said anything.I just assumed it was ok. " she said.
"It's not a big deal. I Was not going to say anything."he said. "Ok. I care very much about purity and obstaning from the appearance of evil. " she said. "I know that. "He said.
The ride home was very tense. Both were quet. Neither one said anything. He drive her to her house. He had no idea what to say. "I gues this is an example of me being uptight. "He commented. "A little bit"she said.
They Said there goodbyes. He went home feeling tense.he had a knot in his stomach. He did not want to do anything.
He called melisa. "I think I did something stupid. " he told her. "What did you do?"she asked. He explained the situation to her. "Oh no. You did not do that. " she said.
"What do I do? " he asked. "Stop being an idiot."she said. "You think I am uptight?"he asked. "Yes I do. "She said. "Is This irreparable?"he asked."no but you to have fast. She loves you. Everyone knows it. You could mess this up forever right now."she said. 
The next day was church. He taught an adult Sunday school. He came a little late well for him. He went to his classroom. He avoided seing her til after class. After he talked to people and dottled.
He decided to go to the auditorium. "There you are!"She said. "Hi ! He Said.they walked to the pews and Sat down.
After the service he walked her to her car. She walked at s distance. He took her hand and smiled.she smiled back. " about yesterday you have not caught me at my best. I don't know why. I have no idea what I am doing. I ment what I Said yesterday. You were worth the wait and then some." he said. She smiled. " I am glad your in my life. I would not want it any other way. "She said.
End of chapter

Saturday, October 29, 2016

S.a.h.m and the late drive part two

Brad was worried.his beloved tessi was was not like her. She was bold but she would not just leave and the dead if night without telling him.if she had been kidnapped wouldn't he have known about it. He was a heavy sleeper but not that heavy. 
He called her cell phone. He got no answer. He kept trying. Nothing. He kept trying and someone answered.
"Who is this?"a gruf voice on the other end asked. "This is brad graves. I am trying to get a hold of my wife Tessa. Who is this?"he asked.
"This is sergeant Randy Philips with the northport police. Your wife is under arrest. She is being investigated for d.u.I, possibly hit and run and perhaps more."the sergeant said.
"Oh my!" he said. "She is being held at the county jail. "Phlips said. "I see. I assume she won't be released until a bail hearing. "He said. "She will probably appear before a judge tomorrow to fulfil the legal requirement but maybe not a formal arrangement. " the sergeant said.
None of this made any sense. Why did he not hear her leave. What was she doing out at this time of night. He could not believe she would just leave like that.
She had told him she would tone things down after the south Sudan incident. She promised to always keep him in the loop no matter what.she always did that. After a few years of marriage, why would she break it now?
He checked on the kids. They were all in bed. The baby was asleep. He could not sleep. He could not leave the kids.he did ,he did not want to load the kids into the car at this time of night. He did not want to worry his mother in law although he would tell her in the morning.
Even if he went to the lock up tonight there was nothing he could do. They might not see her tonight. He wanted to be with her.
Despite the recent excitement ,there life was mostly quiet and uneventful. They had a peaceful life. He had always been happy. Not perfect but happy. They were both sinners for sure. They we're in love. Now there happy life was threatened.he did not know how or why.
Officer downy arrived at Bradshaw street. He went behind the yellow tape. He went over to officer bell. "The was dead when we arrived. He Was killed by impact of the car. Apearent age is 50s. He had no identification. No wallet. He Seam to be a transient. " bell said.
"His only personal effect was a pamphlet in his was titled "Jesus loves the Palestinians too " officer Cohn said.
"Your kidding right?" downy asked. Then officer Cohn showed him the paper. "If course your not. "Downy said. "The man seemed to be killed by a car but we won't know for sure unt the m.e's report. " officer bell said.
"This is not a well traveled road as this time if night. If there were witnesses it will be difficult finding them. " officer Cohn said.
"I have a suspect. I arrested a young lady for erratic driving.I suspected d.u.I but she passed the breathalyzer. She seemed to have no alholole in her. They took a drug sample just in case. " downy  said.
You think she was under the influence of something?"Cohn asked."she would have to be.she was out if it I was sure she was drunk. If not alcohol I'm thinking drug maybe. Weird the lady is super religious. You never can tell with people.we all have our breaking points!"downy said.
Tess was taken to the county jail .she was processed. She was finger printed.she had her mug schot taken.she was changed into a prison issue Orange two peace jumpsuit and given sandles.
She was taken to a holding cell.she fell asleep almost the minute she was left alone. She slept though the night.she woke up the next morning.
She woke up disoriented.  She had no idea where She was. Then she saw the bars door. She Was in prison.she had no idea how or why.
"Tess I never thought we wod meet like this!"detective Morgan said."what's going on?" she asked."you were driving erratically. The officer assumed you were drunk. You tested negative for alcohols. They did a urine test. A homeless man was killed. Hit and run. "Detective Greer said.
"I don't remember getting into the car. Brad and I had a quiet night. We went to bed. Next thing I know I wake up hear. "She declared.
"Is it possible you have a medical condition? You ever have seizures black outs?"Morgan asked.
" I had a check up two week ago. Everything was fine. I have never had any seizures or black out. " she said."I have never slept walk. "She said. "There is going to be s hearing but you probably won't be formerly arranged. You may be hear for a while. "Morgan said. 
She appeared in court. The judge ordered her held. Another hearing was scheduled in two days. She cod be arranged before then.
"Detective Morgan the tox screen is back. We found a drug in her system at the time of the arest "a doctor said."what kind of drug?"Greer asked.
"It was a drug designed by the Soviet union as a kind of truth syrum. It also leaves the person venerable to suggestion.  It has found it's way to the us. It has become a New ecstasy!"the doctor said.
"She was drugged .she might have been under the influence of this drug during the hit and run. " Greer said. "We can't prove her car was involved in the incident. We just assume it was. "Greer said.
"Is this a plot to discredet her? She exposed the south Sudan plot. There is plenty of evidence even if her credibility was impeached. "Morgan said.
"Her husband said she is working on smal cases. A patent infringement and a few others. "Greer said.
"The crime scene unit has determined that the car Was not involved in the hit and run." the captain said.
"The only thing she is guilty of is erratic driving witch is smal time. Somone did that to her. " Morgan said. "She needs to be released. "Greer said. "I will talk to the d.a. " the captain said. "Who drugged her and why?"Morgan asked.
End of part two

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Stay at hone mom and the late night drive.

It was in the middle of night. Officer Jacob Downey had just come on at ten a clock. He knew that it would be a long night. It usually was during the night shift in a smal town in a rural part of a mostly rural sate. He usually did not do much during the night shift especially during a week day.
So far the night had been very uneventful. Jake was unsure if he wanted to stay that way or he wanted excitement. He knew he probably would not after it happened .
He made sure He had plenty of coffee.he knew he would need it. He took a few sips. He got ready to take another run though the loop. Then a call came in.
"This is unit one." the officer said . "unit one we have reports of an erratic driver near Larson street. " the dispatcher said.
The driver acknowledged the call.the cop drove to Larsen street. The driver had no idea what was going on. The driver went to the street.
The  car went to the street. The car found the other car. "Unit one in pursuit" he said
He turned the flashing blue lights on.the car refused to yield. The car kept going. The cop car sped up .finally he got the uper hand. The car was trapped .the car rammed the car and ran the other way.
The officer was still able to drive the car. The cop car went after the other car. He decided to lightly ram the car.the car stoped.
The other cop car stoped. The cop got out of the car. The cop ran to the car. "Get out with your hands up!"the police officer insisted.
The driver did not comply.she seemed disoriented. He aimed the gun at her. He insisted she get out. She seemed really out of It. He suspected that she was drunk.
He took out handcuffs. He placed her hands behind her back. She had difficulty walking to the car. He helped her into the back of the car. He closed the door.
She was brought to the station. She was booked and processed. The officer went to his supervisor."have we identified the driver?"He asked. "That is the strange part. Her name is teresa graves. She is a vet. She is currently a private directive. She is a wife and mom.she gave birth to a daughter a few months ago. She recently cracked a case involving a charity being a front for weapons smuggling. "The night sergeant said.
"This is crazzy! "The officer said. "I know that.  "Philips !"the supervisor said. His phone has rang.he had a conversation then hung up.
"What is it?"the officer asked. "Officer bell found a hit and run victim."Philips said. "Was it near Larson?"he asked. "Bradshaw !"Philips said. "This is getting worse and worse. "Downey said. "It sure is!"the sergeant said.
Brad was sleeping. He woke up. He was very grogy. He was very confused at first.
He looked for tessi.she was not there.he go out of bed . He would usually call out her name. He did not want to wake up the kids.sometimes she read or worked on her lap too. He checked the living room and her office. She was not there.
He looked out the window. The car was gone. He dialed her number. No one answered. He had no idea what to do. Where was she? How would he find her. Was something wrong? He had no idea what to do. He felt powerless.
He called the police . he did not know what else to do. He was not sure when she left. Maybe they could find her. He could that they could.
End of prologue.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Next door neighbor the conclusion.

Tes was an enigma in Manny ways.she was very girlie. She loved to ware dresses. She loved the same time,s he was a bit of a Tom boy. She seemed to be both
A part of her could not believe that she was in south Sudan.another part of her was not surprised by this. Her life routinely took unexpected certently did today. 
She followed the militia that perused the warlords aided by arms merchant behind the relief group .the militia had there guns on standby. They ran to the enemy staging area.
The crates had been brought from the plane to the ground. There we're members of the arms dealers and the local warlords.
The enemy militia opened fire on the rival army. Tess ran to the battle. The two sides engaged the other.
Tess saw someone She recognized. "Donald Marburg , this hardly looks food and other humanitarian supplies "she said. "You canot bring peace with doctors ,nurses and clean watter. Every time we try to give aid we are attacked. We are sitting ducks. The only answer is to let the sides fight it out. Let one side take out the other or both sides be weak that they cannot fight any more. As long as the warlords want to fight. The comon people will always be caught in the middle. " Don said .
As they talked,the fighting continued. Tess had to dodge bullets and fired some as well. "You are making it worse. You making a disaster into a Tsunami. Your hurting the people."she said
"The poor always get caught in the criaa fire. They are pawns. They will always be. We cab mitigate it.escalation will bring peace eventually. You must rare it down to build it up again. The Phoenix rising from the ashes. We bring the ashes and the Phoenix."he said
More armies loyal to the militia that Tess was working with arrived. The arms merchants were hoping for secrecy. That had been blow up totally. There was no chance of that at this point.
"Why do this? Why make things worse. Your phropheting from calamity !"She said. "Everyone benefits from the calamity of others. Its the way of things. "He said."You make it worse. " Tess said.
The battle was going to the direction of those aligned with Tess. They had sealed the arms dealers and there  allies. They were trapped.
While the battle was televised on multiple formats on the web. News outlets around the world picked it up everyone was watching.
The arms dealers were paid soldiers of fortune,murcinaries.they had no real skin in the game. They started to flea.
Eventualy the warlords allied with the foreign companies surrendered. The weapons were sacured. "I spoke to some friends in the defense department. They are going to pick up the weapons. "Tess said. "No one is going to do business with the south Sudan relief group. The north will have eag on there face!"Simon said. "Good "She said.
"I hope so. "Tess said. "Hopfully we can get foreign agitators out. We can really help our people!" Simon said. "I will help in any way I can. When your country won independence I was routing for your country. I stil am. "Tess said. "One way or another we will make this country work. "Simon said. "I believe you will."she said.
"This is Jessica Armstrong with breaking news. The world is in footage has gone viral showing groups attached to a charity group selling weapons to factions in south Sudan. There are rumors that these groups were front for the north Sudan. While the justice department has launched an investigation. As gas congress. The United nations ,European union and other world agencies are investigating. The f.b.I has dispatched agent to south Sudan relief group headquarters. " the reporter said.
Tess returned to the sates.she learned that becca had been arrested.she decided to visit her. She waited in visitors area. Becca was dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit.she was shackled. " I am sorry. I made One bad chioce witch led to a thousand more. "She said
"Look I am not hear to judge you .I am not a prosecutor. The case as far as I am concerned is over. I am not hear as Teresa the directive but tesi your friend."she said.
"I will fully cooperate with the investigation. They are going to reach a plea. I will do some time. Will you visit me?"she asked. "Count on it. This need not be the end. You can turn this around. Thus can't be a bump in the road not a ledge. "She said. "I know that.  "Becca answered.
Tess came home. Tess hugged and kissed brad. They stoped and just embraced. She then hugged her kids and her baby.She gave moya a kiss from her pretend mom who although was wrong did love her. "How is ron?"Tess asked. "I have shown him every Bob Jones movie there is. He has made the best of it.I think he knows this is the last movies he will get to see for quite some time. "He said.
"Please promise me that you will slow down. No taking on terrorist. " brad said. "Dead I will stic to lost puppies for a while. List puppies in this zip code. " she promised. "Sounds good. " he said.
Ron was picked up by the police. Ron thanked them for there hospitality. Ron was going to talk to the authorities.he would probably get some kind of deal as well.
Tess called the real parents of moya. "Hi Mrs coulder?" Tess asked. "Yes!"Grace coulder said ."I'm tessi. I believe I have your daughter. We will need to do DNA test and go though hoops with the sate but she is healthy and safe." she said.
The coulder came as fast as they humanly get there. They ran out of the car. Gracie took moya from Tess and held her. Both parents cried. It was a happy ending.
The end.
Tessi Wil return.
Next up
Tessi wakes up in her car. She had no idea how she got there. She was in an accident. She tested positive for alcohole and drugs. Now She faces jail time. She has no memory of what happened. Was is the truth?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Next door neighbor part six

Tess never expected to see Ron Grant in her house and at her table. Once brad determined that Ron was unarmed,tesi put on a bath robe and came down the stairs.she sat down.tess made coffe. They all started to drink cofe.
"Ok lets start at the begInning." tes said. "I served in the army.I was in Afghanistan. I was recruited to join what I was told was a non govermentle peace keeping force. I was told we were doing good.we were protecting aid workers. " Ron said.
"That was not what was happening?" brad asked. "No .the aid is a was to get us in the country. As you suspected we were selling weapons to both sides of the factions in the cival war. " Ron said.
Tessi picked up moya and held her.she seemed to like her. "What was the goal of the weapons supply?"tess asked.
"The south Sudan relief fund was the brand child of the Sudanese government. We are a subsidiary of the Sudanese military. Our goal was to escalate the I fighting between the president and former vice president cause a full scale rival war. Then Sudan Invades on humanitarian grounds. While western groups secretly aligned with Sudan including the s.s.r.g comes out and supports it "Ron said.
"Once Sudan gets in,they won't pull out. They will prop up local government loyal to them. "She said. "By the time the African union arrives,most of the country will be under There control. While aid groups that come in will be secretly allied with the north. Western coperations will Make a lot of mony. "Ron said.
"Ok where does you and becka come in?"brad asked. "The s.s.r.g identified individuals and groups that could 've a problem . ones that have minds that are a little too inquiring. You made the list. You were targeted to be spied on. They wanted us to pretend to be your next door neighbors. "Ron said.
"Its is not just us. Earnie is one of ours. "He said. "The old guy?"brad asked. "Among others!"he said. "What about the baby?"tests asked. "We are not really married. We never met  before we were partnered for the mission.we even slept in different rooms. "He said.
"Why did She steal the baby?"tests asked. "The baby actually has nothing to do with the relief group scandal. Becka wanted to have kids. She could not find Mr right. She decided to kidnap a kid. My employees caught up with her and threatened to go to the police unless she helped us. "He' said.
"Where is she now?"tests said. "We were split up. The relief group are not happy with us. You see the killer was also a spy. Becca decided to double cross the group. The group ordered him to kill us. Becca killed him first. She said it was self defense. I don't know if it was or not. " he said.
"So they have infiltrated other churches and religious organizations?"yes asked. "Yes they have. They like control. "He said. "Why help a dictator reclaim territory?"brad asked. "Cream!"he said. "Cream?"brad asked. "It is an acronym. It memes cash rule a everything around me. "She said. "Look this weapons deal will happen in a couple days. The weapons will be sold then the north will wait until they have weekond each other.then the north will strike. "Ron said.
"B let's talk for a minute. Will You excuse us?"she asked. "Sure!"he said.they went over to a corner.They spoke softly.
"Are we going to turn him over to the police tessi?"he asked. "Not yet!"she said. "What do you mean not yet?"brad asked. "Hunnie if we tell the police they will want to question us,probably put us back into protective custody. " she said.
"I really get the inpreson that I am.not going to like us!"he said. "I need you to babysit him while I go to south Sudan. I am going to get evidence linking the group to  smuggling!"She said. "Tesa bear are you crazy?"he asked. "We have to expose this plot and we have to do it soon . if they get away with us,this could bring down the credibility of every institution we hold dear. "She said.
"What do I do with him?"he asked ."well I have lasagna in the fridge. There is several turkeys . you can have him watch out collection of on Jones movies.I would start with flame in the wind then the printing."she said ."this is a bad idea Tessa bear.
"Brad I have to stop this. We are all being used. Used for greed. The name of the Lord is about to be blasphemed
I have a chance to stop it. Please I can do this . this is what I was trained to do. "Tess said.
"If you get caught neither the Sudanese military or the factions of the south Sudan or the soldiers of fortune word hesitate to kill you. It is  dangerous. "Brad said.
"If we don't expose this. They Will continue to ship weapons using charities to help them do it.  This kind of behavior will continue. "She said.
"Why can't I go? "Brad said. "B! I can do this. I have been trained to do this. I know I can do this. I can put an end to this plot. "She said.
"I should go with you?"he asked. "Someone needs to watch the kids,and keep an eye on ron. "She said. "Alright I love you!" brad said. "I love you. "She said.
She got dressed. She book tickets on several air liners. She packed light. She went to the air port. She took several connecting flights. Finally she arrived in the south Sudan.
She was met by several man. " tests I am Simon. I am a representive of the free south sudden army. "He said.
"Did your contact tell you what I needed?"she asked. "Yes he will have My full help. Welcome to south Sudan." he said.
They continued to walk. He motioned for everyone to be quiet. They heard noises. They saw a plane. She recognized It as one that supposed to be transporting relief supplies. There were crates of weapons. She took stil pictures and videos.she imietly uploaded them to face book you tube and other sources.
They made sure it got though.whatever happened,the evidence would be out there.
"You have your proof?"Simon asked. "I do. "She said. She knew that Simon and his men would be attacking the smugglers. She wished that Simon would not resort to violence. She knew it was inevetible.
To be concluded.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Steps in both directions (Tim and Julia Nicole)

Julie had been reluctant to have dinner with Tim"s sister and her family. She was enjoying getting to know Melissa. She was excited that she was most likely going to be her sister in law. She was a nice person. She was really welcoming . she made her feel like part of the family. Over time. She forgot that she had been apprehensive.
The baby woke up. She asked if she could pick her up. Missy said that that was fine. Melissa got a call on her cell was her husband. Julie went into the living room.
She went over to Tim. "Look wha I have!" she said. "Hanah seams to Luke you?"he said. "The feeling is very mutual."Julie said. "I can tell. "He said.
"This Could us someday. "She said. "I think It will be Lord willing. Four maybe five years from now!"he said. "What? Four or five years?"she asked in a disbeving tone. "Too soon?"he asked . "I was thinking one year two?"she said.
"Really?that soon? We have not oficialy begun the courtship process. "He said. "I'm surprised. I figured you would be eiger  to start a family?"she said. "I am but I know it may be best to wait a bit. One can not rush too rapidly. "He said. "
"A courtship should not be too shorti agree but should not be long either. "She said. "I can agree with that. " he said.
Melissa came in. "How is Greg?"he asked . "doing good. He can't say where he is but he did say he is safe?"she said . "do you know where about he is in general?"Julie asked. "Last I knew his ship was in south America. "She said. "You must miss him?"Julie said. "I do.I should be able to see him this summer. " she said. "That's good. "Julie said.
"Hey hold on a minute!"Melissa said. "Oh no I know that tone!"Tim said. "What is it"?Julie asked. "She is getting out her camera. She has crashed instragram on more then one occasion. "Tim said.
She came back with her camera.she took a picture of Julie and the baby."ok I want a picture of you too."she said.they stood close to each other but Not too close. "Come on get closer!"she said . the two got closer. "Come on Tim! Put your arm around her. " melisa said. He timidly put his arm around her. She got close to him. They both smiled.
"Perfect!"she said. They smiled. She snapped the picture. "Awsome. I want a few more just to be sure!"she said. "Get used to it. This won't be the last. Wait til family pics. " he told her.
She was not sure he had ment to say it but he had included her in his family. She knew that he was allowing her more into his life and his heart. She knew that he wanted to let her in. She felt that he felt he had to slow down. She respected his wishes and him. It was hard. She wanted to drive right in. She knew that might not be best. She figured that it was somewhere in between both views.
Right now she just took in the moment. She wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. She had a feeling this would be one of those great memories. One that always be meaningful.
He started to relax. He had the heart of an accountant.everything he did
was compartmentalized and categorized. Everything he did was accounted for. He decided to stop. He decided to smel the roses. He realized how special she was and how special she was to him.
"Ok let's do a silly picture!"she said. He did rabbit ears and she hit him. They laughed. "I am taging both of you. "Melisa said. "Great thanks. This is going be on my phone!"she Said.
"You two are a really cute couple. "Melisa told them. "I think so!"Julie said. He blushed a little. He hated to be the center of attention. He was very private . she liked to force him out of his shell just a little bit.
After a while they decided to go. They figured melisa would want to put the boys to bed. "Thank you for inviting me!"Julie said. "My pleasure. We will do this again real soon. "Missy said. "Hopefully we can get together when your husband gets back. "Julie said. "That would be great"melisa said. Julie and missy hugged. Then they went to the porch. They went to the car.
"I had a really good time tonight.I really Like your sister. "She said. "I think she really likes you. " he told her. "So  ! Please tell me that we don't have to wait five years to be married. "She said. "Alright. One to two years is ok. Right now I think closer to two years but we will see. " he told her. "You gave me quite a heart attack. I might have done the same for you?"she remarked. "A little!" he said.
She smiled. "I figured. " she said.
She hugged him."good night !"he Said. "Good night !"she said. She got out of the car. He watched her walk up to the porch and then walk in. Then he road off.
She talked to her parents for a bit. She then checked her face book. It had got a bunch of likes and comments. Mostly from people from there church. She made the picture of them the photo on her phone's desk top. She stared at It for a bit. She smiled.
He got home and saw that half the sate had liked the picture. Julie's mom and grand morther liked the pic.he found that a bit uncomfortable. Then he saw a comment from his farther. "Who is this? Is there something you want to tell me?".
He laughed. He was really embarissed now. He did not want to comment on it. Luckily Melissa stepped into the fray. She said that this is his friend . she added that he will like her. "Thanks missy" he thought.
Tim and his farther always had a complex relationship. Tim's farther had been a bussunesman.  He brought a cleaning company he worked at. He n brought other cleaning companies and either company. Tim wanted to follow in his feathers footsteps.
He went to college with a major in business. During the Sumer he worked at one of  feathers company. Then he got saved. At first Christianity was An add on. Then it became more real. He became seriously about his faith.
Eventually he decided to start a smal accounting firm and later the  store. He vowed not to  make his business his God. He made his church his focus not his work. His farther believed that this would be a fad. It was not.
They lived in different states. They spoke somewhat frequently. He never mentioned Julie when he talked to him. This was a bit awkward for him.they were not terribly close now but not not close. It was complicated.
He decided to turn off face book. He did not want to deal with all of this right now. He decided to not think about that right now.
He laid low the rest of the night. He was not much of a fan of social media anyway. He used it to keep in touch with friends and family that lived out of sate. Both businesses had a face book page. He made sure it was well mantaned .it was not his thing. He said he saw social media as a necessary evil although more evil then necessary.
While he was avoiding face book, the comments exploded. He would not know about it until he checked it the next day.
End of post.
Next up
Julie and Tim experiences the up and downs of a relationship.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Blind date part 12

Abby and Matt decided to go on a date. It was there first date sence they decided to resume there relationship.  They were both nervous. They were both excited at the same time.
Abby spent quite a bit of time getting ready for the date. She was wating for him.she watched for him from the window. She saw the car drive in to the parking lot. She said good bye to her roommate Jill. Jill wished her luck.then she left the home and stepped on to the porch.
He drove from his house to her apartment. He saw her step on to the porch. She wore a pink sweater ,gray skirt and sandles. When he saw her,he smiled. She had that affect on  him. Even when they were not dating,she still made him smile.
She went into the car. He hugged her. She held on to him.  They held on to each other. "Hi ab! "He said."hi!"she said.
They went to the first restaurant they went to . the infamous blind date. They were seated.they looked over the menu then they ordered .
"I heard you had breakfast with mom and my oldest sister's?"he asked"I did. I really like your family.they have relay welcomed me. I had a good time with them."she said. "I'm glad. They had a good time with you. I had no idea that they were planing on doing that " he said."nor did I? Until twenty minutes before they showed up."she said. "I am not surprised."he said .
The waiter brought there drinks. Mat ordered a Pepsi. She had wine. They kept talking.she took a sip of the alcohole. Then she realized that she had ordered alcohol.
Matt was an independent fundamental Baptist. I.f.b were generally against alholic consumption. Usualy they had a passionate dislike for alcoholic beverage. She had not realized that she had ordered it. 
"You ok ab ?"He asked. "Look I did not think about it. I don't drink that much. I usually have one glass and I'm done. "She said.
"Ok. "He said. "Your not upset about it?"she asked. "Well I gues I would perfer you did not. I know that you are hardly an alcoholic. I know it is not something you do all the time. I don't see it being a big deal. " he said .
"Its not?"she asked. "No it's not. I would say when We were married I would perfer you drink at home and on special occasions.I hope you would not go to bars."he said. "Yea I don't do bars."Abby said.
"Mr. Cambel did I hear you correctly? Did you say when not if we get married?"she asked.he had a great big smile on his face. "Yes I believe I did."Matt replied. "Abby Campbell that has a nice ring to it! She said. "Not reverend doctor Abby Gray cambell?"he asked. "That too. "She said. They laughed.
"You don't worry that we are just too mismatched?"she asked. "No I don't. I love you and we are going to make this work."he said. She was surprised to hear him say that."I love you too. I wanted someone to day that to me. I gues I come over as strong,dominerng I am not quite as confident as I come off. "She said. "I know. "He said.
"You don't worry about our differences. We come at things form very different angles?"she asked. "I have never even afraid of differences. I have core views. I come at things from the lense of independent fundimetle Baptist because i believe that that is best. I think things though I don't mind being chalenged. I know sometimes you have to wrestle with things. " he said.
"I don't always see things from the ucc lense. I am a literalist.I do believe in mericles. I am more of a liberal in other things. I am an advocate of social justice I gues. I  believe that women can be minister's. I wrestle with things as well."she said.
"Do you wory about our differences?"he asked. "I think I can accept your opinions easier the. You can. I fear that we just won't be able to work from them. "She said.
"I have strong views.I believe them to be correct. Having said that I know that I am not infallible.I know I don't have everything right. I am far more easy going then I appear. I want you and I to be on the same side. " he said.
"What if I complete my studies.what if I am ordained as a minister in the u.c.c ? Do you think that I will see the era of my ways and end my studies?"she asked.
"I knew we would have to have that talk some times. I was hoping that we would have more time before that talk."he said.
" I don't mean to put you on the spot."She said. "No it's ok. I guess I would perfer that you not persue the ministry but I don't antipate that that will happen. I would never make you chose between the two. I am not a dictator "he said.
"It may be on Sunday you go preach at your church and me at myine."she said. "I know that. I understood that when we decided to resume our relationship."he said.
"Did you really get all that that entails?"she asked."perhaps not totally. "He said. "I just needed to know what you thinking on this. I am sorry if I was too harsh."she said. "No your fine. " he said.
"Will you always be patient with me?"she asked. "I will definitely try. I want to be. I am very easy going as I said even though I do not appear to be. I want to earn your trust. "Mat said.
"I do trust you. "She said. "I want to do right by you. I will do everything to do just that. "He told her.
"Ok. I just needed to hear it. I did not intend to be obstinate tonight!"she said."your not. This is won't be easy. I wish I could tell you it would we. It Will take work and frustration at times. "He said.
"I know that. "She said. "I wish I could say I will ever fail you Or disappoint you but sadly I know I will. "He said."I will dispoint you at times. "She said. "Hard is nesasirily bad. "He said. "The riskier the road the greater the prophet."she said. "Who said that?"he asked. "The firengi on star trek. ."she said.  The two laughed.
"My point is that the harder something is,the outcome is that much better. "She said. "I see what you mean.
"I wish I could say I will not disipoint you. I would be a fool to think I won't."he said. "If gues we have to just work at things. Not give up.I don't like disipointing you either."she said.
"We do have to work at this. I don't know that we fully understand what that means. "He said.
He paid the Bill. Then the two left. They held hands as they walked to the car. "Not quite an easy night?"she asked. "No it was not but that's ok. We are together. "He said. She smiled."yes we are. "She said. The two looked at each other.
They got into the car. "So are you in a rush or can we talk on the steps for a bit?"she asked. "I would like that. " He said.
They walked to her porch steps. "Ok I have two questioned for do you want to marry me? Second do you think we will get married?"she asked.
"I have given this a lot of thought. Realy I have thought of little else. Yes I do want to marry you. As to the seconds questione, I gave this a lot of thought as well. I can't imagine being with any one else. I do think we will. What is your answer to those questions?"he asked.
She smiled. "I definitely want to marry you. I liked you sense that first date. That answer has grown stronger. As to the second,I had my doubts . we are so different.  In talking to you my fears have been alleviated. I do think we Will get married."she said.
"I am excited for it. I can imagine us waking up . probably being woken up by a kid asking us about the hyposatic union. "He said. "The next day we will get to debate the kinosis. "She said. They laughed.
"I like the thought of us building a life together. We will have a good life. "He said. "I know we will. Your different tonight. More relaxed. "She said. "As I said I have time to think about things sense we resumed our relationship. I have decided that I am In all the way. I gues I feel at liberty to let my guard down a bit. I gues I don't have to be so uptight now. "He said.
"I can tell. Your not afraid of me any more?"she teased him. "No I am still afraid of you !"he said. "Because I am so intimidating!" she said.
"Your working on your masters I have to work to keep my A,b average. "He said. She put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder."your not as afraid of me ? That's good. I don't want you. Be too afraid of me. Mayby a little . "she said. "Ok I  will keep that in mind . " he said .
"I am a little afraid of you. "She admired. "Me?"he asked. I assumed you were  strict, uptight serious ,somber ,sour  "She said. "I am no fun. "He said. They laughed. "I  that my types of fundies in general  and of you May not be accurate. " she said.
After a while they dexided it was getting late. " Its getting late I should probably be getting back."he said. "Ok . it is getting late. I had a good night tonight " she said "I did too. " he said. " I love you more then I could possibly express ." she said. "I think I have a good idea. " he said.
All of a sudden they kissed. A real kiss. "Did you just kiss me?" she asked."I think you kissed me ?"he said. "I am prety sure you kissed me" she said. " no I don't think so. I did not think we were at kissing phase." he said. "I did not think that either. " she said. They Laughed.
She went inside. "Did you two kiss?"Jill asked . "yes We did. " she answered. "I don't think I have seen  you happier. " she said. She laughed.
He went home. "You were gone a long time?"Kathy commented."yes. We had a good night. " he said " I figured. " she said. "I  am going to marry her some day. " he said."yea I know. "She said.
End of part 12.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Stay at home mom. Episode 1.5

Tessi was very busy. Apart from being a house wife and mom,she was also a private directive. She was involved in several cases including vetting a relief group involved in adding the south Sudan.
Then a rober attempting to break in to neighbors is killed. The case seemed prety clear and cut and dry.then the police discover the dead rober was stalking tessi.
Now tessi begins to suspect that her probe of the relief group May 've connected to to the dead robber.
Tessi was getting restless. To the police the case seemed to be over. Detectives Morgan and Greer were stil maintaining the protective custody. She felt like a prisoner. She could not even access her lap top or phone.the cyber crimes division were looking it over.
"You ok Tessa bear?"brad asked. "I'm going stear crazy b. Sense when do I sit still?"she asked. "Not for to long. "Brad said. "True. I don't like to sit still for more then two seconds. " she said.
"So you think that micheal gorden was not a rober or a stalker ? "Brad asked."I am bbeginning to question it b." she answered. "Then what is he tessi? "Brad asked. "He is a pety thief.if he was a hit man or assasasion they could be better choices. Then why was he at there house? "She asked.
"I don't believe that this is a robbery  gone wrong. That could put the grants story in doubt. Perhaps they were lying but I have no proof. "She said.
"The grants said They lived in indiana before moving hear. They lived near Cleveland. " he said. "If they were spying on me. Where does gorden fit in. Why ? I get it the relief groups interlocking coperate sister group did not want me exposing there activities. What would they do? Blackmail me? "Tessi said.
Detectives Greer and Morgan entered."if you kept that frown it is going to become permanent."tessi said "because your the first person to mention that. "Morgan said in response. " what do you have ?" brad asked.
"Well Morgan was inside your house.we found pictures of him in your house in his was not photo shoped. This blows the wrong house theory. " Morgan said.
"Then are the grants suspects in a potential murder?"tess said. " I can't discus that. My superiors have decided that your not at risk any more. I am releasing you from protective custody. Be carefull. "Morgan said.
There lap top and phone was returned. They went home. They saw the police at the neighbors. Tesi did some research. "Tessa bear what have you found out?"he asked. "Ron and becka have a joint Facebook account. It was created the day before they moved hear. I am not finding any face book a count prior. "She said.
"Late comers to the world of social media?"brad asked. "All of There friends are part are from the church. No family no relatives. "She said. "Sounds like there social media life is confined hear. "He said. "His college is listed as Robert McAllister university. Class of 2009. "She said.
She took her phone and called a friend who worked at r.m.u. "hey roj it's Teresa graves. "She said.
"Hey what's up?"he said. "Look did you have a student named Ron Grant?"she asked. "I started in 2005. I know everyone. Especialy the guys. I don't know Ron grant!" he said. He checked his data base. "Yes there was not a Ron Grant. "He said.
"Your sure?"she asked. "Yes there was no Ron Grant. " he said. "Did you have a Rebecca simkons?"she asked."yes she graduated in 09. Tess she was a missionary on extended home assignment.she is in her fithties. " he said.
"Someone used your school as There. Post high school seams this was a lie. "She said." well I would rather not have someone pretending to be from our school. For what reason is did Mr. Grant fake attending out school?" he asked. "I don't know yet rojer. " she answered.
After getting off the phone with rojer. She called the edwell industries. She asked if Ron worked there the person she talked to said that he did.
"He does work for edwell. "She said. "If he was fake how did he get to work for edwell? It is one of the biggest corporations In the sate. " he said. She checked for a connection between edwel and the south Sudan relief group.
"The chairman of the bored of edwell is on the bored of s.s.r.g. " she said."they are watching you. Your. Not the only one sceptical of the. South Sudan relief fund. Why target you? "Brad asked. "That is a good question. Who was Morgan? What was his connection to Grant " she asked.
"Mayby its common for sceptics to be kept under observation. Maybe they were just spying. Making sure you did not go too far. " brad said.
There was a knock on the door. They opened it was detective Morgan. "The grants are gone. There car is stil hear." the detectective said. "Are they considered fugitives?" tess asked.
"Well becca did schot someone.they are being investigated. Yes they are fugitives.oddly enough my superiors were stil considering this justifiable homicide." Morgan said.
"Now?"brad asked. "It does not look good !" Greer said. "The grants are fakes. I did some checking. They never excisted prior to moving hear. The Christian university he claimed to attend never heard of him. He does work for edwel. "She said.
"Please tell me you don't think edwel is involved in something criminal.they are very politically connected statewide and beyond."Greer said.
"I doubt edwel did not know that he was a fake. "She said "look tess. I know your x military. I know every government agency from fbi,cia even the agriculture department and library of congress wanted you. Your a civilian so please be carefull."Morgan said.
She did as much research as she could. She looked for information on moya There baby girl.  They looked at her listed home town on Facebook. A baby girl was born on the day they listed as her birthday.
"Oh my. B a baby was kidnapped while in the hospital. This is a sketch  of a kidnapper." she said . "that is definitely becca grant. "Brad said.
"How did edwel not know this? Why would they cover for the grants. Why did they kidnap  moya? "Tess said.
"Ok so to recap.a petty thief involved in home invasion is killed . he stalk you. He was killed by a couple who kidnapped a baby and has ties to a major cooperation. A company with ties to a charity that is a front for arms smuggling.we have five or six unrelated events. Yet they have to be related don't they?" brad asked."there has to be a connection of some kind. "She said.
That night they was a knock at the door. She wanted to go out but brad insisted.he went down the stairs. He walked to the door. He opened the door. It was the last person he expected. It was Ron grant. He was holding moya.
"Look I need your help. " Ron said. Tes's came down the stairs. "Tess I made a mistake. " Ron said. "Explain!"she said.
End of part five

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tim and Julia Nicole (the party)

In a small church,everyone knew every one else. Nothing was not noticed. Tim figured that. He and Julia Nicole 's new relationship would be noticed. He was glad that he had gotten the permison of her farther. It was easier now. He knew that people would notice. It was bound to happen. It was natural.
It would stil take time to a just. He did not like being the center of attention.he never did. He considered waiting for het to arrive . he decided not to. 
He sat down in the auditorium. He started to  look up. "How long have you been standing there?" he asked." couple of seconds! "She said. He smiled. She Sat down. She took his hand. He was not sure he was comfortable with hand holding especially at church. He decided to go with it.
"I heard you talked to my dad?"she said. "I have talked to your dad on many occasions. "He said. She poked him. "Yes we did. I got his permission to see you. I am not ready to become an official couple." he said.
"Why not? "She asked. "We should take it slow."he said. "Afraid you will get sick of me?"she asked. "Of course not. There Is need to rush this."he said. "Your right. "She said.
An older lady came over to her. "So do you two have something you want to tell me?"Mrs Osborn said. They both smiled. "We are informal for now but we will see."he said. "I am happy  for You two. I think you make a nice couple."She said.
They thanked her. She moved on. "Are you ashamed to be around me?"she asked."no of course not. It is just that you and I becoming a couple or potential couple is bound to be a topic of conversation. We might be a source of controversy especially given our age difference!"he said. "Because your so old?"she asked laughing. "No!"he said .
Mrs . Grainger saw them sitting together. Mrs.Grainger was a widow.she was a strong presence in the church. They had been missionaries to Argentina before his health forced them to return to the states.
She went over to them. "I have been praying for you two to get together to get together for a while now.I believe that the Lord will do great things with you two. "Mrs. Granger said . "thank you.we certainly want the Lord to use us and our relationship. "Julia Nicole said. "I know he will!"Mrs.Grainger said .
Julia Nicole laughed. "We are a smal church in a smal town. You are going to have to get use to The attention. It will die down . other news will take over. "She said . " ok!"he said.
After the service,many stayed around and talked for a bit. Tim and Julie talked to people. He walked her to her car. "Your a little uptight?"she commented. "Perhaps a little. "He said.
They said there good byes. He went to his car and drove home. The day seamed to be mixed. It probably could have gone better.
Julie was not sure how to process the day. Some of it went very well. Other parts was not as good. Perhaps that was how it was.
During the week,Tim was busy with his two business. He had an accounting firm and an antique store.that kept him buisy. Julie was kept buisy with her work.
Tim went home from work. His phone went off. He saw that it was sister. "Hi miss!" he said . "Tim I was hoping to have you and Julie over for dinner this week. " she said. "What day are you looking at?"he asked. "Wendsday if It is good for Julie but I am flexible."she said. "I will get in touch with Jules and get back to you."he said. "Oh ok! Sure!"she said.
He hung up with his sister. He immediately called julie. Julie was at home when her cell phone went off. She picked it up. "Hey Tim!"she said."hey Jules.missy wants to have us over for dinner. "He said.
"Oh! Yea that would be good!"julie said.julie was not expecting that. She did not know melisa well. She knew her from church. They had engaged in chit chat hear and there. They were cordial but not close.  She was not sure she was ready to hang out with her potentiall future sister in law quite yet.
"Are you available Wednesday night?"Tim asked. "Yea. Wendsday is good. "She said. She was nervous about it but did not say that. "Awsome. I will call missy back and tell her. "He said. "Ok cool!"she responded.
She was nervous about it she did not know why. Melisa seemed like a nice lady. She got the impreson that Tim and her were close. She probably needed to be on good terms with her. She wanted to be in good relations with his family .
She was surprised given that Tim seemed to wanted to slow down a bit.this seemed to accelerating things. She surmised that this was probably Melissa's idea. He was going along with it.
"So I will get back to you with any final details. "He said."ok sure!"she answered. Then they hung up.
She was really not sure about all this.perhaps it was because they had not had a particular good week.she decided she did want to go. She did hope that they would have a better week.
Wednesday arrived. She work until three thirty. She went home. She changed. She decided to go mostly casual. She hoped that she and Melissa would get along. Melisa had three kids. A six year old boy,a two-year old boy and a three mouth old baby girl. Melissa's husband was overseas in the army. She was ready to go.
As usual ,Tim was early. She anticipated that. She was ready. She went out. She went into the car. He hugged her. He was stil not sure about physical contact. He still did not get the courage to tell her that he was not comfortable with physical display of affections.
The drive form her house to Melissa's was a couple of minutes. Before they knew it they were there. He parked. They went inside.
"Hi Julia!"melisa said. "Hi!"julie said."I a really glad you can come. I know we don't know each other well but I hope to change all that."Melissa saId."I would like that too." julie said.
"So I am wondering who liked who first."missy asked at meal time. "I think I liked him first. "Julie said. "I suspected . I once asked him once but he hemmed and hawed. When you two decided to go out I figured it was only a matter of time. "She said.
"How did you meat your husband?"Julie asked. "When I was at college I went to a church near a military base. We met at church.I had no idea he was in the service. "She  said.
"I put him though the ringer. "He said "he was not that bad. They liked each other instantly. "Melissa said. "My parents like him. We have there approval. "Julie said .
"Our family is due for another wedding. "Melisa said . "so far only missy and my other brother are the only ones maried"he said. "No presue though. Just saying it would be nice to have another weeding."Melisa said.
After the meal,Tim was playing with the boys. Julie helped Melisa with clearing the table."so anything I should know about Tim?"she asked."well he spends an hour organizing his sock drawer and is still unhappy."She said. "I am not surprised."julie said. "If you borow a book from him return it exactly where you found it. He organizes book by dewy decimal syistom.I am not joking!"Melisa said. "I will keep that in mind."julie said.
"Do you think you will two will get maried?"she asked."I really hope so. I want to. "Julie said. "You would make a fine addition to The family. I would be pleased to have you as a sister in law."She said. "Thanks you that means a lot. "Julie said.
End of part 4

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Blind date part 11

After a few false starts mat and Abby decided to give there relationship a cance. Could two people so different make it work? Both knew that the early days would be difficult. They knew that the odds were againset them.
The next day Matt read the daily devotional from an independent Baptist publication. It talked about  how God's original institution is the family. That the family is a picture of Christ and the church. What the world needs is godly parents sold out to the Lord. They need godly husbands and feathers.
Without thinking He though of Abby. He imagined her as his wife and mother of his children. Abby just popped into his head. He remember the phrase in most marriage vows about forsaking all others.
Could he do that. Was he ready to embrace Abby no matter what. He felt compelled to do so. He felt like he was voun asked to.
He always felt that God created a spouse for the other person.he never did believe it was chance. He believe that it was a specific person.he could not prove it. That was why He had always been so guarded.there was only one time that he had wavered. Oh how he regretted that.
He considered his future.the more he did,the more he saw her. The more he was certain she was the made no sense. He was more and more convinced . He was at peace. He realized that if it was God's will. He had a plan. That blind date was no  accident. That was quite an epithiny. One he was not expecting.
He had longed viewed it as the former. Now He saw it from a different light. He was ready to embrace it and her. He decided to shift the question from will this work to how do we make this work? He decided to start at this will work and go from there.
Abby and Jill had gotten up. Abby saw that her phone went off. She went over and picked it up. She did not recognize the number. "Hello!"she said.
"Hi Abby?"the voice on the other end of the phone asked. "Yes this is Abby!"she told her. "This is Matt's sister Kathy. "She said. "Oh hi ? How are you? "Abby asked. "Good. Can you and your roommate be ready in 20 minutes?"Kathy asked. "I gues. "She said. "Good . we are taking you out to breakfast. " She said. "Ok!"Abby said . "see you in 20 minutes. "Kathy said. She had a hundred questiones. Before she could ask them the phone clicked.
"What was that about?"Jill asked. "Apearently you and I are going out to breakfast with Matt's sister. We got twenty minutes to get ready. "She said. "Ok!"Jill said.
The two were ready. The two went to the car. In the car was Kathy,alisha and there mom. "Hi ! Jill this is mats sister Kathy,alisha and there mom Anna. "She said. They exchanged greetings.
"Are you a ministerial student as well?"Kathy asked. "Yes. That's how we met!"Jill said. "So Kath do you drive like mat?"Abby asked."no I try to drive the speed limit. I don't speed but I don't drive one mile a day either. "Kathy said."that's good!" Abby said.
They sat down at the restaurant. Abby was a huge coffee drinker. Everyone who knew her knew that. "Do you drink coffee?"Anna asked."I do. "Abby said."that is a big understatement. She drink at least a pot a day! "Jill said. "That is a bit of an exaduation!"Abby said. "Not by much!"Jill said .
"I am quite a coffee drinker.right now I have stoped for obvious reason."Anna said. "Ali does not drink coffe?"Kathy said. "I don't get how anyone can drink it!"alisha said ."every family have an odd one!'kathy said. They all laughed.
"So I wanted to kinda welcome you to the family. "Kathy said. "Well Matt and I are still a New couple. I am not sure we are a couple yet. I like the sentiment but this might be a bit premature. "Abby said.
"I don't think so.I know my brother . I am prety sure your stuck with us!"kathy said. "I knew the two of them were ment for each other the first day she cane home after the date. " Jill said.
"So other then kathy,he never mentioned me?"Abby asked. "That's not that unusual. He is prety private. "Alisha said. "He made the Deans list at college we never knew it. "Anna said. "Why is he so private?"Abby asked. "He always has been. I am not sure why. " Anna said.
"He is a good student?"she asked."He was not always.he struggled with math and grammar. In college he has dealt pushed himself. It has paid off."his mom said.
"He is quite involved in the church?"Abby asked. "He is. My husband is mentoring him. He has done a lot of preaching.He teaches Sunday school. He visit with his farther and does door to door visit. He is involved in the leadership. He sit in on deacons meetings and takes over when his father Is away.we are quite proud of him" Anna said. "When he is determined to do something.he puts everything into it. "Kathy said.
"I could see that. "Abby said. "Are you a good student?'"alisha asked."yes She is. She usually has a 4.0 g.p.a. she is a workaholic. " Jill said ."I do push myself at Times."Abby said.
"Matt is a bit of a workaholic. He pushes himself. "Kathy said. "He is also very competitive. "Alisha said."I have played volley ball and ping pong with him!"Abby said. "You will have to watch him play soft ball. It is a sight to see.he really gets into it."Anna said. "I can only imagine!"kathy said. "Don't play scrable with him!"alisha said. "I will keep that in mind. "Abby said.
"I gues I shocked everyone When I came over. It was not my intent ."Abby said. "She tends to do that. "Jill said. "We knew that that was not your intent. I think it's good we met. "Anna said. "You will be stuck with us for quite some time!"alisha said. "And vice versa.Abby is a hand full!"Jill said. "Funny!" Abby said. "I have to say I was not sure How I would be received. "Abby said.
"In another situation we might have reacted differently. "Anna said . "I have felt very welcome. Thank you.I don't know you well yet but I am pleased to get to know you.if things work out I would be honoured  to be a part of your family. "Abby said. "I am glad to have met you!"Anna said. "I am hoping that we can become friends!"kathy said. "I would like that. "Abby told her.
After a while they left the restaurant.they went to the car. "I am really glad we got to do this. I am really looking forward to getting to know you more. You really make me feel welcomed.thank you."Abby said.
"I am looking forward to getting to know you more. I have a feeling that we will be seing more of you. " Anna said. "I have a feeling that's true "Abby said they all said. There goodbyes.
"What do you think mom?"kathy asked. "She is very down to earth.not what I expected. I am starting to see what he sees."Anna said. "She makes a good addition to the family."Kathy said. "Hopefully we did not scare her away!"alisha said. "I think we are ok."Anna said.
"Your future in laws? "Jill said. "I think so.I like them."Abby said. "I doo too. Those are th first fundy I have really talked to. " Jill said. "Those are the first I have talked to in dept. "She said.
Anna and her two oldest daughters came into the house. "Where did you go off to?"Matt asked. "We went out for cofee with Abby and her roommate."Kathy said. "Really? I had no idea you were going to !"He said. "We decided not to tell you . basically so you could bot warn her about us."alisha said. "So that's why! How did you go?"Matt asked. "Verry well. "There mom said. "That's good."he said.
He was surprised. He had no idea that they planed on doing that. He was glad that they did. It was starting to become more and more real. He was looking forward to seing her again.
End of part 11




Saturday, October 1, 2016

Case of the next door neighbor part four.

Brad was very old fasshoned. In Manny ways he and tessi were night and day different. When they met,he had no idea she had been in the military. She was very girlie in civilian life. He had no idea and was quite surprised when he found out.
They hung out at church functions.then they started to see eachorther out of church. Then he found out that she was in the military.he was shocked. He had some doubts after he found out. The differences were Manny. They broke up a few times before they finally decided to stay together in the long term.
He made It home as soon as he could. He ran to the house. Tessi tried to be calm and cool and colectedm usually she was stoic. She showed no fear. Not today.
She ran to his embrace.he held on to her. After a few seconds of both trying to regain there composure they were somewhat back to normal. He held on to her.
"This is at this point just a precaution. I want to get your wife and family to her mothers. We are going to search the house. We are also going to check your office. We don't want to take any chances. "Detective Morgan said.
"Then you don't think that there is an imminent threat to tessi ?"brad asked."I have no idea .I am assuming that there is until I have evidence to the contary. "Morgan answered.
Brad found it hard. He took it all in. He tried to be tough.he found it hard not to look at every aspect of life though the prism of accounting.he tried to crunch the numbers in his head. He tried to calculate the odds. The numbers did not add up.
Brad,tessi and her kids were escorted to there mini van. The mini van was escorted to her mom's house. The transport went off without a hitch.
As soon as the minivan was out if range ,detective Morgan authorized the police department and other allied agency to get to work.
They brought in bomb sniffing dogs.they also brought in technology experts to check for servelience devices.
At her mom's house both tried to present there best face. Tessi and her mom were very close. Her mom tried to discourage her from going into the army. That was an exercise in futility.she was glad when she was discharged. She was glad when she got married and had kids. She loved her grandkids.
"Are you guys alright?"her mom asked."the police are being over caacious. "Tess tried to assure her mom. "I worry about you! She has always been strong willed. " her mom said. "I can believe that!"he said.she poked him with a mild jab.
She fed her baby then got to work on her lab top. "What are you doing love?"brad asked. "Reserch ! I can't just sit around and do nothing know me I have a bad case of can't sit still syndrome !"she said."yea I know !"he said.
"I don't get it b ! This makes no sense. I have a photographic memory . I have no memory of ever seing morgan. Yet he has been tailing me for mouths. I have no idea why. "She said.
"Alright this case seemed pretyclear cut . a petty theef and criminal is seems like a simple case of a robery gone bad. It all made sense. It seemed cut and dry. The simplest explanation is not true. It seams that he was stalking you.why? Like you said he seams to have no connection to you." he said.
"It is odd. I am on his face book page. He likes crime dramas. He also is a huge fan of the show friends. He seams to love beyoncie and Kenny Rodgers !"tessi said. "That's an odd combination." he said.
"He writes poetry. Its romantic it is kinda sweet . "she said. "Really tessi ? This man is a home invader and a stalker. How can you admire his work?"he asked. "I cant maintain a detachment b ! " she said. "Me not so much!"he said .
Detective Morgan came in. He did not look happy. "You like a farther about to tell his little girl that her puppy died. " she said.
"Your right I am afraid. " Morgan said. "What's the bad news,"tessi asked. Brad never understood why tess handled serious situations in a jovial manor. At times it drove him nuts. She never understood how he considered everything to be a crises. To him a paper cut was def con one. . "alright we found What can only be described as improvised explosive device or I.e.ds . the devices were never fully activated. It may be an idle threat. We also found servalience devices. We suspect That they were placed a mounts ago. " Morgan said.
"Woa! Your theory was that Morgan was stalking tessi but went into the wrong house.This blows up that theory does it not?" brad asked.  "It does put that theory in doubt. "Grer said.
"If he knew where we live. Why was he in the neighbors house?"tessi asked. "We don't know yet. We are working on it. " Morgan said.
"Look we found ied in your husband's car. We want to check your car. We also want to check your laptop for mal whare. "Greer said.
Tessi was reluctant to turn over her lap top. She had several oppen cases.she decided not to fight it. Sure enough the car was loaded with explosives. The lap top was infected with mallware.
She was being spied on. Someone was preparing to attack her if he or they had to. Was this a case of a stalker with a scorched earth mantilility or something else?
"The good news is that this house is clear. Your office is clear Mr. Carpenter. While the evidence still indicates that the threat was confined with Mr. Morgan whoever we are continuing protective custody while the investigation goes forward. "Greer said.
  Tess waited for the officers to leave. She talked to her husband " you have a thought of several Tessa bear I can tell!"He said.
"The servalience devices were implanted a month ago. I began the vetting of the South Sudan relief fund.what if this is related to that."she said. 
"You think the s.s.r.f is spying on you?"brad asked."this investigation has rattled some feathers. Even the mild mannered earnie is a bit perturbed. " she said.
"Is the spy ware and the ieds unrelated? A coincidence?"He asked."Maybe but I have no idea.nothing about this make sense. "She said.
"Ok . wait a minute our neighbors moved  in a month ago. " he commented. "Your not suggesting they are spies of some kind are you b?"he asked. "Possibly.  "He said.
End of part four.